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Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

I just watched this again for the first time in a few years. I really enjoyed it, and I watched it with some people who didn’t even know it was a fanedit, and they had no complaints. You’ve done a very good job with this less-than-perfect source material.

I’m not sure you ever plan on working on this again, but I did notice two things that I wanted to bring to your attention in the edit. My first gripe is the fact that the “force speed” scene in the beginning of the movie is still in - IIRC you had it removed in a previous version, so I would be curious to hear your ideas about this and why you kept it in this edit. The second point is even more nitpicky. There’s a single transition that was a bit jarring to me, it’s in the middle pod-racing sequence at around 47:27, there’s something about pacing here that seems off - like the shot after the transition isn’t supposed to start there, if you know what I mean. Maybe it was like this in the original film, honestly I’m not sure.

Star Wars: The Coaxium Heist (COMPLETED)

Jose Hidalgo said:

Yuri_Kenobi said:

I actually did sync english subtitles to TCH a while ago for my own use, send me a message if you need it.

Well Yuri_Kenobi, of course I need it 😃 But I’m not the only one. I think lots of people need it, and I’m sure DigMod would be happy to add a subtitle file to TCH. So please, make them available in this topic so we can all enjoy them. Thank you.

I’m not entirely sure how this works when it comes to subtitles, but it may be against the rules to post them here, as they originate from copyrighted materials just as fan-edits do. I have, however, sent them to DigMod.

Info Wanted: Is there any fan edit of ROTJ that is simply the theatrical cut but with Victory Celebration at the end?

ChainsawAsh said:

I actually think he’s talking about replacing Yub Nub in the theatrical cut with the Victory Celebration track, but without any other SE elements?

I might be interested in that, actually.

I think Q2’s ROTJ edit (https://ifdb.fanedit.org/star-wars-return-of-the-jedi-a-q2-fanedit) is pretty close to this. It removes the worst offenders from SE but keeps the galaxy-wide celebration scene in the end.

There’s also a version of kk650’s semi-specialized edition with victory celebration; this one also removes blinking Ewoks.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

poppasketti said:

For TROS, I want to look at hinting at Palpatine a couple of times after the battle of Crait ends, either using the radio or end credits (or both). I think that’s precisely what was always missing from the end of TLJ, because the way it ended left nothing to anticipate for TROS.

Glad to hear it! I’m looking forward to seeing some creative ideas on how to do this, it’s not going to be easy!

Clone Wars Movie Series [Episodes I to V released; Episode IX: The Fallen Apprentice now Complete!]

Haynick888 said:

Hi Everyone

I am currently toiling with the idea of picking up where Smudger left off.
I’ve previously done a movie edit of Rebels (which I definetly plan to do more of…eventually) so I understand and am experienced with the difficulty that comes with weaving together loosely linked episodes.
But before I make any promises, I wanted to ask all of you what story arcs you all think are essential to the clone wars. So that I can start planning what will and won’t be included.
Basically, I want this movie series to provide a streamlined watching experience replacing the need to watch the clone wars episode to episode.

I would love to see this, Haynick!
I just found out that Smudger had to abandon the project, very sad. 😦

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

One easy edit that I would like would simply be removing any reference to Palpatine’s Star Destroyers being able to blow up planets. We really don’t need any more super-weapons in my opinion. The size of the fleet is really daunting enough.

I think one of the biggest problems with the film is how Palpatine is just back without any buildup or explanation… This will be harder to fix. It’s really weird how they mention his broadcast to the galaxy in the crawl without even letting us hear it. Hopefully some helpful removed scenes will surface with the blu-ray release.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

This is a great edit! Really good job! It’s really well edited, and I couldn’t find a single edit I didn’t agree with. One question though, and I’m sorry if it’s been asked before. Have you thought about changing/removing the final scene with the boy on Canto Bight? The scene was a bit puzzling before, and with the previous references to this boy and his Resistance-ring, the scene doesn’t make any sense to me. Might as well ask you the same, Hal9000, if you’re reading this; your edits are very similar at this point. 😃

Return of the Jedi: A Gentle Pruning (* unfinished project *)

My congratulations upon your coming fatherhood! 😃 I’d be stoked if you ever did choose to continue this project though, your edits always end up becoming my definitive versions of the films, and I’m still in need of an edit of ROTJ that lives up to my expectations. 😃 ROTJ:Revisited is probably still faar away.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

oojason said:

I think a few of the Fan Editors on here will be quite busy - given that the film may generate a few differing approaches and attitudes to what they would like to take from, and aim towards with, this movie…

Fan editors are going to have to work overtime. Most of them try to remove almost all of the humor from the films, which is going to be quite a challenge in this one! I agree 100% with your take on the movie btw.

Return of the Jedi - Remastered (Released)

I just watched your edit Darthrush, and it was for the most part fantastic! All edits are seamless, the Ewoks aren’t completely terrible, and Han doesn’t come across as a bitch! You’ve done a really great job!

However, I would like to share my opinions on a few things in your edit, even though you’ve said you’re not making more changes. Do with my opinions as you wish; I’m sure these issues has been mentioned before. 😉

The biggest gripe with the edit is the removal of the scene where Leia first encounters the Ewoks. It feels quite obvious that something is missing here, as there’s no explanation for her appearance in the Ewok village. Apart from this I wouldn’t have been able to guess that something had been cut from the film if this was my first time watching it.

My second issue is a minor one: The original opening for Jabba’s barge scene, which you are using in your edit, has some really terrible special effects! I know some will prefer this scene over the SE scene either way, but the quality in this scene, with the two huge shadows walking on top of the barge is just awful. It’s not a big deal seeing as how the clip only lasts for a few seconds, but it’s still quite jarring.

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Blueish/purple line here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lvilbew3rod6ke2/Purple.png?dl=0

You'll probably have to download it and zoom in, you'll notice some purple pixels along the leftmost edge. This is the 720p version that I got through jDownloader.

After reading your post I can't help but agree with you on all points. Still, I don't think it's a stretch that they're using 20 years to complete a moon-sized fully armed and operational battle station. :)

What changes are you making to v3? This version is after all pretty darn perfect.

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Finally watched this today, and it is brilliant, just brilliant!

I actually like the original ep3, and yet your edit makes it so much better. It's practically perfect, but I did make a few critical notes during my viewing:

- First of all, there's a blue/purple line on the leftmost edge of the screen throughout the film. I suppose you know this. It's no bother, but it's there..

- During the fighting on the ship (around 13min) things are happening really fast. This especially stands out when the jedi are trapped in the ray shield, and suddenly there's a platoon of battle droids behind this. I realize this is because you've (thankfully) cut away some R2-antics here. Did you also cut away some of Grevious' speech here? The pacing just seems a bit off in these scenes.

And that's it. :P

I'm a bit conflicted about the whole idea about Palpatine changing his appearance during the fight. It doesn't quite explain itself during the film, but I suppose it's better than him doing it to himself through Windu's lightsaber.

I also don't see any need for Qui-Gon talking to either Yoda or Obi-Wan. It's just a confusing bit of information at the end of the movie. What does Qui-Gon want Yoda to do at Dagobah anyways? His voice when he speaks to Yoda was also quite loud, I'd suggest tuning it down a bit if you're still keeping it in v3.

Oh, and I almost forgot. What's your motivation for removing the death star in the ending? The scene is a lot less dramatic when these guys are just enjoying their view of Corusant.. 

Once again, this is just a brilliant piece of editing! Looking forward to your 3rd versions.