I just watched this edit, and it is quite masterfully edited! It doesn't get nearly the praise that it deserves. It's so perfectly edited, that I almost forgot how bad Hayden Christensen is, and I totally forgot all the childish droid antics that were seamlessly edited away.
Seeing as how you are putting together a v3, I'll just drop a little nitpicking in here that I typed down while I watched it.
- Near the 25 min mark, there's an awkwhile line from Anakin about "R2 being with us", followed by an awkward laugh. It's gotta go. :P
- At 28:30, there's a green discolouration in on the left (in my 720p version at least).
- A glitch in the audio in the same scene at 29min
- It's a personal opinion, but the Geonosis trial-scene around 1:14:15 is unneccessary, and out of place. It doesn't look very finished, and it makes the narration very busy as Anakin and Padme goes from the meeting with Dooku, to the trial and then to the arena; all in under one minute.
- At 1:16:41 , why does the "archduke" call his subjects infidels?
- And finally another personal opinion that you obviously disagree with. I'd have the whole Dex scene back rather than having the bounty hunter in the beginning tell them about the Kamino System. I mean, why would the bounty hunter just give up everything like that? It's just too easy.