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Hello all!

A few years ago I worked on the LOST Season Finale Broadcast Restorations edits. AI upscaling has continued to massively improve over the years and I’m hoping to finish up a Version 2 of my edit with much higher quality sources to fill in the missing moments that were not on the blu-ray (which is my main source for the edit).

Unfortunately, my contact on this site, and my only lead for HDTV Captures of the Season 1, 2 and 3 finales has gone radio silent for several months now. The 20th anniversary of the show is fast approaching (September 2024) so this is a desperate plea for anyone who may know someone or is sitting on a treasure trove of the original 720p HDTV broadcasts.

Without the proper broadcast rips, I can’t fill in the missing moments and complete the edit.

<em>Kenobi: Trials Of The Master</em> - Fanedit by PixelJoker95

Matt.F said:

I watched the Kai Patterson edit of Kenobi yesterday, and that also boasts some new FX work like PixelJoker.

With a bit of distance since the release of Kenobi I’d say that even when tightened up by a fan editor and with many of the clunkiest moments removed, what you’re left with is still… somewhat mid. I want to love it, but it just never really sparks into life, and I’m not sure that tweaking a few visual fx can change that.

This. Everything Pixel is doing will be a major improvement but it will still be a 5/10 at the end of the day. You can’t polish a turd lol


Wow! This is nuts. I’m so glad people like you exist in this community. Absolutely insane level of detail.

Here’s a sample you can download that shows a before and after comparison that will give a better example of what i mean by all of this:


Info: Theatrical AOTC Discussion Thread

Wow. The colors on that 35mm are so much better than the official home release.

MonkeyLizard10 said:

towne32 said:

Some, like this guy on movie-censorship, say the DVD was produced from the digital theatrical master. I’d really like to find more information written before the DVD was released, though, to be certain. Padme’s awful “Yes” line had to have been a later fix, after reviewers mocked it, right? If nothing else, there would have been people arguing and defending the film as they did not witness it with “yes”.

Here is something weird:

Thanks to user Phase3 for spotting a weird teal rectangle going across part of the top upper left of a transition between scenes at around the 28m mark I was then able to find the 35mm frame and note that the weird rectangle was NOT there in the original 35mm theatrical release.

This weird teal rectangle has been on all versions of AOTC going back to the UK and german HDTV broadcasts that we have caps of as well as the initial DVD (and thus very likely initial VHS) release and it has been on all releases since, all the blu-rays and the new UHD and D+. But it is not on the 35mm. It would be easy to imagine the other way around. Some IN used for a print had something dropped across the scanner a bit for a few frames and so any print from that has the blob and then everything from other IN and the digital master does not. But in this case it is like more the opposite.

So potential proof of muddling around with things post theatrical. Almost looks like teal power windows brush hah. I wonder what the story with it is.

It is not the most momentous difference ever hah! And certainly not really the sort of ‘change’ you’d expect at all, looks more like a weird mistake of some sort that apparently got backed in super early post-theatrical (perhaps even for the digital theatrical?) and has been there for at least the whole HDTV through UHD release.

Also, assuming it was not there in the digital theatrical then it also proves that the UHD was also sourced from the same modified for home versions as all the rest and not a going back to an original digital master or anything (again, assuming it was not there in the digital theatrical and I doubt anyone would possibly remember that or have even noticed it if it was there).

And with the UHD also seeming to lack some of the wide gamut insane teals/greenblues found on the 35mm and the odd trace teal blue “A long time ago…” intro text even though UHD CAN show those colors it seems like the early home revisions might have accidentally (?) been done in REC709 and then they were stuck with that gamut unless they were to go back and re-do all the little changes for home??

Here is a snap that Phse3 made of one of the home versions:

And here is the original 35mm:

So what the what is this weird blue blob??:


Maybe it’s just the gif, but the shot of Luke turning his head around while R2 gets shot looks like maybe a frame or two is off in the rotoscoping around Luke’s helmet. There’s like a shadow or a bump or something. Might be worth taking a look at?

Everything else looks great. I’ve been patiently waiting to rewatch the original trilogy for Revisited and Harmy Despecialized 3.0 lol

LOST - Season 1, 2 and 3 Finale Fan-Edits (Version 2 in Progress)

sydcho said:

Is there any way I can have the link?

Links are down currently. I’m working on a Version 2. Making several audio and video improvements.

Work on the project has stopped at the moment because I’m currently waiting on a new lead that might have 720p broadcast sources for all 3 finales.

I’ll report back on here once things get moving again.

LOST - Season 1, 2 and 3 Finales: Original Broadcast Restoration (Version 2 in Progress)

MonkeyLizard10 said:

I probably have the episodes recorded OTA to one of my TV recording HDs somewhere (or maybe burned onto a data DVD). If you still need any of that stuff, tell me and I will keep it in mind as I organize things if I come across them.
I think I got my HDTV recorder for my PC as far back as 2004, I know I have some rare HD footage of the 2004 games. NBC actually ran their HD OTA broadcasts with way less commercials and a lot more coverage than their OTA analog broadcast then, I guess HD was so rare then, they didn’t mind any loss of commercial fees. Anyway so I had to have started recording some HD stuff OTA at least as far back as summer of 2004.

PM sent. This would be awesome!

LOST - Season 1, 2 and 3 Finales: Original Broadcast Restoration (Version 2 in Progress)

Actually all that edge enhancement was from my own misuse of the AI upscaler. The DVD is still the best source of the missing footage. All of the HDTV rips I have access to, are so compressed that they’re lesser quality than the DVD.

As for the shot you’re referring to from the S1 finale, it will still be the replacement angle from the blu ray. I can’t get the upscaler to achieve anything remotely close to acceptable in terms of quality for that original angle. Nothing is missing from the episode. It’s just not the exact same camera angle. For some reason the blu ray episode decided to use a different angle of the same shot/action.

LOST - Season 1, 2 and 3 Finales: Original Broadcast Restoration (Version 2 in Progress)

Couple people PM’d me for this recently. I haven’t responded yet because I’m actually in the process of working on a Version 2. I don’t have an estimate of when I’ll be finished, I’ll update the first post when I have links ready.

Few things of note…


  • I’m redoing all of the AI upscales across the board. (Version 1 was my first time using the software and I made a lot of rookie mistakes.)
  • Removing the 6 seconds of black I added to the start of all 3 episodes. This was done for delay purposes when I was casting to my TV, but I’d rather have the timing be 100% accurate.


  • I’m using a much better method for creating the 5.1 sound mixes.
  • S1 Finale: Adding back the whooshing sound that was absent on the DVD, but present on the HDTV broadcast for the Season 1 Finale.
  • S3 Finale: I’ll be doing some sound design work to the sequences that I don’t have a 5.1 source for. Mainly Jack driving to the funeral parlor. I thought those parts really stood out like a sore thumb on Version 1.
OLD BEN: An Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Edit [ABANDONED]

From what you’ve shown, this is exactly the tone I wanted out of the show. I can’t believe we ended up with such a mess. I hope you can get a full movie out of it.

I had started to do an edit but wasn’t thinking as radically. One thing we both had the same idea on was having the first Owen scene end with the Inquisitors showing up for the first time. They’re just so ass in the show that I lost interest in pursuing the edit further.


adywan said:

OK, Here is the sneak peek at the new ANH:R HD edit of the Obi-Wan/ Vader duel.
The editing in the HD version differs slightly from the SD version . In the final version there will be two audio tracks: The main 5.1 track will be the music less versions, while track 2 will have the added music as seen in the original SD version of ANH:R


I’m curious, is it possible to remove those extra flashes where their sabers aren’t clashing? Is that something you tried? Those always bothered me.

It’s when they’re talking to each other and they’re not striking or attacking at all. But there’s huge flashes still.