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Fantasia (a WIP)

TServo2049 said:

The sound mix is a major problem with the Blu-Ray. It's been processed to within an inch of its life; the tape hiss removal sounds to have taken a lot of the ambiance and echo with it. I've also read complaints that the directionality was messed up.


The dynamic panning was in the front for the DVD. It's now at the sides/back for the BD. If you do a custom downmix, it would sound about the same, surprisingly (minus the phantom/physical center issues).

EDIT: I'm almost sure, The 2000 DVD, in addition to the reverb that was already there, they added a bit more. The BD they didn't add reverb - the rears sound direct.

Help with Adobe Premiere Pro Audio

With Premiere CC, you may be able to do basic syncing with multichannel audio. PPRO treats mch WAV files as n x mono (grouped) audio clips. Assuming you have a 6-8ch wav, make a new sequence with "multichannel" 6 or 8 for the audio master.

Then assign your audio channels to the appropriate pairs (1+2, 3+4) in the audio mixer. Don't for get to pan the tracks L & R alternately.

Group the clip with the video & Make your cuts.

Monitoring will be hard.

You should then be able to export in your desired format (SR, bits, #ch).

For 6ch/5.1, monitoring & assigning the channels will be easier.


PPRO's actually bad support for editing files already in 6+ch is bad, which is why I don't use it unless I really have to.

Fantasia (a WIP)

Hello & thank you Poita & others for sourcing and helping with Fantasia.

I'm interested in Disney audio because recent BD releases leave something to be desired, especially fantasia. I was alerted to this thread by an existing member.

As you know, Fantasound is really 3ch + control tones (possibly for panning & dynamics?). How do you plan on applying that to the captured print or is that already taken care of?

Is there a predetermined audio capture format that you're planning on using/have used (samplerate/depth/channels)?

Would it be possible to upload semi/raw audio, perhaps after panning & dynamics (& sync) but before denoising (& EQ) so that me &/ others can tinker with the audio?

Are there any other changes (perhaps according to audio documents?) that should be applied to the audio to sound proper (ie, EQ curves, ?)


I've had a look at FNT audio from the BDs, and it's relatively easy to make it sound somewhat like the 2000 DVDs by simple channel swapping/mixing, etc.

The phonerip has a gentle roll-off after 8k, and the strings sound strange, which I'm hoping this mag cap will better.

The '89 version by Irwin Kostal (CD) somehow won't sync to the BD, even though it was apparently targeted for theatrical & home release.

I capped a 'selections from fantasia' LP ('70), which ofc won't sync.


I don't have much BW per month so sharing my changes as HQ audio files may be difficult. I can upload small files, though.