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(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress)

Darth Sadifous said:

I like what you are doing with Boba, trying to integrate him into season three. The audio exchange isn’t completely there yet, but I definetly see what you are going for. I think less may be more. It seems a little too wordy as I know you are trying to sell the new plot through dialogue and insert in some legend’s material. Also, I would let the subtitles for the mando language stay on screen for slighly longer, they are a bit abrupt.

“Sorry, I can’t join you (just) yet. The Hutts are (already) showing interest in my territory. But I will be there when you need me.”

"Check again for a ping from Skywalker('s acedemy on Ossus).

I was thinking the same thing actually, no need for some of those words and phrases.

Acbagel, I feel like I remember seeing this somewhere, but have you already/do you plan on integrating Mando’a into your earlier movies? I can imagine it being pretty jarring otherwise, especially for someone like Boba to speak it since he hasn’t typically lived alongside Mandalorians.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold (WIP)

Just clicked on this thread out of curiosity, and WOAH that new Leia death scene hits so much harder than I was expecting. Daisy Ridley’s performance surprisingly works really well with this change. Amazing work blending the edits in.

The main thing I can think of is somehow communicating the cost that Force healing requires, either earlier on or in that moment, because the stakes aren’t entirely clear until after Leia dies.

Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

The overarching title could use something like Omnibus or Collection? I know that there is some rearranging of scenes but since the intent is presenting the story arcs as they are, I feel like collection-related words get that point across well.

As for the movie titles, maybe movie one could be “Incitement”? Or something implying an awakening to one’s surroundings or reality.

I don’t have anything off the top of my head for movie two, but there seems to be a theme of fragility being explored or exploited in the different plots? I’m working from memory here so I could be off.

Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

I think you’re absolutely on the right track, something about the sacrifices made for a bigger cause would be perfect.

Maybe something using the word Martyr or Martyrdom? It gets at the idea of sacrifice from a character-based perspective, and it’s definitely not a word a lot of project titles have used.

Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

EddieDean said:

If anyone has any ideas for a name for this subfranchise, let me know. And any simple poster art would be welcomed.

I could just call it ‘Andor: Refocused’, to keep it on brand, but I don’t really have a strong feeling. ‘Andor: Four Movies, Nothing Removed’ could also be useful to illustrate what it is. My current project working title is simply AndorByFour, but at the end of the day this’ll be nine things.

I know that having Andor in the name would do a lot for recognition, but there’s so much going on that isn’t related to Cassian Andor, especially if Rogue One ends up being a part of this.

“Spark of Rebellion” feels so overdone at this point, but maybe some sort of name like that which captures the idea that this is the story of how a Rebellion is formed?

Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

As a huge Andor lover myself, an edit like this keeping everything intact is the only kind I’d ever watch! So mark me down as interested.

Making 8 movies out of Andor’s two seasons would also make for a nice round nine-ilogy? ennealogy (I had to look that one up) when paired with Rogue One… just an idea, in case you’re a fan of satisfying numbers.

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

Hey all!

As y’all have probably assumed by this point, this edit is sorta “on hold” at the moment.

There’s a number of reasons behind this, but the main one is that real life got in the way. No family tragedies or anything, I just end up keeping myself busy!

Another reason is scope creep. The amount of VFX and neural networking that this project relied on made for a very daunting first fanedit, the reality of which didn’t really set in with me until I sunk my teeth into the first episode and realized how much I was in over my head.

Finally, now that it’s been several months since the conclusion of Mando Season 3, I’ve found myself not feeling super inspired to even tackle the edit in the first place. The direction that the Mandalorian-related Star Wars projects are going just isn’t something that excites me enough to prioritize editing this season. I’m hoping this changes with Ahsoka, but as of right now Mando just hasn’t been sticking with me.

So what does this mean for the project? I’m gonna officially put this as “on hold” for the foreseeable future. I’d love to come back to this when I’m more skilled and more inspired, but I don’t have the talent or the passion right now to make this what it ought to be. I have other simpler fanedit ideas, and hopefully that’ll help me hone my skills and give me something else to give to this community.

Many apologies for such a late response by the way! It sounds a little weird, but it’s all too easy to forget that y’all are real people when all I see are anonymous forum users. This post should’ve come to y’all sooner.

See you soon, either working on this project or another one!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

losthead said:

That sounds fairly seamless! I hope it’s reasonably possible to vfx R5 over in the appropriate places, I really like how this builds up R5’s arc as you mentioned.

Yeah, the VFX will be a bit of a hurdle but I was going to have to figure out how to composite R5 anyways for some later shots, so now I just gotta learn sooner!

(Now that I’m thinking about it, kinda weird that they made the bubble for Grogu only to barely use it, huh?)

I was thinking about this when I was writing up that last post too! Strange little thing. If I go down this route then the bubble’s officially dead in this edit sadly.

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

Okay, I think I came up with a decent solution to the R5 issue in Chapter 17.

Basically, Din would get R5 at the same time as the N-1, as losthead suggested, but not for the purpose of spelunking (since Din has no plans to go to Mandalore yet); instead, Peli insists that an astromech is an essential part of a starfighter like the N-1, and Din reluctantly accepts since he just needs a ship.

Things play out similarly from there: Din goes to Kalevala, decides to go to the Living Waters, then goes to Nevarro to hopefully rebuild IG-11 to use for spelunking. However, instead of Din being told to go find a IG memory circuit, Din is told how it’s basically impossible to get a new IG memory circuit and the project ends there.

Din then leaves Nevarro and decides that he has no other option except R5, and chooses him for the job (albeit with low expectations).

I feel like this not only helps streamline things but also makes Din’s “trusting droids” arc in this season a bit stronger. Now, Din’s decision to have R5 be his spelunker is something he chooses based on his circumstances, instead of being convinced to by Peli. He makes the connection between R5 and spelunking himself, since before that he basically understood R5 as simply a component of the N-1. Having it be Din’s own choice also rewards him even more since he benefits from putting trust in a droid—as he perceives it, a very risky bet—ultimately strengthening his trust in droids.

Would love to hear y’all’s thoughts on this!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

losthead said:
That’s true, the IG-11 setup is pretty essential. Maybe there’s a way that Din could take the commercial vessel to Nevarro? Then he could mention to Greef that he’s looking for a replacement for the Razorcrest as well. Not sure how feasible it is, and at the end of the day not a huge issue, but interesting to think about.

I actually really like this idea. I’m still pretty attached to having Din go to Bo-Katan before preparing to go to Mandalore, which can’t coexist with him going to Nevarro first (unless they’re running greyhounds to Kalevala), but I’ll give it some thought. To be fair, Nevarro makes more sense as a commercial destination than Tatooine, since it’s on the Hydian Way.

Also, I know you mentioned AI voices, but I do know that Emily Swallow and Katee Sackhoff have Cameos for relatively cheap, that may be a viable source of lines for their characters.

Honestly, and I kinda hate saying this, I’ll probably get better results from AI. If I used Cameos I’d be matching professionally recorded audio with Emily and Katee’s iPhone mics, and I’d only get whatever take they’d send me unless I pay again. As long as I use the dialogue track as a source, the AI voices will probably sound more similar to the original dialogue, and will probably end up being more economical too.

I do like the creative solution though!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

losthead said:

This sounds perfect! Working BoBF in as a subplot of Mando’s story feels a lot more balanced than how it ended up being presented, and I’m intrigued to see how Grogu being missing is accomplished. Definitely feel like more time apart will be more impactful. Out of curiosity, how much of Boba Fett’s story will be included? Do we see his flashbacks, or is it just Din’s interactions with him?

Just Din’s ineractions; Boba’s basically functioning as a guest star like last season. Season 2’s post-credits sets this up fine as-is, so I don’t feel like I really need to include much else. Boba’s rise to power is now simply implied with the passage of time (which, given how it actually went down in BoBF, I’m ok with not seeing).

Also, and this would require some more VFX work than may be possible, but with Grogu out of the picture, maybe Din gets R5 from the get go of having the N1? Would be a bit difficult to pull off, but would spare a return trip to Peli’s.

This is something I was considering, but the problem is that Din’s trip to Nevarro sets up a lot of plot threads (Greef offering Din land/a home, IG-11/12’s return, the pirates). The only one of these I can probably get rid of without missing much is the pirates, but the Anzellans only appearing in the penultimate episode with a brand new mech for no reason doesn’t feel great. And the promise of land is both the motivation for the Mandalorians taking action against the pirates and setup for where Din ends up at the end of the season.

I agree that him going back to Peli’s feels strange, but I don’t think there’s much I can do. If you have any ideas let me know!

Lastly, are the Plazir and Pershing stories cut down? I imagine that episode with both of them would have to be quite hefty.

Yes, that’s the goal! I haven’t made a rough cut of that episode yet, but based on my notes it should be pretty easy to condense.

Really excited to see where this goes! As another full time student, best of luck with your endeavors! Finals will be kicking our asses haha.

Oh yes! Can’t stop the academic grind.

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

captcold0 said:

When can Chapter 17 be expected?
I know this project is HUGE undertaking, but I can’t help but be excited about what you put together.

I can’t make any commitments to a release schedule right now unfortunately. It’s finals season for me, so this project won’t be a priority for at least a couple more weeks. After that, I should be able to work more regularly on it. Hope that helps!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

captcold0 said:

What video quality will you be working with? At least 1080p, I assume.

The final release will be in 4K!

Also, where will you be uploading the finished products?

I haven’t figured that out quite yet; likely just a file-sharing site like Google Drive or MEGA.

All in all, a really solid idea! I look forward to see what you put together.

Thank you thank you!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

g00b said:

I wonder if for Chapter 21 if it could be edited to make Carson holocall instead of travel to coruscant.

With him planet hoping back and forth it kind of removes tension because Nevarro would have been completely destroyed in that time.

It wouldn’t be perfect because he still travels to Mando and Mando then to Nevarro but it would be better in my opinion.

Not sure if it’s possible with the shots you’ve got to work with but thought it was worth putting the idea out there.

I agree that the tension doesn’t build super effectively, but I don’t know how feasible making a holocall scene would be.

While Nevarro would be destroyed in the time it takes Carson to reach Coruscant, the pirates’ goal is to plunder and pillage, not destroy, so I feel like at least that part isn’t something to worry about.

I’d like to see if I can imply some greater passage of time for the events on Nevarro, to hopefully help with that tension issue. Like showing Greef’s camp at night, and then the next scene on Nevarro is at day showing that they’ve been exiled for a while.

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

Also, I’m debating on renaming Chapter 23 to “The Tribes.” Since the recruiting of the Nite-Owls and meeting the survivors on Mandalore’s surface now happen in the same chapter, and since the Imperial threat isn’t part of the chapter’s plot until the very end, the chapter really feels more focused on the reuniting of the Mandalorian tribes to me.

Also, while I like the allegory the original title had with the Twelve Spies, it obviously was too obscure for most people to pick up on and appreciate, hence all of the “Armorer/Axe Woves/etc. is the spy!!!” debate when the original episode came out. Plus I’m doing biblical allegory in the last chapter’s title anyways, so that quota is still fulfilled.

It’s a minor thing, but I wanted to share my thought process regardless!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

SpenceEdit said:

This sounds amazing! I’ve been toying with ideas to repair the weird storytelling this season, but I think you’ve got the best angle on it.

Thanks! Glad you like it!

One thing that kind of bothers me is Din adopting Grogu and making him an apprentice. Given the growth he’s had up to that point, it feels weird to double down on how committed he is to the Children of the Watch. I feel like it might be more fitting if Din and Grogu just left at the end and struck the deal with the New Republic, satisfied with taking back Mandalore but ready to go back to being a bounty hunting team.

It works either way, but that felt like a better character arc to me anyway.

I agree with that; I have an idea for the finale that I haven’t shared yet (partially because I have no clue how feasible it is yet and I want to focus on the rest of this edit first) that should give Din a very nice resolution to his development in Mandalorian culture. Part of this involves recontextualizing Din adopting Grogu as something he does not as a commitment to the Children of the Watch, but to Mandalorian lifestyle in a broader sense, having expanded his understanding of what it means to be a Mandalorian.

I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense right now, but I hope once I figure out how feasible my plan for this is I’ll share it then, so that I don’t prematurely raise hopes.

Really looking forward to this one! If you need any assistance let me know.

Will do!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

So, something I’ve been wondering about in regards to this edit is if you’re going to put in the post-credits scene from the Season 2 finale as the cold open for the Boba Fett episode.

Probably not; since I don’t want to make edits of Seasons 1 and 2, including that scene again would end up just being a bit redundant. It teases what Boba and Fennec are up to in between the end of Season 2 and the new Chapter 22 pretty nicely as-is, in my opinion.

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

Octorox said:

One thing that bothered me personally is Din essentially reverting to distrusting droids in the Plazir-15 episode when he had shown character growth on that front in the past. If there’s a way to imply that his prejudice is reserved for the separatist battle droids I think that would make more sense.

I agree! Definitely think focusing on that not only prevents him from regressing but actually works as him growing past his trauma since he’s facing the exact droids that took away his family and community from him.

Combine that with R5 being the one to save his life in Chapter 18, and I think a nice mini-character arc is beginning to take shape. Thanks for the input!

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

BrotherOfSasquatch said:

Looking forward to this edit! I have been beyond disappointed with both how TBOBF and Mando Season 3 has turned out. Looking at your rundown, I feel like this is a better pace for things and could probably help this season more cohesive to me.

Thanks! Glad to hear.


So, I actually have a suggestion I’d like to throw out there based off of something I saw on Twitter. But I wonder if during your new “The Pirate King” episode, you could cut out Green making a big to-do about giving the Mandalorians land on Navarro since it’s kind of weird how they’re super happy about finding a new home and yet they still go off to reclaim Mandalore.

I like your idea, especially since I want to emphasize that Nevarro is intended to be a temporary home to prepare for retaking Mandalore. Perhaps just trimming some of Greef’s additional comments will get that point across.

<em><strong>The Mandalorian - Season 3: Complete Edition</strong></em> | A brand-new Season 3 forged from <em>The Mandalorian</em> and <em>BoBF</em> [ON HOLD]

DZ-330 said:

Is the plan for this edit that you can still watch the first four episodes of Boba as a miniseries, then go to your edit for the “complete” Season 3 of Mando?

Basically, yes.

The only issue is that since I’m focusing on Din and Grogu primarily for the Boba chapter, a lot of plot threads that show introduces relevant to Mos Espa won’t have their resolutions play out (mainly things to do with Fett’s entourage and the Pykes).

What I might end up doing is making a companion edit of those first four episodes that can also stand on its own while also playing well with this edit. No idea what form that would take, and I have no plans to actually make it as of right now, but it’s something I’m toying with.