-No I used a Color photocopier, only because I had to print onto 11x17 paper
-I used cardstock
-Didn’t back it with anything, but in retrospect, I could have made the box using construction paper or even a cereal box, then glue the heavier cardboard to that.
-I don’t think Staples can print on a heavy cardstock as it doesn’t have enough bend to go thru the copier. There are some heavier paper that can work, but not cardstock.
X-acto blade
Packing tape
Rubber Cement
Wax Paper
-Basically, I started by creating a template using an existing 3 dvd Bourne boxset. This boxset was made of cardstock equal in thickness to a cereal box. This would create a single piece that would be folded to form the box and the wrapping. But since I, wanted a “beefier” box I used a heavier Cardstock.
-Based on this template, I overlaid all the images. Using Photoshop.
-I printed out the template & traced over the cardstock & also made some cut lines for the folds. Unfortunately the cardstock was too thick to make a decent box. The shape was off.
This would have worked with thinner paper.
-The next attempt was to measure the Front/Back/Top/Bottom of the Boxset.
-Cut out all the panels using the thicker cardstock. Assemble the box, taping the corners.
-Decide how you want to wrap the box. I chose to do it with 2 pieces.
-One piece to cover the Front/Top/Back
-One piece to cover the Spine/Bottom.
-Based on this I created a template using the measurements to accomplish this.
-Glue the printed sides to the box. I suggest using Rubber Cement. And use it the correct way! Wax Paper is the KEY. Wax paper will NOT stick to dry Rubber Cement.
-Work on one side @ a time.
-Put RC on both sides, BOX & WRAP, let it dry.
-Put a couple of pieces wax paper between the two, line up the image on the Box, slowly pull out one piece of Wax paper.
-Once secure, pull out the other piece. At the very least try having some wax paper on hand to keep the two separated. Once the two dry sections touch, they’re glued!
Good luck!