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Napoleon Dynamite 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

I finally took the time to try to sync up the 5.1 track from the bluray to Napoleon Dynamite. The last third of the movie was the hard part because that’s where all the missing frames are. Especially the little chunk in the grocery store. The missing part is where Uncle Rico tells Napoleon “What do you think money grows on trees in this family, take it back.”. Instead of just putting in frames from the bluray I decided to try to sync it up as best I could. This is only the open matte version, and the file size is smaller than V1.0 but it’s still 4K. This is also 10bit color rather than 12 bit color. Sorry but 30 minutes of encoding sounded better than another 16 hour 2 pass 12bit encode :p. People who donated will receive the link in a few hours. If I forget one of you, let me know. Also feel free to tell me if I messed up the audio lol.

Toy Story (1995)– 4K 35mm Scan [WIP– Donations Still Needed!!]

AwesomeJ said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

littlejoe416 said:

I think the people behind this are purposely dragging their feet because of the leaks but that’s lame. Imo

nah, Trist is just a very busy dude

Dude’s in college and dealing with personal stuff, I’m sure he’ll be back on the project soon. Also, considering the film reel is in Australia, who knows what’s going on down there?

He’s also got multiple projects going on if I’m not mistaken.

Info & Help: looking for... 1990's episodes of VH1's 'Behind The Music'?

Mielr said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

https://archive.org/details/blondie-behind-the-music There’s also a decent amount here.

Thanks! I really appreciate it. I’ve been looking for that episode for a while, hopefully now I’ll have some luck. 😃

Someone will eventually reply to you in the comments. I used to download everything that’s posted there because I was actively helping people find some of the lost ones. I’ve been focusing on other stuff though. A few were found with some questionable means lol.

Info & Help: looking for... 1990's episodes of VH1's 'Behind The Music'?

Mielr said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

Mielr said:

kopke44x said:

I have some but not all of them.

Do you have the KC & The Sunshine Band episode?

https://lostmediawiki.com/Behind_The_Music_(partially_lost_VH1_documentary_series;_1997-2014) ask in the comments here. There was two working links at one point in the comments.

Thanks, but unfortunately the link for that episode only leads to a trailer for that episode that I uploaded to my YouTube channel a few years ago. 😄 Good site, though.

They don’t update the actual list very often. You have to go down to the comments. You’ll see that the full episode was posted twice in the comment section but the links are dead. That’s why I said ask in the comments for someone to reupload it 😃.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

zombi51 said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

zombi51 said:

hello, are you also interested in working on other 35mm films by Stuart Gordon?

For example From Beyond 1986 ?

Are you asking if I want to do a scan together? Or if I will do more scans of his movies? I can rent a few of his movies. But I’ve got so many things listed that I want to do. From Beyond and Robot Jox would be fun to do one day though.

It was simply a curiosity.

If you also liked other films by Stuart Gordon.

Ya I like his movies. And if I had lots and lots of money I’d probably already have From Beyond and Robot Jox scanned lol. I’ve got the Arrow Video Enter the Video Store: Empire of Screams set that has Robot Jox in it. It looks pretty good.

Apocalypse Now - Willards Odyssey (A discussion about the workprint and the The various release versions unseen cut)

Workprints in general are usually pointless to upscale. It’s not really because of the source medium, they are intentionally terrible quality for various reasons. You can get a good 720p or 1080p upscale of good quality VHS transfers. But almost every workprint is below even VHS quality. There are some like the Fast and the Furious workprint that isn’t intentionally made to be terrible quality because it was created for college students to edit with and experiment with putting music to a movie. But it’s still VHS quality.

Apocalypse Now - Willards Odyssey (A discussion about the workprint and the The various release versions unseen cut)

The Apocalypse Now workprint is not sourced from a VHS, it’s from a VCD. That’s why the full quality original version is split into 3 discs. But either way, there’s not enough information for Topaz to do anything. You’ll end up with 3 eyes on people and shit lol.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

zombi51 said:

hello, are you also interested in working on other 35mm films by Stuart Gordon?

For example From Beyond 1986 ?

Are you asking if I want to do a scan together? Or if I will do more scans of his movies? I can rent a few of his movies. But I’ve got so many things listed that I want to do. From Beyond and Robot Jox would be fun to do one day though.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

I finished the open matte encodes for Re-Animator. Here’s the mediainfo for the full quality version. https://pastebin.com/v4scq1pv. Another known person here who does scans is going to handle syncing the audio up for a V2.0. He will also be doing a regrade of the scan. This will be sent out to donors whenever he does it. He’s far more talented than I am at this stuff.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

a_purist said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

a_purist said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

It looks like the person who did the scanning had some trouble syncing up the bluray tracks and he’s really busy so he can’t spend anymore time working on it. I’m going to see what I can do. If I can’t figure it out I know someone who should be able to.

There can be problems with syncing because of this:

1h 24min(84 min) (United Kingdom)
1h 26min(86 min) (unrated)
1h 33min(93 min) (R-rated) (United States)
1h 45min(105 min) (Integral) (Germany)

What is the runtime of this 4k 35mm scan?

This is the unrated cut. The tracks from the Arrow Video bluray are all unrated. But they still seem to drift out of sync.

I really don’t understand why the unrated is 7 minutes shorter when the r-rated is supposed to be cut.

https://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=5046980#:~:text=Director’s Cut%2FUnrated%3A The unrated,like this as it is.
They added scenes and extended some others.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

a_purist said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

It looks like the person who did the scanning had some trouble syncing up the bluray tracks and he’s really busy so he can’t spend anymore time working on it. I’m going to see what I can do. If I can’t figure it out I know someone who should be able to.

There can be problems with syncing because of this:

1h 24min(84 min) (United Kingdom)
1h 26min(86 min) (unrated)
1h 33min(93 min) (R-rated) (United States)
1h 45min(105 min) (Integral) (Germany)

What is the runtime of this 4k 35mm scan?

This is the unrated cut. The tracks from the Arrow Video bluray are all unrated. But they still seem to drift out of sync.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

https://www.swisstransfer.com/d/e2cc8545-d28f-4a56-9bdc-848e8cddf1a4 Here’s a sample of the Re-Animator scan along with the same scene from the Arrow Video bluray and the Elite Entertainment DVD so you can compare it. This was a quick H264 encode. The final one will be a H265 12bit encode like Napoleon was. This isn’t the best looking scene from the scan, but this was just a quick and easy sample I chose for comparisons.

Re-Animator(1985) 4K 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

Hello everyone, I’m doing a 35mm scan of the classic horror movie Re-Animator. Like Napoleon Dynamite, this was paid for upfront by me. Just have to recoup the funds. There will be a high quality 4k open matte encode and a high quality 4k widescreen encode. I am a little torn on whether to do the widescreen encode in 1.85:1 like it was in theaters, or 1.78:1 like it is on most home releases. Everyone who donates, let me know what you think sounds better and I’ll just do whatever has the most picks. Personally I’m leaning towards 1.85:1 to stay truer towards a more “theatrical” presentation. For the audio, the optical mono track from the print had some fluttering in some places according the person who did the scanning. He tried to clean it up as best he could, but he also generously synced up the tracks from the blu-ray for me for replacements. The optical mono track will still be included, but just thought I’d let people know. Some screenshots of the previews are below. They aren’t representative of what the full quality will look like. 95%+ of the print is in amazing shape, and the person scanning did an incredible job once again. Really excited for this one! If you want to donate just let me know. The project goal is 700 dollars.


Total raised: 420/700
0x897673 OT:15
spennser OT:10
rwzmjl OT:15
Anon Discord:20
YellowJaguar OT:10
blinky8 OT:25
kingofthestreets OT:50
TonyAniante OT:20
Anon Discord:25
Greifff OT: 20
Ryan27thecool OT:40
mrsupporte OT: 10
monstermidget OT: 25
therossman OT: 20
anon Discord: 10
littlejoe416 OT: 40
dixonchase OT: 10
Dek Rollings OT: 20
atohmdiy OT: 30

Napoleon Dynamite 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

rwzmjl said:

RipThomas said:

Does anyone know if this has been leaked yet? I’m looking for a link on RuTracker and Discord but haven’t found one yet. I’m interested in uploading this to the Archive.


Are you joking? Go back just a couple of posts and you’ll see OP saying they DO NOT want the release being leaked.

Is it out of line to say that people who ask openly for this sort of thing should be banned from this site?

I’m pretty sure I know who this is. The shitposting sounds familiar from some old posts on here lol. Also with some help from someone I was able to convert the mka to wav without anything being cut off. I’ll do a V2.0 with the DTS track added and send it to donors someday. Probably won’t do a BD50 encode though. Just the full quality encodes.

Napoleon Dynamite 35mm scan(V2.0 released)

rwzmjl said:

imsorrydave2448 said:

https://pastebin.com/MgZ4tyeE Here’s the mediainfo for the full quality open matte version. Figured 94 Mb/s is a good enough bitrate. VLC seems to stutter a lot so I recommend playing the full quality file with MPV. I did an initial DNxHR 444 12 bit encode of all 6 reels into a single file with Davinci Resolve. That file came out to 927GB. Then I did a x265 12 bit encode with Handbrake because I always seem to have issues with 265 encoding in Resolve. I had problems with the DTS track from the bluray so it won’t be included. Idk if it’s my bluray disc or what but every time I convert the DTS track into a wav file it gets messed up.

Handbrake is far better than Resolve when it comes to h265, especially if you set “tune” to “grain” under the Encoder Options.

Will the scan hypothetically sync up with the blu-ray audio track? Because I can try muxing them together. Shouldn’t be too difficult with MKVToolNix (and the DTS track doesn’t necessarily need to be converted to wav).

I’m pretty sure I have to convert it to wav because Resolve doesn’t support MKV or MKA files, at least for editing. And if I just rencode everything at 23.98 FPS so I can just attach it in Handbrake or MKVToolNix, I don’t know if it will end up slightly out of sync. When I convert it to wav, the audio starts when Napoleon and Pedro are talking about Pedro’s bike for some reason. But the MKA file is perfectly fine. When I do V2 sometime later I’ll do a test encode at 23.98 and attach the MKA in MKVToolNix to see if it’s out of sync.