CatBus said:
Possessed said:
clashradio said:
JawsTDS said:
I did my scaling in VirtualDub paired with AviSynth, personally. But I’m sure there are other ways to do it.
I keep reading about Harmy’s version that used the 06 GOUT upscaled and was wondering what method? I’d like to upsale to the quality of Harmy and then re-sync the audio with one of my laserdiscs which has the 77 stereo track, then output to BD.
Silly question but why don’t you just use harmys? It should already be synced to whatever track you want to use. Hell it probably already has the track as an option.
Not only that, but Harmy’s versions are increasingly GOUT-free. ROTJ only has part of one scene from GOUT. If you want pure GOUT source, you probably want to look at Team Blu’s upscales – which you should be aware do not look as good as Harmy’s, given the source material.
Also, the 77 stereo Laserdisc track already on Harmy’s latest preservation is definitely better than what you’re trying to use. It’s from the only release of the 1977 stereo track in digital audio on Laserdisc (a Japanese pan & scan release, but the audio was great). It was then synced up to the GOUT and patched over wherever there were dropouts and warbles with the next-best analogue Laserdisc audio by some of our local audio luminaries with access to and experience with ridiculously expensive software. I don’t want to discourage the effort, if you’re just trying to learn how to do things and all, but it’s already been done, and really well.
Well the thing is; I know all this has been done before (X0 project, Harmy’s De-Specialized, Team Blu GOUT upscale). And I’m not trying to re-invent the wheel. I also don’t want you guys to think I’m being foolish but…My biggest hobby is video editing; can’t get enough of it. I have all of the best LD martial (even the Japan LD P&S w/77 stereo). I have a HLD-X0, CLD-99 & CLD-D703. Soon to have a Lumagen 2144. I’m still not sure what capture device to get yet (haven’t figured out if my Black Magic Intensity Shuttle usb 3.0 will do 1080p 23.976fps captures yet).
So two seperate yet related goals are to make a BD from a composite of the best LD’s (86 JSC/92 SWE/possibly 93/95 THX). And a BD upscale using the 2006 GOUT dvd synced to the P&S Japan LD.
Again I know it’s all been done and maybe I can’t match the quality. Editing and Star Wars…an hobbyist’s dream come true.