Still haven’t heard back. Guess he just never saw the two emails or is just ignoring them? not sure, but a shame we will never the full quality of this documentary
08/02/2023 Edit, still haven’t heard back from either email…
-05/21/2024 Update, still nothing. Got Tom to respond (who showed off the video in the video) and he says: “it was Howard’s footage but from a while back, he may have forgotten. It’s not our footage to share and we only had permission to share at SWC. Just courtesy and integrity there. (and no, this doesn’t involve Disney)”
So Howard forgot about it and now it’s in this collectors files but he doesnt want it shared and its not because of disney regulations. So in my conclusion: Hes keeping it to himself for some reason and this is pretty annyoing. This is STAR WARS History and should be archived and uploaded publicly if already shown to a viewing. I’d go on, but whatever.