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Space Hunter M

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Blue Velvet (1986) - Edited-for-TV Version

David Lynch’s Blue Velvet was prepared for broadcast television for Dino De Laurentiis by the film’s assistant editor and future full-time Lynch collaborator/ex-wife Mary Sweeney. Sweeney used cuts, video zooms and alternate footage to make things well, softer (than satin). She also brought back on Dennis Hopper to sanitize his expletive-filled speech (presumably Dean Stockwell for a single line as well), and the rest is history. Full interview with Sweeney from August 21, 1987:

When all was said and done, it ran only a minute shorter than Lynch and Dunham’s 2-hour theatrical cut. I don’t think it really ended up receiving much, if any domestic airplay stateside (“Blue Velvet” is hard to crawl for on newspaper repositories), but it made it to international markets, airing on May 29, 1991 on Channel Ten in Brisbane, Australia, for instance:

I believe these highlights of Hopper’s dialogue from the TV version are from a PAL source, likely of Australian origin, as these clips are 25fps: https://www.youtube.com/@sonnyhammond6671/videos

This version I feel is important to have represented and preserved. The presence of alternate visual material is intriguing. It was also the basis for Dennis Hopper’s appearance on SNL, where he spewed the same absurd, network-friendly language in reprising his role as Frank Booth: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrfiu3

I’ve searched and have had help with searching to no avail. Any help in locating or obtaining this version would be greatly appreciated.

If it is located, I would like to do a few things:

  1. Preserve the original source in the best quality possible. If it’s an original videocassette source, I have a reliable contact who does lossless captures of analog media, so that’s no problem.

  2. Reconstruct the TV edit in its intended AR (pan and scan 4:3) in slightly better quality, using the original U.S. Lorimar Video LD release for the baseline theatrical cut footage, which I’ve confirmed from the YouTube clips is the same base P&S telecine used to construct the TV version.

  3. Present the edited soundtrack conformed as an alternate audio option for the uncut theatrical version. This would be an extremely easy and seamless task, given that either of Blue Velvet’s surround remixes are totally voiceless beyond the center channel.

Idea & Info: Blue Velvet (1986) - Theatrical/Pre-MGM version

Releases of Blue Velvet prior to the MGM restorations contain a slight editing difference during the opening sequence:


The old edit is present on the '87 Karl-Lorimar VHS and LD, the '90 Warner VHS, and presumably, in widescreen (2:1, not 2.35:1) on the '91 and '93 Warner LDs.

There are also some slight differences across various releases as to how the flashback shots of Frank/the “Well-Dressed Man” are handled:


I feel these differences are worth cataloging and preserving, and all three domestic LDs are going for dirt cheap on eBay, but alas, I do not own a player and my captures would be lousy in comparison to other individuals’ efforts anyway. There is also a UK DVD of an older master that I have yet to investigate.

Info, Help Wanted: William Friedkin's Sorcerer (1977) - original theatrical stereo track preservation

PsyKovic said:

Space Hunter M said:

The laserdisc and DVD share literally the exact same master. I don’t know where these censorship allegations came from.

https://twitter.com/williamfriedkin/status/495446944496377856?lang=es The director disapprove the tv cut

Friedkin is saying it’s a master made for TV and home video exhibition i.e. 4:3 with video generated location titles during the vignettes. There is no censorship and the audio is the theatrical mix.

Here is audiovisual proof.

There is no need for a wild goose chase for the LD version.

Idea: The New Scooby-Doo Movies?

TServo2049 said:

Here’s the guy’s description of the alleged cut scene from “The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair”:

One of the most interesting pieces of dialogue, between Batman and Velma was actually edited out, both on the currently playing version, and the DVD! Something about counterfeiting “undermin[ing] the national economy”, and that “for the same of world stability, we must capture this criminal here and now”.
It is hard to determine where exactly this sequence was. The editing was very good. It was when they first followed the hooded man into the toy warehouse. IIRC, Batman opens the hatch, and then goes up alone, and then brings the others. I try to listen to the background music to tell where something was cut out. It was probably during the next blackout (or “batout”) after which they begin following him in the warehouse.

Of course, this could just be an incorrect memory of his. I could buy that 1-2 minutes were cut, because the episodes as shown on TV are short enough to show with ads and still run a 7-minute filler cartoon afterward. About 10 years ago, I mentioned this on ToonZone and someone said they had a 16mm print, with ads, and it ran 55 minutes - still shorter, but not AS short. The extra time was originally filled by CBS’ “In the News”.

Unfortunately, the cover of the Kids Klassics tape says “The Caped Crusader Caper”, so this episode likely never had had a video release before the 2000s VHS/DVD. (But if his claim is true, it could also contain extra scenes.)

Anybody got any USA Cartoon Express airings? They may have answers.


This scene has surfaced from an '80s local syndication airing and is available in its original 480i DVD-R on a certain filesharing organ.

Here is the scene in full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Zv-Z29Pl0

What do you think was the best release of the OT at the time it came out?

Tack said:

I think a prime Eastman mono print would have been the way I personally would love to see it. The mono mix is so much more sonically alive to me than the Dolby and 70mm versions

I absolutely adore the mono version. It’s my preferred mix of the film. I’d love to hear it booming in an actual theater.

I also second the notion that a fully 35mm sourced version of it is one of the last “holy grails” of the OT for me. The Belcubus and Puggo/Jaxxon presentations are nice, but both have their limitations (being sourced from TV airings and 16mm optical, respectively).

I think the Technidisc was the best presentation of the original film on domestic U.S. LD just in terms of integrity.

It’s way more honest about its source material than the Definitive Collection transfer, and obviously a major improvement over the SWE/ISR.

Help: looking for... Fantasia (original 1940 general release version)

It’s worth noting that foreign releases like the original German DVD appear to be built around the 1990 restoration and have the 1947 interstitial footage in 576i (the animated footage coming from the 2000 master). The Deems Taylor intro, as per most foreign, versions is not included, however.

Screenshots from an .avi of the German DVD I downloaded:

OFDb also says the Australian DVD has a 114 minute runtime (117 @ NTSC): https://ssl.ofdb.de/view.php?page=fassung&fid=9609&vid=83007

King Kong vs. Godzilla - 4K Japanese Cut Restoration (Released)

ray_afraid said:

So, despite early info claiming otherwise, it looks like the Criterion Showa Era set will include the Japanese cut of KKvG!
Copy and pasted from the official site:

www.criterion.com/boxsets/2648-godzilla-the-showa-era-films-1954-1975 said:

  • High-definition digital transfers of Godzilla, King of the Monsters, the 1956 U.S.-release version of Godzilla; and the 1962 Japanese-release version of King Kong vs. Godzilla

Will this be from the same source as this broadcast? Better? Worse?
Really excited for this set.

No, Criterion explicitly stated upon inquiry that the 4K restoration is decidedly NOT what is being used.

From a Blu-Ray.com thread: “Both the KING KONG VS. GODZILLA and GODZILLA, KING OF MONSTERS will include the Japanese and US versions. All fifteen films in this set are high-definition digital transfers. We are working closely with Toho on this release and the 4K remaster you’re referencing was not something that was provided to us for this.”

Have fun with the ugly 2014 BD version America.