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Star Wars: The Lost Planet (A Skeleton Crew Edit) [WIP]

For now I’m inclined to think that the best thing to do is to remove that prologue from the final cut. I think it too obviously foreshadows the identity of Jude Law’s character, which we don’t mind, but I think the dramatic setting would work much better by hiding it a bit more.

Otherwise, I see the cut as very neat so far. The only thing that worries me about this edit is that so far it seems to me to be a very stringy series, it doesn’t waste time with almost anything. Maybe it will be harder than other shows to take footage out of it, but I trust smudger9.

The Power of Two (The Acolyte as a prequel to the prequels) [RELEASED; Runtime 2h 39mns; 4K]

I really enjoyed this edit. I think this is where the need to transform television Star Wars into movies is most noticeable. In general terms, I thought the series was correct, but the problems were very evident and, as you have rightly indicated, the fact that it was a television series affected it greatly.

It’s clear that the messy structure didn’t suit him at all, mostly because the secrets he was hiding weren’t worth enough anticipation to reveal them near the end of the series. The way you build it doesn’t make it more surprising, but it does feel much more honest.

As always, congratulations for what you do. I have a folder with all your projects saved on two hard drives, I don’t think I have a better way to tell you how much I appreciate your work.

The Power of Two (The Acolyte as a prequel to the prequels) [RELEASED; Runtime 2h 39mns; 4K]

I really enjoyed this edit. I think this is where the need to transform television Star Wars into movies is most noticeable. In general terms, I thought the series was correct, but the problems were very evident and, as you have rightly indicated, the fact that it was a television series affected it greatly.

It’s clear that the messy structure didn’t suit him at all, mostly because the secrets he was hiding weren’t worth enough anticipation to reveal them near the end of the series. The way you build it doesn’t make it more surprising, but it does feel much more honest.

As always, congratulations for what you do. I have a folder with all your projects saved on two hard drives, I don’t think I have a better way to tell you how much I appreciate your work.

ANDOR: The Rogue One Arc (Rogue One Rescore) [AVAILABLE]

I have seen all three in one session. What a great achievement, what a good idea and what a satisfying way to execute it. I have never liked Rogue One very much, I’ve always seen it as a film that was not able to explore what it really wanted and that had to compensate for those shortcomings with easter eggs and somewhat cheap references.

However, I loved Andor and it seemed like a perfect redemption to that story, so this edit makes me very excited and seems like a perfect way to bring the intentions of the two works closer together. I agree that the difference in direction and editing with Andor is noticeable, but with this being sort of its “final arc” I can accept the faster pace.

Great work.

The New Republic Movie Series EPIV: A Threat From Beyond (An Ahsoka Series Edit) [RELEASED]

I realized that I didn’t leave you a review of this one. Great job as always, Smudger. At first it hurt me to see the Corellia part removed but, as always happens with your edits, you usually cut things that I really like but I end up understanding the reason for doing so.

This one in particular, I really liked seeing it with the format you propose of a saga of The New Republic. Very much in favor of having a narrative that is as unfragmented as possible between series that will later have points of connection with each other.

The New Republic Movie Series EPIV: A Threat From Beyond (An Ahsoka Series Edit) [RELEASED]

I loved this first cut.

Ignoring the abrupt sound cuts and small errors (I hear the cut scene of the villains in the destroyed temple during the Sabine and Ahsoka one after the reunion), I feel that as a first act the rhythm flows well and that it is a model introduction to a film, without a rushed pace but also feeling light and pleasant.

I also really like how you have resolved Sabine’s injury, I think it looks wonderfully well and that it can be understood that she has been injured without it being something as serious as what is seen in the series.

I haven’t been able to see the clip with the two medbay scenes combined, but it also seems like a great idea to me.

As a silly detail, I feel that the cut of the shot in which the New Republic cruiser appears is very noticeable
after the opening crawl. I suppose you will polish these details tho.

On the other hand, have you decided 100% to make just one movie for the entire season? I really felt this sixth episode like the beginning of a second part of something, with Ahsoka’s arc quite closed in the previous one. The second film may be considerably shorter than the first, but narratively it suits me better divided into two films.

The New Republic Movie Series EPIV: A Threat From Beyond (An Ahsoka Series Edit) [RELEASED]

Honestly, I don’t care what approach Smudger has decided to take with this edit. Having seen all of his previous work with live-actions series I have blind confidence in his judgment when deciding what stays and what doesn’t. He always cuts things that seem essential to me until I watch his movies straight away and I understand that that’s not the case. He simply has a gift.

Looking forward with infinite desire to see his work with Ahsoka.

Star Wars: Ahsoka - Episode I The Fallen Jedi [RELEASED]


Hello, this is my edit of the Ahsoka series so far. I want to change things because I’m not convinced about ending it on a cliffhanger like that, I’m open to you telling me parts that could be cut or edited to make it lighter. The idea is, if possible, to also include chapter 5 and reduce the footage so far.

The edit includes:
-The first four chapters together.
-Music from The Old Republic, Rogue One and some movie from the saga throughout the entire movie.
-Smooth transitions between chapters.
-Classic opening crawl and saga-style credits.
-Quite aggressive and experimental color correction.

Runtime: 2:34:44

Feel free to comment if you want a link 😃

Ahsoka - A Double Feature-length Edit (RELEASED)

Hey, I would like to see this! Looks good and want to see those episode transitions 😃

I’m working on an edit myself, but I want to wait for the fifth chapter to see if I can fit it in and give it a less cliffhanger-based ending. Also, I think mine is going to be much less conservative (I’m including the SWTOR soundtrack in certain scenes and cutting others quite a bit).

The New Republic Movie Series EPIV: A Threat From Beyond (An Ahsoka Series Edit) [RELEASED]

szopman said:

smudger9 said:

szopman said:

Smudger9, did you maybe consider combining Ahsoka and “The Mandalorian” into one film series?

It seems eventually all those shows will lead to one big crossover event - Dave Filoni’s movie.

Plus, Ahsoka already appeared in your previous “Mando” films and Thrawn’s return was hinted there before.

So, if you made them all just “Star Wars” films, this one would just be a continuation of some storylines that started in the previous stories.

Absolutely. Lucasfilm updated their Eras timeline this week so I’ll probably go with “The New Republic” as the logo for these. I’ll wait for the end of the Ahsoka series before committing to this and I’ll also need to tinker with my Mando S2 to include the now essential Ahsoka/Morgan confrontation.

EP1: Mando S1
EP2: Mando S2
EP3: Ahsoka S1 P1
EP4: Ahsoka S2 P2
EP6: Mando S3

EP1: Mando S1
EP2: Mando S2
EP3: Ahsoka S1 P1
EP4: Ahsoka S2 P2
EP6: Mando S3

Did you consider maybe intercutting Ahsoka with TBOBF and Mando s03 to have one coherent story with the same protagonists?
If I remember correctly, you weren’t 100% happy with the Mando/Ahsoka/Luke stuff being the last act of your third Mando movie.

Maybe you could make it the beginning of the -let’s call it-movie4? We have there Ahsoka and Mando meeting, Mando and Grogu reunion and from there, both protagonists, Ahsoka and Mando go their way and in both storylines, the return of Thrawn is heavily mentioned. And in both storylines we have Carson as a recurring character. So maybe it would make sense to make it two movies with Ahsoka and Mando stories intercutting (like the one you did with Boba and Mando) with the big finale being probably the return of the admiral Thrawn.

Or just add the Luke/Ahsoka/Mando part to the movie 4, as a prologue, and then add some scenes from the first episope of “Ahsoka” to your movie edit of Mando s03. You could even end it with a nice cliffhanger, of Baylon and Shin rescuing Morgan and then the next movie could be Ahsoka-centered.

I’m playing with that idea based on Smudger’s edits and I’ve been wanting to open a post about it for a while, but first I wanted to do something really solid. The question is that for now this idea of ​​interconnecting the two stories would only work in a film, because it seems strange to me to make films of two timelines that have nothing to do with each other. But it’s a matter of trying, maybe Smudger will come up with something.