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The Emperor scene in Empire Strikes Back- NEW FAN EDIT [GERMAN DUB ONLY]

Oh yes, Jedi Knight was really nice. One of the first games with real actors cutscenes and a very nice story. I also love Jedi-Knight 2.

It would also nice to do a german audio for all the deleted scenes for PT and OT. Then it would be possible to do some fan edits with a german dub.

In the last weeks I also worked a little bit with AI voice. What tool do you using? I used https://www.vidnoz.com/voice-changer.html
It is free and I can upload voice samples and re-create new speech. Its not perfect but sometimes it is working good.

The Emperor scene in Empire Strikes Back- NEW FAN EDIT [GERMAN DUB ONLY]

Awesome work, TK8252! Helmut Heyne had such a incredible voice and your AI work is matching really good!
Do you have other plans with the German audio? Maybe a german dub of Adywans Revisited in combination with Laserschwerts german adaption of Harmy Despecialization in addition with some AI tweaks by yourself? šŸ˜ƒ


Jedi122 said:

Adywan, what do you think of Jar Jar Bricksā€™s AI line of Vader saying ā€œYour mother once thought as you doā€?

As far as I can remember Adywan said that in his Revisited Trilogy the prequels donā€™t play a role and therefore donā€™t have to correct mistakes of the prequels. I therefore assume that Darth Vaderā€™s text will not be changed here.

Although this information is already a few years old.

To the Update:
Great Sample and a pretty nice work!

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I miss some nice hyperspace travel animations in the prequel trilogy.
Maybe a jump to hyperspace with cockpit view or travel animation like this: (other ship of course)

For Jedi-Star Fighter with Hyperspace Ring or for Naboo Nubian J-Typ ships. Especially the J-Types with the reflective surface certainly look very nice in hyperspace.

Does someone now good existing fan animations for this or is able to create something with Blender or some other tools?

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Spartacus01 said:

Iā€™ll quote myself:

The idea is that Vaderā€™s reasoning is more or less like this: ā€œIs she alive? Then Iā€™ll keep her at my side and force her to agree with me. Is she dead? Then I can do without her.ā€ Indeed, we see Vader reasoning like this already when he is on Mustafar, when he tells PadmĆ© to join him and basically has no problem choking her. The Dark Side has twisted his mind so much that he no longer sees PadmĆ© as a person, but as a mere object that he can use the way he sees fit.

I apologize. I have not seen this post.
Yes with this idea it can work : )

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

RogueLeader said:

I donā€™t remember if it was someone here or on YouTube, but someone achieved this exact idea before, so it is definitely doable without voice Ai or anything.

EDIT: I did find a version of this idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GvpT_7BMAc

I can remember to this edit. The editing is nice and the idea is good.

But when Padme no longer has any meaning for him, why he ask about her?

Theater Performance Preservations

none said:

1999 - The Phantom Menace
1999.05.xx : ā€˜Zā€™ (TPM1&2.mpg 650mb)
1999.05.xx : TPMVHSNYC - New York City VHS Bootleg
1999.05.xx : The Phantom Menace Cam - TREADWELL TWC240
1999.05.xx : Dis-man
1999.05.xx : ā€˜ABā€™

Does someone have these bootleg versions of TPM? It would be a pleasure to see (and hear) it again. I was so impressed by the audience reaction when I saw it the first time.

Sony Vegas - Rendering settings and community of practice

TiiN said:

Maybe someone can help me with my issue with Sony Vegas:

When I started my Star Wars edit projects in the past I used a stereo source. So my whole cuts are only with this one track.
Now I want to replace the source with an 5.1 fileā€¦ but when I replace it by Sony Vegas, then only one of the 5.1 tracks will be used because my project have only one audio track.

I changed the project settings to 5.1 and I added additional empty audio tracks. But only the already used track will be replaced.

Does someone has an idea how I can replace my stereo project with 5.1 source without repeating all cuts with the new source?

Sony Vegas V19 has a feature for this issue called ā€œAdd missing stream for selected eventā€ but this is buggy with 5.1 and only works with Stereo.
But one from the Vegas Team posted a nice work around:
Bug will be solved in the future.

Sony Vegas - Rendering settings and community of practice

Maybe someone can help me with my issue with Sony Vegas:

When I started my Star Wars edit projects in the past I used a stereo source. So my whole cuts are only with this one track.
Now I want to replace the source with an 5.1 fileā€¦ but when I replace it by Sony Vegas, then only one of the 5.1 tracks will be used because my project have only one audio track.

I changed the project settings to 5.1 and I added additional empty audio tracks. But only the already used track will be replaced.

Does someone has an idea how I can replace my stereo project with 5.1 source without repeating all cuts with the new source?

Snooker's Assorted Star Wars edit ideas

Peter Pan said:

I have definitely seen a shot of Dooku turning away from the funeral. (it used the shot of him leaving the arena battle on Geonosis) However I donā€™t have a link for you.
You could try searching the prequel radical redux thread, I think it was there that I saw it, but that was years ago.

Thanks for the hint!
I found a trailer by TheAlaskanSandman. You mean this?

Worst Edit Ideas

I dont know if this is a ā€œworstā€ idea, I like it but it doesnt really fit.
Padme is spying/watching during Anakins first session with the Jedi Council.
I created a small clip:


Used a short sequence of ā€œWhere the Heart isā€ (2000)

alternative this clip could be add for the second visit, in this Naboo is also topic during the Jedi discussion.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

I agree that the sentence from Mace Windu is helpful for introducing the scene. But for me the problem with putting the training after Palpatines Office is:

  1. Does Anakin know in this scene that he will meet PadmƩ again? It seems not.
  2. The transition to the next scene (meet Padme) is too fast for me. From no-mercy-Anakin to ā€œI-am-so-nervos-Annieā€ without a break or another scene between.

For me its ok to break with some strict Star Wars ordersā€¦ every film is doing this from a certain point of view.
In another way the Anakin&Kenobi-Training is a nice forecast for Palptine & Mace dialog.

NeverarGreat said:

It also seems strange that Anakin would sense Padmeā€™s distress and not even comment on it.

Show, donā€™t tell šŸ˜ƒ Maybe he is not sure what he is sensing, but he feel something.

Making the Obi-Wan &amp; Anakin training session (From the Kenobi series) work in an AOTC edit.

In my cut (not published) I placed the new training shot directly after the assassination on Padme. At the beginning Anakin is looking to the skyline of Coruscant and in this order it seems like he is feeling the attack on Padme.

  1. Coruscant opening & assaination
  2. Obi-Wan & Anakin training (trimmed)
  3. Deleted Scene in the Senate (with opening of the senate building)
  4. Palpatines office (without opening of the building)

For me the Obi-Wan & Anakin training donā€™t need a Jedi temple shot at the beginning because it has a long zoom out with Anakin and the Skyline.

Sony Vegas - Rendering settings and community of practice

Hello all, as far as I know some fan editors still working with (Sony) Vegas. Like me šŸ˜ƒ
I am very copy with the problem, using it since over ten years and I think I know many features.

Maybe we can exchange some experiences of the usage?

For example I have a question about the rendering settings. I am nearly happy with my settings, but in some very fast scenes (for example many blaster impact in a Star Wars movie) I sill see some pixel. What render settings are you using for your fan cuts?

My settings:

Sony AVC/MVC (mp4, m2ts, avc)

Video format: AVC
Frame size: Custom - 1920 * 816
Profile: High
Entropy coding: CABAC
Frame rate: 23,976
Field order: None
Pixel aspect ratio: 1,000
Bit rate: 16.000.000

Audio Format: AAC
Sample rate: 48.000
Bit rate: 320.000
Audio coding mode: Stere (I started in early past with Stereo and still need to adapt to 5.1)

Video rendering quality: Use Project Settings
Stereoscopic 3D mode: use Project Settings
Color Space: Default

What are you using as rendering settings/format and are you completely happy with your result?