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Fantasia Special Edition Laserdisc Restoration with Sunflower v2.2

So after a bit of research I discovered VLC does not decode Dolby Pro logic. So while it decoded the AC3 file attached to version 2.0, it will not decode prologic from stereo. I would have to find a way to switch my Denon receiver to decode prologic while playing. Which I assume is possible. I’ve just never had need to do it before. So we’ll say it’s my setup.

Fantasia Special Edition Laserdisc Restoration with Sunflower v2.2

Fantastic! So I just sat down to spend more time with this version. Vlc is not playing it back in surround like the other one did. Any suggestions?

CMGF said:

I didn’t like the Kostal recording too, but the 1982 version itself is worth to preserve. However, someone is already doing this:

Fantasia Special_Edition Laserdisc Restoration with Sunflower v2.0

Fascinating. I haven’t seen the Thunderbean 35mm release, and will look for it. But my memory of 1990 is more in line with this laserdisc presentation than the bluray visually. I fully acknowledge that may not be the most accurate color grading if a 35mm print suggests otherwise.

CMGF said:

Yeah I was talking about the video, audio wise the LD is absulutely way better than the blu ray. Video wise, the Blu Ray was retouched to not look filmy, which caused it to loose some details, so in many aspects the Blu Ray is really messed up. But color wise if you compare it to the recent Thunderbean 35mm release it looks surprisingly close to it, most of the time. This is why I asked. I know the laserdisc is better, especially because the audio in it is a recreation of the original Fantasound.

Fantasia Special_Edition Laserdisc Restoration with Sunflower v2.0

CMGF said:
If you have seen it in the theaters back then in 1990, do you remember by any chance anything further on how it looked? Were the colors identical to the LD or bright as the 35mm release and Blu Ray? (Well actually 35mm is even brighter and more detailed than blu)

I was a teenager… But to me the laserdisc restoration looks the way I remember it. Of course that was just one reissue in 1990, but they put a lot of work into it. And I was excited to get the VHS at the time. One interesting thing about it was that Disney installed extra screen at the top and bottom of our AMC Theater locally so that they could show it at full size in original aspect ratio. That required a special lens on the projector as well. Of course we got those really nice program books for attending. I just know that I’m a very big proponent for the absolute most modern technology but nothing has been more unsatisfying to me then the Blu-ray release of Fantasia. If you want one example of why the laser disc is better, the fact that the choir enters from the rear of the theater during Ave Maria is all you need to know. The Blu-ray doesn’t do that and I can’t understand for the life of me why not.

Help: looking for... The Muppet Show: Watermarkless content

I don’t think you understand the point of preservation. It’s not about your agreeing with the content.

JayArgonaut said:

BestArchivist15 said:

I am also wondering if anyone would happen to have a watermarkless version of the episode guest starring Chris Langham from Season 5.

Disney have pulled the episode because Langham is a convicted sex offender who was incarcerated for downloading and watching clips on multiple computers of little girls being raped. You want to preserve and share a pulled TV episode featuring a guest appearance of this man? Do you really not see that this is wrong?

I’m not sure what’s worse: the intent - or the justifications and mental gymnastics (probably whatabouttery citing Polanski) that are bound to ensue.

Mods: if you temp-ban me, fine - but this is messed up on so many levels.