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Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

While I share opposition to DNR, we need to remember why it’s a problem… because it kills detail. The DNR’d and regrained O-neg has more detail than the non-DNR’d print.

True, in terms of detail this is one of the best options out there. I just prefer the dirtier, grittier look of the 4K77-83 projects.

There’s definitely a place for both though, having more options is never a bad thing when it comes to Star Wars.

Anyone else think Empire Strikes Back's Special Edition is actually better than the Theatrical Cut?

Superweapon VII said:

ThatPixarGuy said:

Recasting Boba Fett and the Emperor for continuity’s sake is a good idea on paper, but both miss the mark completely in execution to the point where I prefer the originals.

It’s really galling when you learn that Temuera Morrison is fully capable of doing a Boba Fett voice closer to Jason Wingreen’s. I’ve heard that Lucas had Morrison record the lines over the phone when it was around 2 AM in New Zealand; I wouldn’t be up for a proper line-reading at that time, either.

That explains a lot, haha.

Anyone else think Empire Strikes Back's Special Edition is actually better than the Theatrical Cut?

I feel it’s the least offensive SE of the three, but I still prefer the theatrical release. Taking out “Bring my Shuttle” and “You’re lucky you don’t taste very good” is a no-go for me, and other changes like the Wampa and Cloud City additions are whatever. I also disliked the removal of the echo effect in the iconic “I am your father” scene.

Recasting Boba Fett and the Emperor for continuity’s sake is a good idea on paper, but both miss the mark completely in execution to the point where I prefer the originals. I did like the recoloring of R2 in space though.

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 35mm Re Creation (a WIP)

While I think it’d be neat if someone picked this project up and finished it, an actual print being found would be a revelation. Still hoping it happens someday.

There’s the trailers though, so if someone wanted to use these as references I say go for it!



Return Of The Jedi's 40th anniversary

nobodybutjarjar42 said:

the screening i went to was the 2019 cut

Same here, it looked like the remastered BD just on the big screen.

I’d recommend going regardless if it’s playing nearby, had a lot of great reactions in my theater. The SE changes stunk, but seeing the final battle on the big screen is something I’ll never forget.

Return Of The Jedi's 40th anniversary

Fang Zei said:

ThatPixarGuy said:

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

ThatPixarGuy said:

I’m seeing a 40th anniversary screening with some family and friends on Saturday. The theatrical cut would be preferable of course, but I’m just happy to see a good Star Wars film in theaters haha.

Was it ever clarified why Empire’s 40th anniversary screenings used the 2011 Blu-ray rather than the more recent 2019 transfer? Hopefully that won’t be the same case here…

Yes, I was just wondering this. Once you see it, could you let us know which version it is?


The only thing that would really give it away is the color timing, as the 2011 and 2019 versions are basically otherwise identical.

LexX said:

Fang Zei said:

ThatPixarGuy said:

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

ThatPixarGuy said:

I’m seeing a 40th anniversary screening with some family and friends on Saturday. The theatrical cut would be preferable of course, but I’m just happy to see a good Star Wars film in theaters haha.

Was it ever clarified why Empire’s 40th anniversary screenings used the 2011 Blu-ray rather than the more recent 2019 transfer? Hopefully that won’t be the same case here…

Yes, I was just wondering this. Once you see it, could you let us know which version it is?


The only thing that would really give it away is the color timing, as the 2011 and 2019 versions are basically otherwise identical.

The opening logos are different as well.

Those, and also I remember hearing that an entire reel was accidentally scanned out of focus which was fixed in/for 2019.

Return Of The Jedi's 40th anniversary

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

ThatPixarGuy said:

I’m seeing a 40th anniversary screening with some family and friends on Saturday. The theatrical cut would be preferable of course, but I’m just happy to see a good Star Wars film in theaters haha.

Was it ever clarified why Empire’s 40th anniversary screenings used the 2011 Blu-ray rather than the more recent 2019 transfer? Hopefully that won’t be the same case here…

Yes, I was just wondering this. Once you see it, could you let us know which version it is?


Return Of The Jedi's 40th anniversary

I’m seeing a 40th anniversary screening with some family and friends on Saturday. The theatrical cut would be preferable of course, but I’m just happy to see a good Star Wars film in theaters haha.

Was it ever clarified why Empire’s 40th anniversary screenings used the 2011 Blu-ray rather than the more recent 2019 transfer? Hopefully that won’t be the same case here…

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

Doctor M said:

I do remember reading an article that when they were converting some films to 3D (Finding Nemo was mentioned), they had to adjust the layout of objects in a scene, and in the case of Nemo, reduce the amount of bubbles and stuff suspended in the water because in 3D it was too distracting.

Yeah, to clear up confusion, changes like that are what I was referring to as “fixes” earlier.


Someone in this thread supposedly worked on the re-renders for TS1 and 2, who goes into the process better than I can. I’m not sure if the exact same stuff was done for the Nemo, Monsters, Inc or other Disney re-releases but it’d make sense if so.

Info: Recommended Editions of Disney Animated (and Partially Animated) Features

jay2chill1 said:

The Decimator said:

jay2chill1 said:

jolennon said:

The Toy Story change was made before the first DVD release. The original opening never made its way to digital home video, only laserdisc/vhs.

Did they reainmate the movie or restore it because it looks different from the Laserdisc

When they first released it on DVD, they did a fresh transfer from the original files. Most prints before that used the 35mm film print as seen in theaters (including the VHS that I have).

I Have the 2005 DVD which is the one I grew up with and the Laserdisc do you know what’s the difference between the 2005 Special Edition DVD and The Special Edition Blu-Ray by any chance just curious

The 2005 DVD and the Special Edition Blu-ray are very different.

The 2005 is a nearly identical transfer to the original DVD release, which was sourced from the original animation files, unlike the VHS and laserdisc. While the Special Edition Blu-ray is a re-render of the film made for the 3D release in 2009, which had a logo plastering (new Disney castle,) different colors, animation fixes, redone credits, etc.

This applies to both Toy Story 1 & 2. The 2005s are the best presentations of the original 95/99 renders (slightly higher bitrates,) while the Blu-rays are the 09 re-renders.

The Hobbit (M4 Book Edit) (Released)

This is a fantastic edit.

I’m in the midst of a LOTR binge with my folks and we started with this edit. Really well paced with most if not all trims and edits being invisible, making this my go-to for The Hobbit and a worthy predecessor to LOTR. I didn’t think the Maple films edit could be topped, but now IMO this is the edit of The Hobbit.

The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

This was fantastic, flowed really well overall. I did miss the Jawa’s a little bit but I get why their portions were removed.

Not much else to say really. It felt like watching a whole new, great Star Wars film at the theater, something I’ve really missed as of late. Not sure yet if this’ll replace the original season in rewatches, but it was definitely an enjoyable watch. Great job!

Info: Spider-Man 2 35mm - for sale up on ebay

SpacemanDoug said:

There was actually a small change made after the theatrical release that was in all home video editions

Whenever you see the hospital exterior earlier in the movie the cross was changed to white unlike how it was in the theatrical release where it was red colored, due to complaints from the actual red cross corporation

Interesting! Some Lucas-esque revisionism here. This film is one of my all time favorites so it’s awesome to learn new stuff like this even today.

Info: Spider-Man 2 35mm - for sale up on ebay

JayArgonaut said:

I’m curious, what’s wrong with the home video versions which would require a scan of the 35mm?

The original/current BD heavily screwed up the color timing and contrast, reminds me of The Matrix’s original BD in a way.

I assume they used the 2.1 transfer as a base, as the credits use the SM3 font rather than the original. Ironically, the 2007 Blu-Ray was way too “Blue.” These issues were fixed in the “Mastered in 4K” BD release in 2014, but only for that BD and the eventual 4K release. So the 2017 legacy collection uses the 2007 transfer, unfortunately.