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Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
I plan to attempt ripping the DVD files needed for Emmet Otter, and am taking any final suggestions on a ripping program that will successfully bypass any and all copy protection. I have a few versions of DVD Decrypter that I'm going to try. Seriously, though, I've honestly never tried this before, and need these files to be Premiere-compatible. Once I've figured all that out, the editing will be quick and cake.
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
Muppet Family Christmas is basically a wet dream for Muppet lovers. The Muppet Show muppets sing carols at Fozzie Bear's mom's house with everyone from Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock (plus a Muppet Babies appearance, to boot). It's one of the last few specials they did before the (first) Disney merger (and Jim Henson's unfortunate passing). An excellent overview/critique can be found at http://toughpigs.com/myweekxmasmore03.htm (in two sections).
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
kmcherry, thank you for posting that AVI of MFC. If I never get around to doing my re-edit, you have provided everyone with possibly the most complete original version available. Even hardcore Muppet collectors only have the pre-DVD version 2. Excellent work...and let us know when you find the original tape, even if it's *after* Christmas. :-)

Oh, and bonus points for those ads. :-)
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
Originally posted by: JHammondC
I have the VHS copy- Does someone need it. Not sure If I can capture it or not, but If it is needed, I bet something can be worked out.

Any and all VHS of the original broadcasts are welcomed. I don't have a plan for getting them all together yet. First I need to finish performing in Beauty and the Beast this weekend, and then find a way to complete Emmet Otter. Until then, hold onto that tape! :-)
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
Originally posted by: kaine23

Spleen seems to be in donation mode right now so they may not be responding yet. I had no idea they removed Kermit from the dvds! For shame! If I think of it, I'll check which dvd we sell at my store (I work at a FYE).

The Columbia/TriStar version is discontinued, so if FYE (or their sister Coconuts) have it, it will most likely be on VHS in the bargain bin (as it is in my local Coconuts). Kermit's on the cover of that one, and since it's the V2 edit, he only appears in the beginning. The one with Emmet, Ma, and the gang is the recent HIT release, containing V2 minus Kermit, and everything but Kermit that appeared exclusively in V1 (via the deleted scenes section). The HIT version also has bonus features, making it the best official DVD release of that special yet.

Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
I wouldn't mind seeing the AVI (as it will show us exactly how complete your version is), and waiting for the VHS. Your help is definitely appreciated. In the meantime, I've got Emmet Otter, which I won't be starting until mid-November, and only after someone can help me find a DVD ripping program that will make editable AVI's for Adobe Premiere.
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
Originally posted by: phraseturner
Okay, maybe I'm not reading this carefully enough.
I own two DVDs of Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas. One is the Columbia/Tri-Star release with a run time of 50 minutes listed on the back cover. The other DVD from Hit Entertainment has "never before seen footage" on the front cover, and the back cover lists 100 minute run time, including bonus features. Columbia disc has Kermit on cover in corner, but no mention of Kermit on the Hit disc. Is the version you're compiling more complete than either of these? I picked up both discs at used DVD stores and haven't watched either yet...
Both of the DVD's you've mentioned (each containing different "Version 2" edits) will be used, along with a DVD transfer of the "Version 1" HBO broadcast. V1 is the only source for the last 3 of 4 Kermit narration segments. The bonus footage from the HIT DVD (aside from the deleted scenes...a best source for many V1 bits) will not be used, as I encourage people to buy the HIT DVD, as it was made by people who care about the Muppets.
Originally posted by: kmcherry
Pretty sure I have a version 1 edit, taped directly off the original broadcast. I know for sure that the title appears late, because I started the video slightly late. It's missing a second or two at the beginning of the song, I think. Let me check into this.

Advance thanks for checking on this! I'm sheepish about using my tape because A) it's SLP speed, B) It's missing a few seconds here *and* there, and C) I have yet to find a way to transfer analog sources into the computer without the capture card making everything 1/3 darker than the original (the reason I want to rip from the DVD's instead of capturing them analog)!

Just to let everyone know, I plan on doing the bulk of Emmet during mid-November, after rehearsals and performances of "Beauty and the Beast" are done. (Not that editing this while covered in fur is all that inappropriate, but...) If that goes well, I'll move on to Muppet Family Christmas (maybe).

Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
The edits in each version are outlined on this page:


If the title card appears in the opening shot, you've got a Version Two edit. In Version 1, the title card doesn't appear until after the song, superimposed in front of Ma Bear's house (followed by a fade to black for commercial, featuring some extra Muppet noises not on the other versions). Original edits will also fade to black after the Jingle Bell Rock segment. If you have the CBS/ABC version, and intend to use it for a DVD project, I have plenty of extra material that you could use. Here's what my edit would have contained, had the hard drive not crashed last December, making the most complete version possible:

VHS - original (mono) Maxell VHS SLP recording of the first-ever ABC broadcast (v1)
- more complete than the later broadcast version (v2) seen on NBC & Nickelodeon
DVD - official (stereo) Columbia Tristar DVD edit (v3), itself an edit of the re-edit (v2)
- fed through SVHS system to bypass brightness caused by copy protection
ETC - downloaded 5-second mpeg clip posted on A Muppety Christmas site
- not the best quality, but makes up for the clip missed by the above VHS recording

01) DVD - We Need a Little Christmas intro (I started the VCR late on the no-title open shot)
02) VHS - end of song, title credit
03) VHS - Ma Bear w/extra house shot & incidental music
04) DVD - Doc enters, etc
05) VHS - Jingle Bell Rock end/fade
06) VHS - Fozzie & Rowlf incidental music
07) DVD - Fozzie & Rowlf scene, etc
08) VHS - Rowlf on piano, snowman song
09) DVD - Fozzie & Kermit, etc
10) VHS - Muppet Babies complete scene
11) DVD - Gonzo & Turkey, Sesame Street carolers, etc
12) VHS - Kermit looks out window
13) VHS - Kermit window shot w/title, Ma & Fozzie
14) DVD - Oscar & Rizzo, Doc searches for Piggy, etc
15) VHS - Home for the Holidays, Piggy's icy patch
16) ETC - Fozzie & Elmo light the tree
17) VHS - Ma's announcement, with incidental music
18) DVD - Gonzo & Animal in closet, medley pt1
19) VHS - medley pt2 (Have Yourself a Merry Little Xmas)
20) DVD - medley pt3 (Christmas Bells)
21) VHS - medley pt4 (I Heard the Bells on Xmas Day)
22) DVD - medley pt5 (last two songs)
23) VHS - end of medley, fade to black
24) VHS - Fozzie's stocking, Piggy's mink (w/incidental)
25) DVD - Robin & Grover, Jim & Sprocket, credits

* Michael Eisner & Kermit intro (from NBC v2 rebroadcast)
* Playskool sponsor bumper (ABC)
* silent title bumper (ABC)
* Toys R Us sponsor bumper (ABC)
* Kermit bumper (A Muppety Christmas site)
* original end credits (ABC w/original copyright title)
* revised end credits (NBC w/different font & Disney logo)

Woulda been neat, huh? Maybe someday, since I still have my sources....

EDIT: Of course, if someone recorded an entire Version 1 broadcast, complete with commercials, they could just put *that* onto a DVD, not worrying about cutting back and forth between the VHS and DVD-quality footage. This is because Muppet Family Christmas (unlike with Emmet Otter) Version 1 has *everything*, and Version 2 has only exclusions, not additions.
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
I think the HIT version sort of benefitted from not being allowed to use Kermit, since the Version Two edit only used the first of his four pieces of narration, and might as well have just left him out entirely, anyway. The story's so good that it doesn't exactly need him. Nonetheless, every broadcast or released version of Emmet is missing *something*, and it's time to fix that.
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
Fortunately, I had kept a log of the cuts I needed to make when I attempted this last year. I've alterred it here to reflect the new attempt and the better sources. I still may change where I make or source certain cuts, but this is to give an idea of what I have to do (I'll also be rechecking both versions to make sure I didn't miss anything):

* #1 - 198? DVD (from VHS) of original HBO broadcast (aka v1)
* #2 - 1996 DVD release of rebroadcast (aka v2)
* #3 - 2005 DVD release of above (v2), but with less footage
* #4 - 2005 DVD's Deleted Scenes section (upgrade of some v1 footage)
01 - #2 - logo opening (from later releases) and Kermit's intro
02 - #3 - opening titles
03 - #1 - Kermit's narration piece 1 (audio)
04 - #3 - bathing suit song
05 - #4 - "wet hat" and "fall off the dock" dialogue
06 - #3 - possum's pumpkins dialogue
07 - #4 - washtub song spoken intro
08 - #3 - washtub song
09 - #1 - Kermit's narration piece 2 (audio)
10 - #3 - all scenes from here until the talent show
11 - #4 - "shaky start" dialogue
12 - #3 - dancing rabbits and rest of special until...
13 - #1 - Kermit at the inn/beginning of last scene
14 - #3 - finale into credits
15 - #1 - original Henson copyright from end credits
16 - #3 - Henson end logo from later releases, as an added bonus
52 minutes, 0 seconds

So there you have it, including four things that never turned up on any official release. It's plenty to fix, though Muppet Family Christmas will be a much more difficult edit by comparison. Can anyone make an NTSC conversion of the R2 DVD?
The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Director's Cut (Released)
Originally posted by: Spock
Well I finally got around to downloading it. I did notice one shot where you left in the purple guards but it's still a very good DVD. I especially like the commentary track.

You're speaking of the shot in the witch's lair, right? (Maybe not...I'll proceed anyway...heheh.) OCP recently found that guard shot for Mark II (previously cropped out due to a Pan & Scan source), and decided to leave it alone. I noticed that he could have painted Tack's face white for the "leaving the castle" scene, too. But, we all know that if he were to "fix" everything for this edit, he might as well do new animation for all the storyboard shots, too. :-D
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
Originally posted by: SilverWook
It so happens I taped Emmet Otter in 1998 off of Nickelodeon, (probably the last time it was shown on tv) in Super-VHS. All Kermit scenes are present and it is the same cut as the HBO version, AFAIK. The only problem is a three second cable dropout during the talent show sequence.

-----Awesome. The '98 broadcast is indeed Version One. Is there a way you can transfer it to DVDR? I'd like to compare it to the broadcast copy that I have. The dropout won't be an issue because the majority of my edit will come from either the Columbia or HIT DVD, including the talent show material.
-----I'd ask if you also had the "Muppet Family Christmas", but the '98 Nickelodeon broadcasts have always been the Version 2 edit (I know because my fiancee taped them), making the CBS and ABC (not NBC) airings the ones to get for *that* one.
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)

Hi all! Thanks to the site redesign, I was finally able to change my (forgotten) password, and update you all on this project.



original film name: Emmet Otter’s Jugband Christmas
film studio name: Jim Henson
Date Original Film Was Released: 1977 (v1, HBO) / 1980 (v2, ABC)
Date Edit Was Released: (late) March 2008
Original Runtime: 50 min (each version)
New Runtime: 53 min
Amount of time Cut/Added: +3 minutes
Cuts added/altered (stuff not on the official “V2” releases):
-Kermit’s opening restored (previously only on older “V2” releases)
-Kermit’s narration before “Bathing Suit” song restored
-Emmet and Ma sing the entire “Bathing Suit” song! (unique to this version)
-“pass the hat to fish” dialogue restored
-“fall off the dock” dialogue restored
-“I’m rowin’, where’s the singin’” dialogue before “Washtub” song restored
-Kermit’s narration about the morning snow restored
-“we’re off to a shaky start” dialogue restored
-Kermit’s last segment restored
-fade-in to final scene and incidental music restored
-original copyright info during end credits restored
-V2’s extended “Washtub” and “River Meets The Sea” (reprise) left in
-V2’s curtain close, bunny dance, etc…all left in

DVD - Features:

  • 53 minutes, NTSC
  • static (but nice!) chapter menus
  • bonus anniversary footage

Conceptual improvements/advancements of edit over original:
There are two different versions of the “Emmet Otter” TV special: The first was shown on HBO (released as a Muppet Video VHS), while the other appeared on ABC and official video releases (Columbia Tri-star being its first DVD release). Each edit has something that the other doesn’t, with the second, more common version deleting some memorable material. On top of that, the most recent (HIT Entertainment) V2 DVD release (which provides V1-only material in a Bonus Clips section) was forced (by Disney, recent re-owners of the Muppet Show related Muppets) to remove all traces of Kermit from their product. To remedy all of this, I’m combining all of the footage to seamlessly (as possible) create the longest, most complete version of this memorable Muppet Christmas special (which is currently being made into a stage musical).

Be sure to buy HIT Entertainment’s official DVD of “Emmet Otter”, which was created with respect and care for the material, plus plenty of bonus features, including bloopers, lost music, and a full-length documentary (none of which I will be using for my DVD). HIT owns the non-Muppet Show and non-Sesame Street related Muppets, and has also released the excellent Fraggle Rock series box sets. They deserve your support. (Oh, and the original book’s pretty neat, too.)


Hello, all. I tried this last year, but a faulty hard drive destroyed it. But I must try again, this has to be done. I’m thinking of making a complete version of this classic Muppet holiday special from the late '70’s, using three different sources:
A) Version 1 Edit, 1970’s (fan’s DVD transfer of original HBO broadcast)
B) Version 2 Edit, 1980’s (released by Columbia/TriStar)
C) Version 2 ReEdit with Version 1 clips as separate bonuses (released last year by HIT)
Disney wouldn’t allow HIT to include any Kermit clips on its recent DVD version, which inspired this project. Everything unique to each of the original two edits will be combined to make an ultimate version. My fan edit DVD will not include any of the bonus documentaries that appeared on the HIT DVD, because I refuse to rip off the efforts that HIT put into making a quality official release that any real fan should buy without hesitation (My disc will be a supplement to that release). To put this together, I would need a program to rip (any and all kinds of) DVD files into workable AVI’s, and I’d have to edit it all in Adobe Premiere, so any advice or help with this is welcome. I would also enjoy any Emmet Otter documentaries that predate the HIT collection, which I could also throw onto the disc.
P.S. If anyone has a complete CBS or ABC copy of the also-butchered Muppet Family Christmas TV special, I could use your help in restoring that as well.