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Anyone else blase' about the New trilogy?

@ Catbus...don't be so pessimistic man. I find it sad that the Star Wars universe is dead to you...there's so much awesome material there and you're missing out...okay, so you don't like the prequels..try the books, video games, or TV shows  then..watch the Clone Wars episode "The Lawless" and try not to tell me how bad ass and adult oriented it is...we got mandalorians and sith going to war here! It's awesome!

Is the Hobbit prequel trilogy suffering the same problems as the Star Wars prequel Trilogy?

Just read this article:


And it seems a lot of fans feel the same way as numerous of you on here do in regards to the prequel trilogy for Star Wars. Lots of CGI and money put into the prequels but it just can't hold a candle to the originals. Also reading that comment by Ian McKellen on the thread regarding Liam Nesson acting in Phantom Menace and how they almost quit the business because of the crappy experience with blue screen makes it seem like there is almost a repeat of history here. Personally I hate what they did with the Hobbit, filling the movies with so much filler and made up junk just to make a trilogy. I think it should have just been 2 movies or 1. I'd rather watch Phantom Menace than the Hobbit 1...it was so boring and took too  long for the story to start in my opinion. Second one was better but still had it's problems. You guys think the  Hobbit prequel trilogy suffering the same problems as the Star Wars prequel Trilogy?

Understanding the Prequels (and the entire SW story)

And Ric Olie 2 I'm not trying to convince you of nothing! I could care less what you or anyone on here likes. I'm answering a question by the original poster and expressing myself. And read my previous post as to the ACTUAL reason in what DOOKU wants...it's not an interpretation, it's in the movie.

As a matter of fact, if you don't like the PT then why the hell do you even care. Get off my nuts dude. i notice you're posting dubious replies to all my post, completely missing my points. 

Understanding the Prequels (and the entire SW story)

RicOlie 2...you state the obvious far too much...of course canon is only relevant to the creators! That's the point! Ultimately the only canon that matters is that of the personal fan's, which I agree but i like ep. 2 and 3 and you kind of need some info from 1, that's why I'm stating what I say dude.

It's like the gospels..only 4 are canon: John, luke, mathew and Mark but there are others gospels not canon: Judas, Magdalene etc.

Ultimately what matters is what the individual wants: me I want Darth Plagueis to ep.1. Disney and Lucas wants the horrible Phantom Menace to be Episode 1. You want only the OT to be canon.

This is a no brainer...

Episode 7 leaked concept art discussion

Check out these leaked pieces of concept art for Ep. 7!


Amazing. Rumors say that cyborb holding Vader's helmet is Luke...we'll see. Anyone know who that sith lord is in the background of picture 23? I swear I've seen that face before...seems like he has a breathing apparatus or something...looks like a sith lord from Knights of the Old Republic.

Would the ROTS novelization have made the film better?

Have't read the novel but I have no doubt that it would be better just because Lucas isn't a very good writer and he openly admits this. When I read "Darth Plagueis" I literally threw Phantom Menace out the window, realizing that Star Wars can be handled so much better in hands other than Lucas. For me Darth Plaguies is Episode 1 and I have heard so much about the ROTS novel yet I love the movie so I'm a little hesistant to read it but I just may have to if it's that much better...

Understanding the Prequels (and the entire SW story)

Silverwook, no they shouldn't. Matrix Reloaded did this with the Matrix video game and the Animatrix and it ruined the integrity of the film and created too many plot holes. That's an indication of a failure in story telling.  

Like I said, that's why I dislike Phantom Menace but you see my love for Star Wars runs deep and like it or not the events are canon and that is why I promote DARTH PLAGUIES because it literally retells everything from a hardcore, violent, and adult perspective. It covers only the most important events in PM and shows us Palpatine' motivation for everything.

but other that that Ep. 2 & 3 don't need any additional outside sources to understand. You don't really need to watch that Clone Wars Episode to get that plot point regarding the creation of the clones.

And as a SW fan I read EU novels just because I want more SW. not necessarily because of a plot hole. The most beloved EU novel is a continuation from ROTJ, Heir to the Empire, and is just meant to be an additional fun adventure with luke, leia and han.

Understanding the Prequels (and the entire SW story)

Man, you guys really are being too closed-minded about the prequels. They are not confusing at all (episode 2 & 3 at least). This is so evident to me, that when you guys make the claim that they make no sense...it's rather YOU that comes off as not making sense.

It's okay to have an opinion. Hate them by all means but this isn't rocket science.

The only confusing thing was Phantom Menace which is the reason why it's the only prequel and Star Wars movie that is an utter failure. But this is not in relation to the initial questions that started this post.

Phantom Menace sucked in my opinion because the film omitted important details regarding the motivations of the villains. when I read the novel (which is slightly better and I emphasize on the word slightly) it is revealed that the Trade Federation is the one initiating the blockade because it is THE TRADE FEDERATION THAT IS BEING TAXED BY THE REPUBLIC and in an attempt to play the victim, they initiate a blockade of Naboo and it's resources as an act in retaliation against those against free trade (the republic)...but this was just a guise to initiate invasion all orchestrated by Sideous.

Out of all the planets in the galaxy why blockade Naboo if it is a taxation against all trade routes used by the federation?

Because Naboo houses senator Palpatine.

When I first saw Phantom Menace I thought Naboo was being taxed by the trade federation and refused to pay "Because they were a democracy and the people have spoken" and in retaliation the trade federation invaded but George Lucas omitted the most important details to the plot! Instead he gives us all this nonsense with Jar Jar! It wasn't until I read the novel and DARTH PLAGUEIS that I saw what was in the original story/screemplay/ Lucas' notes.

Lucas really dropped the ball on ep. 1. How do you omit such important details to your own film?! Moron.

As far as episode 2 and 3 I think they are well told stories and easy to follow and I see no problem with those plots. Although some people complain about not knowing about Syfo Dias but I understood that plot point easily. 

Tyranus (Dooku) requested the clones be made in Syfo Dias' name.

As far as who is Syfo Dias, you got to watch the clone wars:lost missions episode "The Lost One" or read Darth Plaguies...the TRUE EPISODE 1 and best EU novel EVER!

Understanding the Prequels (and the entire SW story)

I know a lot of people on here hate the prequels....but i usually love all things star wars...except The Phantom Menace...I really enjoyed Attack of the Clones and I think Revenge of the Sith is up there with the OT. I feel you guys in regrds to being pissed off at Lucas for tampering with the OT and I too would like to see them restored an offered in high quality...almost like a Criterion Collection set that offers all the versions in HQ and let's the viewer decide which one to watch.

That was just a little about myself but now on to your question.

Sideous doesn't care about Nute Gunray he just wants to use the dilemna to become chancellor. He also wants Nute to have the knowledge that a Sith is orchestrating the politics in the Republic. This will cause Nute to align himself with Dooku in sincerity, which answers the other question as to why Dooku told Obi One the flat out truth.

The whole point of Episode 1 was to have Nute betrayed by a sith who is running the politics in the republic. Dooku says this in episode 2. The viceroy of the trade federation came to him for help after being betrayed by a sith who is orchestrating and influencing politics in the republic. Dooku flat out tells this to Obi in order TO LEGITIMIZE THE INCENTIVES OF THE SEPERATIST AND MAKE THEM APPEAR GENUINE. Blinded by their loyalty to the Republic the Jedi flat out ignore the truth even though it was told right to their face. It makes sense because Dooku and the separatist were villainized by wanting to separate from the republic and especially being caught red handed illegally creating battle droids. not to mention Dooku left the Jedi order...making him appear more like the sith that's causing all the trouble, not the one Nute Gunray was supposedly talking about. This is why Obi One refused to believe the truth because he caught Dooku red handed...why would he believe him? In Obi 's view Dooku is the Sith, he caught him red handed, so Dooku telling him the truth appears like deception.

I think this plot point was really well written and I think you guys don't give Lucas enough credit for this because you're blinded by your hate for him for obvious reason (tampering with the OT, jar jar)

Technically the sith were on both sided of the war! 

The sith like to hide in plain site.

It's not that hard to make sense out of. I think too many of you guys are blinded by your hatred for the prequels that you simply close your minds to them. while I hate Episode 1 for lack of story...2 and 3 are great in my opinion.

read the star wars novel "DARTH PLAGEUIS" that's the real episode 1!! Hardcore, compelling, and made for an adult audience.