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The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

Lifeincontext said:

adobewan said:


Here’s an updated link including the Yoda scene. This version omits the R2 scene as one possibility. I’ll include a version with that scene shortly. I think this works really well! I may still have to trim some of the dialogue but once I get the outline of the film looking right I’ll start focusing on editing the audio

Great job! I love the scene reordering. The pacing is beautiful for most of it. That last montage feels off though. I would make the cuts tighter and keep the original rhythm of her words. But the concept is lovely. Well done.

Appreciate the support! I’m certainly not totally satisfied with the montage yet. I’m planning on adding to it and syncing it much more to the music. Right now I’m focusing on the lead-up to it and getting that perfect

The Last Jedi: A ST One-Film Edit (WIP)

I prefer option number 1 for how to get around Finn’s death. I’m doing something very similar in my TFA edit. Currently I have Rey crying, Chewie arriving, cut to falcon taking off and landing, and then right to Leia walking up to Rey and them hugging.

I think that hug really let’s the audience feel the weight of the deaths

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)


Here’s an updated link including the Yoda scene. This version omits the R2 scene as one possibility. I’ll include a version with that scene shortly. I think this works really well! I may still have to trim some of the dialogue but once I get the outline of the film looking right I’ll start focusing on editing the audio

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

Not sure I’ll get the chance to work on it today but I’ve thought about it and I have a good idea of what I hope to do with the Yoda scene. I’ll add it at night, after the first tree scene and have it end on a fade to black on the wide shot of the two old Jedi. The screen stays black fo a few seconds and then the training montage plays with a more gradual beginning

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

Borth said:

Absolutely love this idea, as I am the same as you, love TFA, want it to end on a high note instead of what comes next. For a proof of concept, I think this is great, the only complaint I would have is the music transitioning between some of the scenes and the muffled sound hiding Luke’s ‘go away!’ line. But I’m sure that will be fixed in no time. Looking forward to seeing this finished.

I’m still relatively new at editing but I’ll definitely get those sounding as good as possible before the edit is released

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

Kanemedhurst said:

I think the montage should be longer. The beginning of the montage is a great transition from the original cut of TFA.

Possible scenes could be:
.Rey training scene from TROS
.Luke and Yoda scene from TLJ
.The legendary broom kid scene
.maybe all three?

You’ve got this!

I’ll keep experimenting. I think the Yoda scene would be perfect here but I can’t quite figure out how to fit it in yet. Guess I’ll finally have to rewatch TROS to see which training scenes can fit in

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

Kanemedhurst said:

For a rough proof on concept, I can see what youre trying to acheive. This is gonna work gloriously. My only concern is maybe the final scene, the montage is great but it is cut off quite short for the end of the saga. I’m sure you could find a scene from The Last Jedi or Rise of Skywalker to amend that though. I’m really looking forward to this 😃

Really appreciate it! Do you think the montage should be longer or more should be added before the montage?

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

ExpandedUniverses said:

Are you planning to keep the destruction of the New Republic?

I think so, to add some stakes to the film, but I’d like to better establish the state of the galaxy in the new crawl and possibly soften the blow of Hosnian Prime’s destruction in the process. It would feel too weird to keep showing Starkiller base but never show them using it IMO.

The Force Awakens - 'The End' Edition (WIP)

The Force Awakens is by far my favorite film in the sequel trilogy and I have always wished I could end my Star Wars viewings on such a high note. This fanedit seeks to accomplish the same goals as my “TLJ - ‘The End’ Edition” edit, but this time with The Force Awakens being treated as an epilogue to the saga. The edit is still in progress but I have the skeleton of the film completed and it’s looking promising. Thus far, the changes are as follows:

  • New crawl, establishing Kylo Ren as the leader of the First Order and doing away with the episode number. Instead, the film will be an “epilogue”
  • Remove Snoke entirely. All references to him are gone from the film.
  • Remove a few references to Rey’s parents that draw too much attention to their identity
  • Kylo Ren now tells Hux “perhaps I should consider using a Clone Army”. I really like that line 😛
  • Move Kylo/Rey interrogation to just after Han’s “I saw our son”, which acts as the reveal of Kylo’s parentage. I think it’s a good transition
  • Finn dies in his duel with Kylo Ren
  • Kylo Ren dies in his duel with Rey
  • Use HAL9000’S color corrected Ach-to scenes from TFA
  • When Rey finds Luke, the film doesn’t end. He gives the lightsaber back and goes to mourn Han
  • Luke’s character is less grumpy and more sad due to the loss of his friend and his failure with Kylo
  • Luke’s first line of dialogue in the film is “Who are you?” in the tree scene. He rejects Rey but does not have dialogue about wanting to die.
  • Finally, Yoda is the one to get through to him. Luke goes to burn the tree and Yoda convinces him to train Rey. We fade to black on the wide shot of the two old Jedi.
  • Fade in and Luke has begun training her. The film ends on a training montage. Currently, this mimics JXEditor’s wonderful montage on Youtube, but with different music.

The ending is proving to be the most difficult part of the film to get right. I have put together this VERY ROUGH proof of concept. I believe the idea is there but I am still going back and forth and which individual moments to keep or cut.



Ending Including R2 Scene:

Ending Without R2 Scene:

Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

SparkySywer said:

adobewan said:

Any thoughts on an edit of the sequel trilogy that finishes off the story with The Force Awakens/the battle of Stakiller base? I figure Snoke would likely need to be removed and Kylo could be implied to die when Rey slashes him in their fight. I’m still considering how to wrap up the Luke cliffhanger in a satisfying way. Maybe it could a short training montage and then credits after Rey slashes that rock in half.

Kill off Luke? Instead of having him go missing and the First Order rises in his absence, he dies and the First Order rises in his absense.

I don’t know how well it would work but that’s the only solution to the Luke cliffhanger I can think of.

Definitely would help. Thats really the only outstanding cliffhanger that would need fixing. He’s just kind of the driving force of the current movie so that would have to be changed.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Any thoughts on an edit of the sequel trilogy that finishes off the story with The Force Awakens/the battle of Stakiller base? I figure Snoke would likely need to be removed and Kylo could be implied to die when Rey slashes him in their fight. I’m still considering how to wrap up the Luke cliffhanger in a satisfying way. Maybe it could a short training montage and then credits after Rey slashes that rock in half.

The Last Jedi: A ST One-Film Edit (WIP)

Lifeincontext said:

Lifeincontext said:

Turns out adding the Kylo ending has led to some interesting moments. Here’s the revised ending:

  • Rey cuts off Kylo/The Dice Disappear
    (I think the Falcon TLJ ending might need to go, although Rey and Leia talking about Luke is a nice moment.)
  • Kylo runs back to Vader. Vision sequence. Haunted by Vader/Luke. Sees the ruins of the Death Star and leaves.
  • Small part of Forces of Darkness fan film: Vader choking Kylo. “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.” Kylo kills Vader.
  • cut to Ben at the Death Star ruins. Leia calls to him. Han appears. Kylo throws away the saber. We hear Luke. “I’m sorry.” He leaves in the TIE.
  • Rey travels to Tatooine. As she makes her way to Luke’s but, we cut to…
  • Kids learning about Luke. Broom boy sweeps.
  • Rey slides into Luke’s old home. She buries the two halves of the saber. She reveals her new saber.
  • Ben connects with her one last time. His ship burns in the background on a desert planet. “I offered you my hand once. You wanted to take it. Why didn’t you?” “I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” Rey smiles. She notices the old lady. Sees Luke’s ghost. “Rey Skywalker.” Leaves on the Falcon. Broom Boy observes and looks up into the stars.”

On another note…the place I had wanted to put the last Rey/Ben connection isn’t working. I don’t have a lot of footage of Rey’s face that would make sense for either the Falcon or Tatooine. It’s just not long enough/doesn’t show the right emotion. Most of the Pasaana footage I was going to use for Kylo won’t work because…of course…he has his helmet in his hand. I have about 5-6 seconds of a closeup that can still be used though. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I think just a shot of Rey smiling right after Kylo’s redemption, while the ForceTime sound effect plays would illustrate it effectively.