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A simple change to make Revenge Of The Sith better.

RogueLeader said:

This idea has actually been discussed before. Since Anakin is shrouded in his robes, this is something that could possibly be reshot if some plates were created and then actors in costume films in front of a green screen. You would also need to rework some character dialogue to remove mention of the Separatists on Mustafar, and possibly add some to get that info across.

And you could just trim Obi-Wan’s Utupau mission to have Obi-Wan jump down before the Separatist leaders leave. That way we could just assume they get captured by the Clone Army before they can escape.

I have to say I’m not that surprised this has been discussed before because ever since I re-worked it like that in my headcannon, it seems to be so obvious that this is what should have happened. Why did George Lucas decided to make Anakin’s “badass” scene with the separatists?! Most people don’t care about them, we want to see Anakin destroy some Jedi! It would have made so much sense, especially with the cuts back and forth with Palpatine declaring the Jedi enemies of the Republic and creating the Empire.

Instead of reshooting the scene, could it possible to just digitally add some lightsabers to the separatists, and maybe digitally insert some different faces to them?

A simple change to make Revenge Of The Sith better.

NeverarGreat said:

I actually think the point of no return for the story was Anakin killing the Tusken Raiders, women and children included. That was when I checked out anyway.

I forgot about that, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me that much. Maybe I see it as more “forgivable” because his mother just died and they are an aggressive species.

A simple change to make Revenge Of The Sith better.

I’ll try keeping it short. Basically I really like Revenge Of The Sith but a few things almost ruins it for me, and are keeping me from really loving it. You all heard the complaints, so no need to explain.
But I would say the main thing that I hate in the movie is Anakin killing children. How can a man whose story is about redemption be redeemed when he killed children. I think it’s the biggest thing that ruins Anakin’s character in the prequels, not the whining or the sometimes questionable acting, but this 10 seconds where we see him enter that room. If this short scene was cut, and references to “youglings” just be replaced by “Jedi” or “Padawans”, I would like the film much better. So this things are doable with edits. But I came up with an idea (maybe it has already been suggested by someone, I don’t remember if I read it somewhere or came up with it myself, in this case, I didn’t “come up” with the idea, but I’ll just share it anyway) that could make it even better, but unfortunately not doable with edits.
So another complaint I have with the movie, that goes hand to hand with the one I already described, is that we didn’t get to see Darth Vader really “hunt down the Jedi” as Obi-Wan said in Star Wars. Going to the Jedi Temple isn’t really hunting them down. So what I suggest is that when Palpatine tells Darth Vader to go to Mustafar to kill the separatists leaders, is changing that part of the scenario. Instead of the separatists, it is the remaining Jedi that have escaped Order 66 and are hiding there. You could imagine something like all the separatists got killed on Utapau by the Clones. Anakin/Darth Vader goes to Mustafar like in the movie but instead we get a nice scene with him fighting a few Jedi and killing them, showing how powerful he is and making Obi-Wan’s claim in Star Wars of him hunting the Jedi more close to the truth. Then Obi-Wan arrives to Mustafar to regroup with the last Jedi only to find them all killed, and the following is just like the movie.
This is basically my headcannon now. What do you think?

TL;DR: Anakin doesn’t kill children, and the guys he kills on Mustafar aren’t the separatists leaders but surviving Jedi that are hiding there

Childhood Misconceptions (aka The Trap Thread, but misconceptions still welcome)

dahmage said:

VegetableMan said:

dahmage said:

VegetableMan said:

When I was a kid I only had The Phantom Menace and Return Of The Jedi on VHS, and I hadn’t seen the others, and I thought the Death Star II was what was left of the feredation ship Anakin blows up at the end of TPM.

I can’t fathom only having those two movies… When did you finally see the rest of the saga? (assuming you eventually did)

I don’t really remember, I started really getting into Star Wars between I and II, so probably in 2001, and at the time there were only those two VHSs at home. I think I then had The Empire Strikes Back (1997 SE) and finally Star Wars (1997 SE), before II came out.
So I watched them in a messed up order: VI, I, V, IV, II, III, etc…

Ahh, the classic “vegetable order” 😀


Childhood Misconceptions (aka The Trap Thread, but misconceptions still welcome)

dahmage said:

VegetableMan said:

When I was a kid I only had The Phantom Menace and Return Of The Jedi on VHS, and I hadn’t seen the others, and I thought the Death Star II was what was left of the feredation ship Anakin blows up at the end of TPM.

I can’t fathom only having those two movies… When did you finally see the rest of the saga? (assuming you eventually did)

I don’t really remember, I started really getting into Star Wars between I and II, so probably in 2001, and at the time there were only those two VHSs at home. I think I then had The Empire Strikes Back (1997 SE) and finally Star Wars (1997 SE), before II came out.
So I watched them in a messed up order: VI, I, V, IV, II, III, etc…

When you were introduced to Star Wars for the first time

Wolfman said:

Here in the UK, Star Wars did not arrive until Christmas 1977. It went on general release in January 1978.
Before the film arrived here, many pictures and scenes from the film were appearing in magazines and on the television. I was collecting pictures even before the film came here.

I saw Star Wars sometime early 1978 aged 12 at Guildford Odeon in Surrey. I went back many times as the film was being re-released every school holiday.

So you’re saying you were a fan before the movie was even released (at least in your country). That’s awesome.

When you were introduced to Star Wars for the first time

I don’t remember exactly when it was, probably the late 90’s. My parents had a VHS of Return Of The Jedi, the unaltered version. I think one of my earliest memory of Star Wars is watching this VHS with my family, I vaguely remember the scene on Dagobah, I must have been about 4 or 5 years old.
But I became a fan a few years later, between Episode I and II (so this was around 2000-2001), after watching my brother’s VHS tape of Ep. I, and then getting the 1997 SE of Star Wars and Empire on my birthday.

Ranking the Star Wars films

I thought posting in this thread would be a good way to introduce myself:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Star Wars/A New Hope
  3. Return Of The Jedi
  4. Rogue One (maybe still the exitement talking, we will see how I rank it in a few months)
  5. The Force Awakens
  6. Revenge Of The Sith
  7. The Phantom Menace
  8. Attack Of The Clones

Looking forward to many discussions with you all!