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Zak fett

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<em>Solo: A Star Wars Story</em> — Official Review and Opinions Thread — <strong>SPOILERS</strong>

snooker said:

I don’t see how the end of the movie is a cliffhanger? It sets up a sequel, but we can put two and two together what happens between the end of the movie and A New Hope.

I understand where you’re coming from that it sets up for a new hope but the amount of loose threads in this-Darth maul etc clears the path way for a sequel.One could say that they don’t need tying up because they are quite minor compared to others but given the nature star wars as a whole i think that they might make a sequel. Because it is not entirely a cliff hangar it does not need one so that it is why i don’t entirely expect them to make a new one.

<em>Solo: A Star Wars Story</em> — Official Review and Opinions Thread — <strong>SPOILERS</strong>

I don’t know if this has already been mentioned in past pages but before the release of solo I though that it would be like Rogue one (open and closed in one film) but the fact that they leave it on a cliffhanger obviously is for money making purposes but aside from that could be leading onto the Kenobi movie rumoured to come out. I’m still pondering on whether they will be linked, I just don’t see how that cliffhanger really helped the “story” side of the new releases. This is a bit of a step out and I recently returned to OT after a bit of a break so im a bit rusty.

<em>Solo: A Star Wars Story</em> — Official Review and Opinions Thread — <strong>SPOILERS</strong>

bromeo said:

I just came home from the cinema and… well, it was not as bad as I expected. Not amazing but fine. I definitely still think that this movie didn’t need to be made but I don’t really mind since it doesn’t ruin the OT Han for me. I’m one of those people who whine about even the smallest things that just don’t click with me… but I’m still always going to be first in line to see a new Star Wars movie.

I’m just going to ramble some random things that come to my mind while writing this.

At first, I liked the DTA (Don’t Trust Anyone) ideology of Beckett but I think they took it a bit too far in the movie with the “I’m not on your side after all… even though I really am!”

I read a few articles about L3’s (unnecessary?) droid rights advocatism in advance so I was already slightly irritated by her right from the get-go. I was quite relieved to see her go so quickly. She’ll be definitely added to my “list” right next to the Rathtars, Bor Gullet, Porgs and Fathiers. The Space Octopus in the Maw also made me feel a bit funny.

Alden did a good job portraying Han and I didn’t have any trouble “believing him” right from the beginning. There were some moments where I thought “I wonder how Harrison would’ve done that?” but other than that… he was great. I also noticed some pointy fingers in some scenes which was awesome, haha!

Donald Glover was Lando… nothing else to add. Such swagger!

Enys Nest could’ve been some super cool looking (Boba Fett-ish) villain to remember but instead it was some cute teenage girl with dreams of rebellion. That was quite disappointing for me because I was expecting some kind of a Western showdown at that point or at least something more exciting than Dryden Vos.

The Qi’ra twist with the Skype call was probably one of the only scenes where I really felt goosebumps on my arm. I guess I just need those hooded people with lightsabers in my SW movies to get a thrill overload.

Did I understand correctly that Qi’ra was Darth Maul’s apprentice who was undercover in the Crimson Dawn? How is he still alive by the way? My first thought was “Wow! They retconned Darth Maul?!” but then I remembered that I probably need to watch the Clone Wars and/or Rebels to understand it fully.

Also quick shoutout for the mention of Teräs Käsi, which most of you know, is the hand-to-hand combat form and it’s Finnish for Steel Hand. I had already forgotten that it existed in the SW universe.

I’m going to edit this post later when more things come to mind…

As we’ve seen a light saber can seal the wound of any cut (for the Darth maul part) but generally i agree.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DominicCobb said:

Zak fett said:

Mrebo said:

DominicCobb said:

The single best line in the film (a lot of which has to do with delivery, as with most great lines) is from Kylo Ren:

“Blast that piece of junk

I liked the significance he put into that line also.

I think he knew that it was The Millennium Falcon

No way how

A few things although one doesn’t really count. First of all Snoke says to Ren “Theirs been an awakening,Have you felt it… Theirs one more thing, the droid we seek is aboard the MILLENNIUM FALCON WITH YOUR FATHER”. Also there was a deleted scene of Ren searching the Millennium Falcon (Doesn’t really count). Plus in the Force awakens it would of taken time for Rey to get unconscious Finn on board the MF giving time for Ren to maybe see it. One last thing, Han might of talked about it, described or even drawn it to him before Ren turned when he was younger. These are only inferences but its worth doing them. It makes you think about it more.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Creox said:

After thinking about this for a while longer (this site has that effect doesn’t it? :😃

I think a lot of the angst with TLJ comes from the marked difference in presentation between the OT and this film…Luke in the OT and the story in general is one of mythology as we all know but it was also written and filmed like a mythological tale. The hero’s are right and the villains wrong…the contrast is deep and wide between the two…very black and white.

We see it as a parable and a story in that very light.

With TLJ we see that changed quite drastically imo. Luke is a Jedi master but he is also very human with human flaws and frailties. We see the rebellion/resistance repeatedly fail and that is a jolt for those of us who have been waiting to see the OT style of story telling. It was for me but in hindsight I was happier for it as it opens this franchise and story to open up into many more possibilities. Looking back at the EU the main plot is always similar to one another.

I felt a closer affiliation with Luke in TLJ because we’ve all failed and messed things up but he was able to find a reason to pick himself up and realize he was wrong…he made things right as he could.

I think a lot of people weren’t satisfied with the change between FA and TLJ also OT because the FA and OT built up this feeling of strength in the rebellion but it wasn’t really there in TLJ.Also the importance,greatness and power of Luke but it wasn’t utilized in TLJ.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

yhwx said:

I’m just starting to read back through this thread, and I totally agree with this:

SilverWook said:

Mark just knocked it out of the park with this. I sincerely hope he gets an Oscar nomination. It would be a first for a Star Wars film?

I waited 34 years to see Luke back in action, and it was worth the wait.

What would it need and what does it have that are Oscar nomination qualities?
• The crait scene had amazing visuals

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

SilverWook said:

Zak fett said:

Mrebo said:

I liked the Leia scene and I read it as intended: Leia instinctually acted to save her life with the latent powers we know her to have. Maybe the moment was too contrived or the execution a little funny, but it worked for me.

It was a bit out of place, she probably would of died in the explosion and would of exploded in space but who cares it was a way they could keep her alive.

People don’t explode in a vacuum. That’s a movie cliché that has no basis in reality.

Actually she would of ballooned twice her size but not explode

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

SilverWook said:

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan said:

In ROTJ, I liked the Ewoks. Even remember playing with that Ewok village toy. But after the prequels came out, I learned that there were a sizable group of OT fans who hated the Ewoks. i.e. just there to sell toys, or were too cuddly or something. I can understand people not liking the Ewoks. I do hate the CGI with blinking eyes in the Blu-Rays though. Also wish the Ewoks battle scenes didn’t have that green screen look to them.

But at least the Ewoks weren’t nothing near like Jar Jar.

But I was wondering. Are there any here who hated the Ewoks, but love the Porgs?

I don’t really like the Porgs, and wished they weren’t in the movie. Or at least not the way they used the Porgs for comic relief.

Love is a strong word, but I’m fine with the Porgs. Unless I missed something, they weren’t in half of the movie’s running time, and they didn’t defeat an entire legion of the Emperor’s finest troops with sticks and rocks.

Chewie will discover the ones that stowed away on the Falcon reproduce at an alarming rate, as Rey discovers in the Jedi Knight School texts Porgs naturally absorb all Dark Side energies. Our heroes concoct a daring plan to drop them into every FO installation. The bad guys die screaming as they’re buried in squawking Porgs.

It like when the ewoks defeated the empire except this time porgs will defeat the FO

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

chyron8472 said:

TV’s Frink said:

Zak fett said:

Mrebo said:

Zak fett said:

Mrebo said:

I liked the Leia scene and I read it as intended: Leia instinctually acted to save her life with the latent powers we know her to have. Maybe the moment was too contrived or the execution a little funny, but it worked for me.

Wouldn’t Plo koon be able to do that when he got shot down or would the explosion of killed him?

Every situation is different. Leia avoided pretty much all harm except exposure to space.

I just rewatched that part and it looked like he died a pretty horrible death (burning, exploding and smashing into the building)

Pfft, what a bad Jedi.

Yes. But especially Kolar, Tiin, and Kit Fisto.

“Let’s all bunch up in the doorway so we can’t maneuver well. Use nice long pauses before attempting to block, and pay no attention to whether he telegraphs his mevements.”

I just laugh at that scene even though it’s not meant be funny, they’re masters!!

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Mrebo said:

Zak fett said:

Mrebo said:

I liked the Leia scene and I read it as intended: Leia instinctually acted to save her life with the latent powers we know her to have. Maybe the moment was too contrived or the execution a little funny, but it worked for me.

Wouldn’t Plo koon be able to do that when he got shot down or would the explosion of killed him?

Every situation is different. Leia avoided pretty much all harm except exposure to space.

I just rewatched that part and it looked like he died a pretty horrible death (burning, exploding and smashing into the building)

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Matt.F said:

One thing I have to applaud… this set. So good to have the production back at Pinewood building major sets, utilising practical costumes and FX for these new SW flicks. This particular set has a real Flash Gordon emperor Ming vibe. Love it!

Yeah that and Crait. The way they filmed both of them were stunning. Despite the skim speeders were pointless and helped nothing, it was still really nice to watch!

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Mrebo said:

I liked the Leia scene and I read it as intended: Leia instinctually acted to save her life with the latent powers we know her to have. Maybe the moment was too contrived or the execution a little funny, but it worked for me.

It was a bit out of place, she probably would of died in the explosion and would of exploded in space but who cares it was a way they could keep her alive.