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Help wanted: New guy needs some input for my own project - please - anyone can help

thank you all for your replies. I will now attempt to give my answers.

First off I have not looked at any other fan restorations save for pictures posted on the web. I am sure that DarkJedi's and Harmy's works would fit the bill for me. We are all here though because we love Star Wars and the effect that it has had on our lives. What makes a personal restoration nice is that you can put your own signature on it, which is what appeals to me most.

Regarding the LD rip I just got I'm afraid I don't have too much info on it. This is what I do know though. It may be an original rip but it does have Episode IV A New Hope in the title


Length: 2:00:58

Frame Width: 720

Frame Height: 480

Data Rate: 496kbps

Total Bitrate: 697kbps

Frame Rate: 23 frames per second


Bitrate: 130kbps

Channels: 2(stereo)

Audio Sample Rate: 44 kHz

I may be barking up the wrong tree with this rip but you never know until you try right?

I just downloaded Picasa so i'll be posting some screen shots from the rips as soon as I can.

Help wanted: New guy needs some input for my own project - please - anyone can help

Well after viewing just a bit of the Definitive Edition Laserdisc rip all i can say is it is ROUGH! The audio is fairly crappy so I will have to replace that for sure. The picture is decent for being a rip from a laser disc but it needs a lot of work. Annoying technical question, how do I post pictures of what the original source looks like? i.e. take a snapshot of what I'm watching so i can post it here?

Help wanted: New guy needs some input for my own project - please - anyone can help

okay, after doing some quick research Vegas video editing program is out. I don't have $599 to spend on a video editing program. i am thinking perhaps Cyberlink Powerdirector 10. http://www.cyberlink.com/products/powerdirector/overview_en_US.html?&r=1

Anyone worked with this software or know anything about it? Keep in mind I am an entry level video editor.

Help wanted: New guy needs some input for my own project - please - anyone can help

Ok, things are starting to become clearer for me now. Let me clarify myself a little. I have a set of the original trilogy that i am pretty sure is GOUT sourced. It seems a little strange to me but I swear there are some elements from the Special Edition in here. The quality is pretty great to my eyes. There are some obvious issues with color timing etc, but it is totally watchable.

What my vision is for "my version" of the Trilogy is something that closely resembles the Theatrical releases of 77,80,83. I'd like to try my hand at cleaning up the image, i.e. color correction, brightness, grain etc.... As far as audio options I'm all about old school mixes i.e. theatrical stereo and mono. Let's face it they didn't have Lossless True HD 7.1 surround sound back then.

So I guess that is what I am longing to find. As far as the laserdisc definitive edition, it may not be "GOUT" quality as you call it, but it might be of some use to me as a training set. Like the Jedi I must learn how to master this. I'll post in a bit after I get a look at the raw source of said LD rip..... Thank you Puggo, None and Russ for putting your two cents in.

Help wanted: New guy needs some input for my own project - please - anyone can help

Thank you so much Russ,

   I have the 2006 release of the original trilogy and that is my base for the project, problem now is just where to start. What are some of your favorite programs to edit with? I have Nero 11 Ultra which is pretty good but not that user friendly when it comes to adjusting the picture. Give your thoughts to me please

Help wanted: New guy needs some input for my own project - please - anyone can help

Greetings everyone, I may be new to this forum, but I am in no way new to Star Wars. Having been a fan for 30 years I’ve owned the films in just about every form they’ve come out in. I am interested in doing my own restoration of the original trilogy but am having trouble finding it in its original form without any changes done to it. So where do I get a clean source film from? This may be a repeating post here but I thought I’d ask anyway. Earlier this year I found a pretty nice copy of the original trilogy and made custom artwork for it and that got me interested in trying to build one from scratch. So anyone care to point me in the right direction? I see that alot of stuff can be downloaded from Myspleen, I’d love an invite to there too if anyone has one. Thanks again for any help…
