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Info: 2006 GOUT DVD using 'Faces' PCM Sound?
Originally posted by: Moth3r
Turns out I still had Mallwalker's rars and pars on my hard drive. Posting now...

Thanks very much for this, unfortunately I have a small technical problem.

I got all of the files from usenetserver.com, but the DS48_DVD.rar,DS48_DVD.r15 and 2 of the .par2 files were incomplete, so I can't reconstruct it with quickpar. When I look on a hitnews server, only 2 of the files are complete. I'm confused - should I be asking for you to repost a file, or do I need to try another news server?
Info: 2006 GOUT DVD using 'Faces' PCM Sound?
I think it would be rude to bump this thread and ask again for someone to send the "loud" '77 belbucus stereo file my way without introducing myself!

I'm 27, but didn't actually see Star Wars until I was 18. I have very early memories of playing the legendary Atari Star Wars arcade, but somehow I'd never seen the film. My friend at school was always telling me how great it is, so I taped the last ever showing of the original episode IV off Sky (this was just before the re-releases hit the cinema). I watched the tape some time later and was blown away by it.

So what makes Star Wars great? Well it's a whole world which is not just unique, but somehow feels totally established. The cast is great, particularly Harrison Ford as Han Solo. Which brings me on to why the original trilogy is important. (Ok, I'm preaching to the converted now!). There are so many reasons: why try to tinker with history and change one of the most successful and influential films ever? Han shoots first: this scene really sets the tone of Han's character, it should not be disneyfied. What's really sad to me is that I was really amazed at how good the special effects were in the original films, why do away with these and introduce all that excessive CGI?

So, in 2006 the GOUT was released, and I bought it. It's a big step closer, but it's not quite there. It seems funny to me that there are thousands round the world who would give their right arm for a decent transfer of the OT, but the people who actually got paid to do it obviously couldn't give a toss!

So, I am re-encoding my dvds using the excellent settings in the "GOUT Anti-aliasing" thread. I just bought my first house, and have an (extremely small) home cinema in my loft. My projector is linked up to my PC and so I'll be transcoding my DVD to x264 format and I'd really like to have the original soundtrack to go with it.

Can anyone please do me a huge favour and upload it somewhere??

Cheers, Ed.
Info: 2006 GOUT DVD using 'Faces' PCM Sound?
Hi All,

I'm desperately searching for belbucus' stereo 35mm (1977) audio track to mix in with a new encode of my NTSC GOUT dvd.

I even worked out how to get newsgroup access, but it seems it's long gone from there - and I can't find a torrent for it, even checked eMule too!

I heard it's on demonoid, but I'm not a member, so would need an invite.

Can anyone help me out here?!



Edit: yes, I mean the '77 mix!