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Info: a thread for <strong>fan-made</strong> Star Wars projects, crafts, gizmos, and endeavours

Thanks for your reply! Sounds good to me then! I wouldn’t have an issue with modifying these kits to my liking, whether having to apply glue, paint and/or sanding. This might the start of a new collection.

canofhumdingers said:

c0rpze said:

I’m looking to purchase a Death Trooper kit soon. Could you share what the quality is like for these kits? Did you have to do any glueing to keep pieces together or keep them stable? Great job by the way! If these are decent, I’d like to start my own collection.

canofhumdingers said:

Posted more about it in the collectibles sub forum a few weeks ago, but I built a Bandai 1/12 Stormtrooper model recently.

Bandai kits are wonderful. The engineering, detail, quality, everything is top notch. They are made to be snap-fit kits but sometimes you’ll find a piece that would be better off glued. They are molded in generally the correct colors so they advertise as not needing paint. But they are true model kits and, in my opinion, still need to be painted. They also benefit from some minor seam filling and sanding where necessary.

But they are tons of fun. If you have any interest at all I say go for it!

When have you quoted Star Wars lines in the right situation?

I had the opportunity of utilizing a Star Wars quote in a job interview which took place about 2 years ago. It brought out big smiles from the interviewers and it helped break the ice for the remainder of the interview. I don’t exactly recall word for word what the question was but they purposely included the word “Darkside” and what I would do to counteract it. I quickly caught on to the reference, then simply waved my hand and said “These are not the Droids you are looking for.”, indicating my awareness of the Force as a Star Wars fan. I am more than thankful to still have this job today with all that we have going on and also thinking that I can always rely on Star Wars to escape to a galaxy far, far away.

Info: a thread for <strong>fan-made</strong> Star Wars projects, crafts, gizmos, and endeavours

I’m looking to purchase a Death Trooper kit soon. Could you share what the quality is like for these kits? Did you have to do any glueing to keep pieces together or keep them stable? Great job by the way! If these are decent, I’d like to start my own collection.

canofhumdingers said:

Posted more about it in the collectibles sub forum a few weeks ago, but I built a Bandai 1/12 Stormtrooper model recently.

My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released)

Hi Buzz Lightyear. I just stumbled across your post. I very much enjoyed SC38 when it came out and i think it makes ANH a stronger film. I had thought about someone actually tackling an edit by adding SC38 into ANH at the time and wondered if I could try editing the film myself (but it would’ve been my first attempt at something like this). I own collections of the Star Wars films on VHS, DVD, Blu Ray, and digital. I also enjoy collecting fan edits. If you don’t mind, I would be interested in watching your edit. I would love to provide feedback as well if that’s okay.

<strong>Star Wars: Squadrons</strong> - video game

That sounds exciting! I’m highly interested in playing this in VR. I can only imagine how close to a “real” Star Wars experience this can be for a fan. I’ll definitely have to pick up a joystick as mentioned earlier in thread to complete the package. Christmas is coming up so, would be a great gift to put on the list. I’ll have to say that I’m still waiting for the ultimate Star Wars experience that was originally to be Battlefront 3. Being able to participate in ground battles but hop into a fighter and take off into space to take out Destroyers or land on one to continue the fight on board seamlessly would be amazing!

I just attended a screening of The Empire Strikes Back SE at my local theater

I miss going to the movies. I had planned to see several movies this year but most, if not all, have been rescheduled for next year. I’m also curious about the next Star Wars adventure we get to see on the big screen (that’s worth seeing). The last time I saw the OT at the movies is when George released the Special Editions back in ‘97. I’d like to see the 4K versions as long as I’m not cringing over the changes that were made to the original cut, hah. But then again, I was okay with the SE since I didn’t become aware of Star Wars until ROTJ came out on VHS and I didn’t get to see the OT at the theatre until the SE anniversary.

<strong>Star Wars: Squadrons</strong> - video game

doubleofive said:

c0rpze said:

Hey everyone, what’s the learning curve for this type of game if you haven’t played a lot of flight sims? I have played X-Wing Alliance and Tie Fighter on PC a long, long time ago (no pun intended) and own the Battlefront games. Though, I’m average at best at these type of games. I’ve been intrigued by being able to play Squadrons in VR especially after playing the Battlefront X-Wing experience (and that is something else!). I also read up on some reviews and have heard negatives. Any positives you may be able to share?

I was afraid I would not be good at this game, and I’m not, but I’m having fun with it. I have the same experience as you, so I imagine you would be as mediocre as I! I think the key is finding your class and sticking with it. Get good at Bombers or Interceptors, something like that.

Yeah, as long as it’s fun, that’s all that really matters. Do you play this game in VR by chance? I can imagine it being quite exhilarating if the gameplay isn’t too challenging. I played Battlefront’s X-Wing VR experience and had a blast with it.

<strong>Star Wars: Squadrons</strong> - video game

Hey everyone, what’s the learning curve for this type of game if you haven’t played a lot of flight sims? I have played X-Wing Alliance and Tie Fighter on PC a long, long time ago (no pun intended) and own the Battlefront games. Though, I’m average at best at these type of games. I’ve been intrigued by being able to play Squadrons in VR especially after playing the Battlefront X-Wing experience (and that is something else!). I also read up on some reviews and have heard negatives. Any positives you may be able to share?

❕ <strong>Welcome to the OriginalTrilogy.com |</strong> Introduce yourself in here | <strong>Useful info within</strong> ❕

Hi OT!

I have been a Star Wars fan since the 80’s (I was born in 1981) and have not been able to shake it as much as I had wanted to in recent times. My introduction to OT Star Wars was over wearing out the VHS tapes, when I was a kid, as i could not get enough of its world. It was my dad’s fault but I honestly don’t blame him for it. Today, as a collector, I own versions of the films on VHS, DVD, Blu-Ray, and Digital. I also collect the comic books, books, posters, action figures, video games, and miniature games. It has always been a pretty big deal in my life. And while I try to keep myself involved as much as possible, I always come across new stories and information regarding its universe. Sadly, Disney had done a pretty good job in keeping me disinterested for a bit in the the past recent years with its adaptation of the sequel trilogy. However, I can say that Rogue One managed to bring me back to the reasons why I love Star Wars so much (though, there is a only 1 specific version I can watch that makes it a true Star Wars movie 😉). I also cannot forget to mention the Mandalorian. I am highly excited for its upcoming 2nd season!
By joining OT.com, I hope to discuss all things Star Wars with other fans and possibly learn about characters/stories I have yet discovered or just hash out thoughts and opinions. Of course I will need to learn how this site works as a newbie. See you around and MTFBWY!