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Vegas and 5.1 audio mixing
Is Vegas the best source for editing with a 5.1? I was thinking of fixing some of the problems with the new 5.1 mix on the Superman DVD but am not sure where to start. I got a copy of Vegas for X-Mas but haven't opened it yet as I am trying to figure out first if it will do multi track editing on a 5.1 mix with video.

Anyone use Vegas for such a feat?

Recommendations on DVD Menu Software
Hey all. Can anyone reccomend a good Program to use for Creating DVD Menus? I am looking for something that I can have some good flexability to do stuff like having a main movie and then on the second page of the menu, have a page where I can select the Audio files of the Soundtrack CD kind of like a jukebox.

I am using Nero 6 Vision Express but it doesn't seem to be too flexible. Looking to buy a new program for this, but just wanted to see what the consensus was on which one to buy.


Help: looking for... anyone have FIRE WALK WITH ME footage?
One day hopefully, New Line and MK2 will get their act together and finally release the Deleted Scenes to FWWM. Apparently, MK2, the French rightholders are trying to work out a deal with Lynch to do the scenes. They have been at it for some time, but I have word that a decision will be made in the next few months.

Meanwhile, we have Season 2 remastered to look forward to in 2006, pending any more delays from Paramount. By the way, the Pilot that OCP has is the best transfer that is out there. There is one that you will see on Ebay from time to time, but it is the one from Catalyst Logic also referred to the Hong Kong version and the sound is totally out of phase. The image quality is crap compared to the one that Paramount released overseas with their Season 1 DVD set. Not as nice of a transfer as Epiosdes 1-7, but the sound and picture are a dream compared to the Hong Kong version.

Check out some screenshots on my site:


And a sample of the audio mixes as well.


The alternate ending for the Pilot was only released on VHS and Laserdisc. It would be a perfect candidate for seamless branching. I used to have the LD but sold it thinking it would eventuallly make it on DVD.
