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SOLO: A Star Wars Story - Fan Edit Ideas Thread

EddieDean said:

I don’t think that loving someone equates to whipped. My reading from those scenes was that he had a deep platonic, romantic, and sexual relationship with someone who was his partner in crime, his partner in survival, and probably the only significant and non-exploitative relationship he’d ever had. We as an audience can sympathise with his desperation at wanting to get back to her to help her. That’s relatable to me, and doesn’t include a power imbalance (which ‘whipped’ would imply).

Then, we’re taken on his journey of tragedy as he sees what’s happened to her in his absence. At first he believes that she’s been merely exploited, but by the end of the film we realise that her survival instinct has forged her into something darker, who would sacrifice this positive and healthy relationship at the altar of power. It’s significant to Han that she was willing to sacrifice trust and support and human connection with Han for this - more so than if she were just throwing away a friendship.

I think that aligns perfectly with what we know of Han at the start of the OT. He’s burned out on love, doesn’t trust even deep connections or others’ trust in him, and while attracted to Leia is callous and harsh with his attraction. He’s built a wall of cockiness and swagger to protect him from a deeper connection, and when he returns at the end of ANH he’s not just returning to the rebellion but also returning to an adoptive family of mutual trust and support. Even as he’s dropped into carbonite he struggles to reciprocate Leia’s love - that’s more powerful knowing what mutual love has cost him before.

This is pretty much exactly but how I see it, articulated far better than I ever could.

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Snoke’s demise:

password: fanedit

It’s clips like this, that make me very excited to see your full edit. In my opinion this adds to the badasary of Kylo, leaves a bit more audience suspense and doesn’t diminish Snoke’s character as much because we as the audience find out he’s been betrayed the same time the character does.

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a revised option B with a final “Hello?” at the end. I’m not sure it works better, though. Looking forward to your thoughts about which option B is the best option B.

password: fanedit

I have to agree that this is the best version of that scene. The humour sprinkled in but doesn’t completely alter the tone

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

Personally speaking, I still much prefer this version to the film, to me it’s as if Poe wanted to communicate and Hux’s “no terms, no surrender” cuts that short. Although the dialogue looks good on paper DZ-330 I think the amount of cuts and score variations in that order would be tricky to manage.

If there were a hint of confusion as to why Poe seems to just attack, perhaps a extraction and reinsertion of Poe’s second “happy beeps” could be placed in between Hux’s end of first monologue and the X-Wing charging up?

This would almost be Poe’s version or Han’s “this is not how I thought today was going to go” from TFA.

Either way, Rian Johnson’s version really is jarring to me and I like this choice a lot better.

Novice Advice on Hardware needed for a Fan edit for TLJ

So I am a complete novice at this sort of thing and was wondering if I could have some honest advice from your perspectives on fan editing for someone like me.

So I watched the Last Jedi and immediately knew I could never like it in its current form and almost immediately started searching the Internet with a need which Originaltrilogy.com looks like it could provide a solution for.

The truth is, I’m a serious novice. It shames me to say I dont even have a laptop. But such is my desire to create a film which can bridge the gap between TFA and episode IX that I’m willing to buy one and try and learn the skills needed.

Do you think it’s realistic for a someone in my predicament to purchase a laptop, browse this website, learn the basics and create my own fan edit without years of computer practice?

If so, what would be your recommendations for the hardware in order to achieve this? I understand that it depends on budget etc but let’s just say the cheapest it could be to achieve scene swapping, cuts, extractions and reinserting of deleted scenes and obviously a bit of sound/score volume editing where possible.

You can probably tell by my questions how much of a novice I am. Apologies in advance.

The truth is a lot of my ideas have been articulated by members already on here so I think my thought process is thereabouts but obviously my computer literacy is lacking like Maz Kanata’s TMI filter.

Thanks for your time.

Star Wars VIII - Die letzten Jedi (The Last Jedi) (PittStone Edit) (Released)

buzzclub said:

Star Wars VIII - Die Letzten Jedi (PittStone Edit)
Star Wars VIII - The Last Jedi (PittStone Edit)

Da mir die Original Fassung auch nicht zusagt, hier mal mein Fan Edit:
Since I do not like the original version, here is my fan Edit (English Text after German Text):

-Eröffnungs Text mit überarbeiteten deutschen Texten
-Anfangs Scene mit dem Hyperraum Sprung von Episode VII in der Rey und Chewi zu Lukes Planeten fliegen
-Ein paar Scenen bis zu Luke ausgelassen damit es nicht 1:1 von Episode VII wirkt.
-Ab der Übergabe vom Laserschwert fängt Episode VIII auf der Insel mit Luke und Rey zuerst an.
-Luke lässt das Laserschwert nur zu Boden fallen und schmeißt es nicht hinter ihm weg.
-Wenn Luke sagt “Verschwinde”, Chewie die Tür aufbricht und Luke sagt “Wo ist Han”, Cut zu Kylo Ren der zu Snoke läuft ohne das Gespräch mit Hux dass sich die schlinge weiter zuzieht. Hux läuft nur an Kylo vorbei.
-Nachdem Snoke “Ein neuer Vader” sagt, gibt es kein langes Luftanhalten, er redet direkt weiter
-Nachdem Kylo seine Maske zerstört, wird die Scene gestrichen wo er aus dem Aufzug rennt und nach sein Schiff verlangt. Er läuft einfach Stumm an den Beiden vorbei
-Nachdem man die Maske am Boden zerstört sieht, Schnitt wieder zu Rey und Luke. Luke sagt dann lass mich in Ruhe geht in sein Haus und Rey läuft ihm hinterher.
-(Deleted Scene) Hier sieht man Luke wie er die Tür repariert nach Draussen zu Rey schaut und dann sich hinsetzt in Tränen ausbrechend.
-Dann zu Rey die vor seinem Haus wartet. Luke kommt raus und sagt “Du verschwendest deine Zeit”. Rey folgt ihm.
-Zur Insel und Luke der von Rey gefolgt zum anderen Ende der Insel läuft und seinen Rucksack fallen lässt um zur Spalte zu springen
-Nachdem Luke den Fisch auf dem Rücken den Berg hochträgt, folgt ihm Rey noch ein Stück und dreht sich dann zur Höhle um, da Sie stimmen hört.
-Nachdem Luke Rey ausgefragt hat verlässt er die Höhle, sagt dass die Zeit der Jedi endet. Rey fragt warum. Überblende zur Sonne und Rey die gerade aufwacht.
-Kylo und Rey’s erster Macht Skype.
-Cut von Kylo der sagt: “Das wirst du nicht, die Anstrengung würde dich töten.”
-Luke kommt aus dem Haus, Rey dreht sich zu ihm um und folgt ihm wieder. (Kein satz von Luke: “Was ist das da”! und keine Fisch Viecher)
-Keine Satz von Luk “Die erste Lektion” (Alle Sätze mit “Lektionen” sind Cut)
-Luke haut nicht mit dem Grashalm auf Rey’s Hand. Nachdem Rey ihre Hand ausgestreckt hat, Rollt Luke mit den Augen und legt ihre Hand zu Boden.
-Nachdem Rey zu Luke sagt er habe sich der Macht abgewant und Luke sie verlässt, Übergang zu der Evakuierung im Weltall.
-Poe hat keinen Text mit Hux. Er lädt die Energie auf und fliegt auf das Schlachtschiff zu.
-BB8 repariert die Leitungen aber ohne am Schluss seinen Kopf zu benutzen.
-Schwester von Rose haut nur einmal auf die Treppe, dann sieht man Poe schreien.
-Keine Scenen mit der Frau im Cockpit die immer ihren Kopf neigt und so spricht als wäre alles ein Mordsspass.
-Finn wacht auf nachdem alle in den Hyperraum gesprungen sind. Kein tolpatschiges herunterfallen.
-Poe hört BB8 und sieht nach rechts und sagt nur “Finn”! Dann läuft er zu ihm rüber. (Kein Satz “Du musst tausend Fragen haben)
-Finn sagt gleich “Wo ist Rey”.
-Man sieht Rey jetzt schlafend auf der Insel, den Sender in der Hand.
-Chewie verjagt die Porks dreht sich wieder zu seinem Essen. Dann läuft Luke im Falken zum Cockpit.
-Nachdem R2D2 ihm die Leia projektion vorgespielt hat, sengt Luke seinen Kopf. Dann Übergang zu Leia die ihren Kopf gesenkt hat und der Hyperraumsprung endet.
-Nachdem Snokes Schiff aufgetaucht ist und Kylo in seinem Raumgleiter sich Leias Schiff nähert, Übergang zu Luke der in der Nacht auf den Stein zuläuft auf dem Reay gesessen hat. Dann wieder zu Kylo und Leia. Dann sieht man wie Luke sich hinsetzt und sich in Trance begiebt.
-Nachdem Hux, Kylo wieder zurückschickt, und Hux gesagt hat dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit sei, sieht man Leia im All. Wieder zu Luke wie er sich anstrengt. Dann Sieht man Leia und im Hintergrund wie Sie wieder richtung Schiff treibt. Poe und Finn laufen zur Schleuse. Und Leia wird weggetragen.
-Finn findet den Sender. Übergang wieder auf die Insel zur schlafenden Rey die aufwacht und Luke hinter ihr steht. Luke Sagt” Morgen, bei Sonnenaufgang!" Dann geht er durch die Türe wieder. (Kein Satz: “Ich werde dich mit der Macht vertraut machen und warum die Ära der Jedi enden muss”)
-Dann wieder Übergang zu Leias Schiff und Admiral Holdo wird vorgestellt. Kein Schlusssatz von Holdo: “Möge die Macht mit ihnen sein”.
-(Deleted Scene) Nachdem Poe und Holdo gestritten haben, sieht man Finn mit dem Sender. BB8 Zeigt ihm die Projektion. Finn gibt BB8 einen Klaps und geht weg ohne was zu sagen.
-Finn packt seine Sachen läuft neben Rose vorbei. Nur kurzes Weinen von Rose wie Sie Finn entdeckt.
-Kein Satz von Rose “Überhaupt Reden, ja”.
-Keine 3D Projektion das Rose vorstellt.
-Nachdem Finn und Rose gelandet sind. Spricht das Alien unverständlich mit Untertiteln, dass es verboten sei dort zu parken.
-Kurze Scene im Casino wo man ein paar Aliens spielen Sieht, dann rennen Finn, Rose, und BB8 herein.
-Wenn Finn und Rose zum Codeknacker rennen, stoppen Sie Polizisten und schleppen Sie weg.
-Rey Trainiert und folgt dann luke. LUke sagt nicht “Lektion”
-Finn und Rose reden im Gefängniss mit dem anderem der dann ihnen die Tür aufknackt. Sofort ertönt der Alarm.
-Beide rennen ihm hinterher. Dann sieht man die Polizisten die ihnen folgen und den Deckel am Boden finden. Übergang zu dem Raumschiff mit denen Sie entkommen und die zwei Polizeigleiter ins schleudern bringen.
-Übergang wieder zur Insel wo Rey mit Kylo Force Skype.
-Keine Erklärung von Kylo wie Luke ihn angegriffen hat. Der Skype endet und Rey läuft zum Loch.
-Sie fällt herunter, geht zum Spiegel. Nachdem Sie ihre Hand darauf setzt und sich selbst Sieht, ihr spiegelbild durchsichtig und Sie sieht den Inhalt des zweiten Force skype von Kylo wie Luke ihn angreift.
-Danach kein Text von Rey " Ich dachte ich würde Antworten finden". Sie sagt ab " Ich habe mich geirrt".
-Wenn Rey die Insel verlässt und Luke die Bücher anzünden will, kein verrücktes Lachen von Yoda und “Skywalker ich habe dich vermisst”.
-Nachdem Poe, Holdo vom Kommando entbunden hat, Übergang zu Finn Rose und dem Codeknacker.
-(Deleted Scene) Finn steckt BB8 in einen Mülleimer und alle laufen durch den Gang zum Aufzug. Finn drückt mehrmals den Schalter, aber jemand Ruft noch stop. Dann kommen hinter ihnen ein paar Troopers in den Aufzug. Keiner sagt was. Nachdem BB8 leise gepiepst hat, verlassen Sie den Aufzug und laufen weiter bis BB8 an den Trooper sein Bein stößt und man den Aufzug sieht in dem Rey und Kylo nach oben fahren.
-Snoke holt sich Rey näher heran. Keine nahe Scene von den beiden. Snoke stößt Sie weg und sagt “Jetzt gibst du mir Skywalker”.
-Nachdem Poe und Rose verraten wurden, schreit nur Rose “Nein”. (Finns Text ist unpassend Öde).
-Kylo sagt nicht zu Rey wer ihre Eltern sind.
-Nachdem Holdo den Hyperraumsprung gemacht hat, weckt Rose Finn auf, sie sagt “Wir müssen hier weg”. Finn hebt eine Waffe auf und Rose schreit “Finn”. Er dreht sich um und sieht den Silbernen Trooper.
-Kein Text von Finn und dem Trooper. Sie kämpfen nur. (Ich hätte hier gerne die Deleted Scene genommen, aber da die CGI Effecte nicht fertig gestellt sind, passt es nicht)
-Wenn Luke auf dem Planeten beschossen wird, kein Satz von Hux " Glauben Sie, Sie haben ihn erwischt?"
-Kein Porg stößt an die Wand vom Falken.
-Kein Kuß mit Finn und Rose.
-Kein Matrix Effect beim Kampf mit Luke und Kylo.
-Nachdem Leia und Rey gesprochen haben endet der Film mit dem Flug vom Falken im Hyperraum, so wie der Film begann!


English: (Google, Sorry)

-Opening text with revised German texts
-At the beginning scene with the hyperspace jump of Episode VII in which Rey and Chewi fly to Luke’s planet
Left out a few scenes up to Luke so it does not work 1: 1 from Episode VII.
-Ab the transfer of the laser sword Episode VIII begins on the island with Luke and Rey first.
-Luke drops the laser sword only to the ground and does not throw it away behind him.
-When Luke says “Go away”, Chewie opens the door and Luke says “Where’s Han”, Cut to Kylo Ren who runs to Snoke without talking to Hux that the sling continues to tighten. Hux just runs past Kylo.
-After Snoke says “A new Vader”, there is no long air hold, he talks straight on

  • After Kylo destroys his mask, the scene is deleted where he runs out of the elevator and asks for his ship. He just runs silently past the two.
  • After seeing the mask devastated, cut again to Rey and Luke. Luke says then leave me alone in his house and Rey runs after him.
  • (Deleted Scene) Here you can see Luke repairing the door, looking out to Rey and then bursting out in tears.
    -Then to Rey waiting in front of his house. Luke comes out and says “you are wasting your time”. Rey follows him.
  • To the island and Luke who runs from Rey to the other end of the island and drops his backpack to jump to the crevasse
  • After Luke carries the fish up the mountain on his back, Rey follows him for a while and then turns to the cave, because she hears the voices.
    After Luke interrogates Rey, he leaves the cave, saying Jedi time is ending. Rey asks why. Crossfade to the sun and Rey just waking up.
    -Kylo and Rey’s first power Skype.
    -Cut of Kylo who says, “You will not, the effort would kill you.”
    -Luke comes out of the house, Rey turns to him and follows him again. (No sentence from Luke: “What’s that?” And no fish critters)
  • No sentence from Luk “The first lesson” (All sentences with “Lessons” are cut)
    Hatch does not bite the blade of grass on Rey’s hand. After Rey reaches out with her hand, Luke rolls his eyes and puts her hand to the ground.
  • After Rey tells Luke he has turned his back on power and Luke leaves, transitioning to evacuation in outer space.
    -Poe has no text with Hux. He charges the energy and flies toward the battleship.
    -BB8 repairs the wires but without using his head at the end.
    Rose’s sister only hits the stairs once, then you can see Poe screaming.
  • No scene with the woman in the cockpit who always inclines her head and speaks as if everything was a Fun.
    -Finn wakes up after everyone has jumped into hyperspace. No clumsy fall off.
    -Poe listens to BB8 and looks to the right and says only “Finn”! Then he runs over to him. (No sentence "You have to have a thousand questions)
    -Finn says “Where’s Rey”?
    -Man now sees Rey asleep on the island, transmitter in hand.
    -Chewie chases the Porks turns back to his meal. Then Luke walks in the hawk to the cockpit.
  • After R2D2 has played him the Leia projection, Luke sends his head. Then transition to Leia who has lowered her head and the hyperspace jump ends.
    -After Snoke’s ship has appeared and Kylo is approaching Leia’s ship in his space shuttle, he has crossed to Luke, who has been sitting on Reay at night. Then back to Kylo and Leia. Then you see Luke sitting down and going into a trance.
    -After Hux sends Kylo back and Hux says that it’s only a matter of time, you see Leia in space. Back to Luke as he struggles. Then you see Leia and in the background as you again drives direction ship. Poe and Finn walk to the lock. And Leia is carried away.
    -Finn finds the transmitter. Back on the island to the sleeping Rey waking up and Luke standing behind her. Luke Says, “Tomorrow, at sunrise!” Then he goes through the door again. (No sentence: “I will acquaint you with the power and why the Jedi era must end”)
    -Then again, transition to Leia’s ship and Admiral Holdo is presented. No conclusion from Holdo: “May the power be with them”.
  • (Deleted Scene) After Poe and Holdo have argued, you see Finn with the transmitter. BB8 Shows him the projection. Finn slaps BB8 and leaves without saying anything.
    -Finn grabs his things by the side of Rose. Just a short cry from Rose as she discovers Finn.
  • No sentence of Rose “Talking at all, yes”.
  • No 3D projection that introduces Rose.
    -After Finn and Rose landed. Speaks the alien incomprehensible with subtitles that it is forbidden to park there.
  • Short scene in the casino where you see some aliens playing, then Finn, Rose, and BB8 run in.
    -When Finn and Rose run to the codebreaker, stop the police and drag you away.
    -Rey trains and then follows Luke. Luke does not say “lesson”
    -Finn and Rose talk in the jail with the other who then opens the door for them. Immediately the alarm sounds.
    -Beide run after him. Then you see the policemen following them and finding the lid on the floor. Transition to the spaceship with which you escape and bring the two police ladder into flinging.
    -transition back to the island where Rey with Kylo Force Skype.
  • No explanation from Kylo as Luke attacked him. The Skype ends and Rey runs to the hole.
    She falls down, goes to the mirror. After putting her hand on it and seeing herself, her mirror image is transparent and she sees the contents of Kylo’s second Force skype as Luke attacks him.
    -Danach no text from Rey “I thought I would find answers”. She says “I was wrong”.
    -When Rey leaves the island and Luke wants to light the books, no crazy laugh from Yoda and “Skywalker I missed you”.
  • After releasing Poe, Holdo from command, transition to Finn Rose and the codebreaker.
  • (Deleted Scene) Finn puts BB8 in a bin and they all walk down the hall to the elevator. Finn presses the switch several times, but someone still stops. Then a few troopers enter the elevator behind them. Nobody says anything. After BB8 softly beeps, you leave the elevator and continue until BB8 hits the trooper’s leg and you see the elevator where Rey and Kylo drive up.
    -Snoke gets closer to Rey. No close scene of the two. Snoke pushes you away and says, “Now you’re giving me Skywalker.”
    -Kylo not say to Rey who are Parents.
  • After Poe and Rose were betrayed, only Rose screams “No”. (Finn’s text is unsuitably barren).
  • After Holdo has made the hyperspace jump, Rose wakes Finn up, she says, “We have to get out of here”. Finn picks up a gun and Rose screams “Finn.” He turns and sees the Silver Trooper.
    No text by Finn and the Trooper. They only fight. (I would have liked to use the deleted scene here, but since the CGI effects are not finished, it does not fit)
    -When Luke is shot at on the planet, no sentence from Hux “Do you think you caught him?”
    -No Pork on Window of Falcon.
    -No Kiss with Rose and Finn.
  • No Matrix Effect when fighting Luke and Kylo.
    -After Leia and Rey talk, the movie ends with the hawk’s flight in hyperspace, just as the movie started!
    THE END.

Although I wouldn’t want your edit to be the version I watch time after time, I must say there’s a lot of ideas in here I do like and ideas that I find quite creative. Especially Luke saving Leia, after watching your edit I’d have liked something like that from the film.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

darthrush said:

TV’s Frink said:

Snoke&mirrors said:

DominicCobb said:

The reed is maybe the best/most important joke in the movie from a character/story perspective.

Close second is the lightsaber toss.

I agree it’s funny, but important from a character/story perspective? You mean showing Reys naivety? I’m not sure what else you could mean, but I’d be interested to hear what you think.

With the light saber toss, this one fits the character at that time and the story, but I just didn’t like the choice. If he had simply dropped it, or even not taken it at all and just walked by her I would have preferred that. Throwing over his shoulder just didn’t work for me. So much so that I don’t even know if it’s supposed to be funny? People laughed in my theatre so I presume so but I just found it really jarring.

It’s amazing how specific people’s complaints are sometimes.

It is the fanedit thread so we try to be specific. Make sure you remember where you are.

Oh I see, you were being sarcastic. I couldnt tell because you weren’t specific enough with your wording.

I didn’t realise we couldn’t discuss WHY we were editing and the reasons we individually don’t like certain scenes/elements. I will in future save that for the general discussion forums.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

TV’s Frink said:

Snoke&mirrors said:

DominicCobb said:

The reed is maybe the best/most important joke in the movie from a character/story perspective.

Close second is the lightsaber toss.

I agree it’s funny, but important from a character/story perspective? You mean showing Reys naivety? I’m not sure what else you could mean, but I’d be interested to hear what you think.

With the light saber toss, this one fits the character at that time and the story, but I just didn’t like the choice. If he had simply dropped it, or even not taken it at all and just walked by her I would have preferred that. Throwing over his shoulder just didn’t work for me. So much so that I don’t even know if it’s supposed to be funny? People laughed in my theatre so I presume so but I just found it really jarring.

It’s amazing how specific people’s complaints are sometimes.

They’re not complaints. Personal preference. And this is the fan edit section of the site. Where I’m discussing the possibility of editing, because I’m a fan.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

DominicCobb said:

The reed is maybe the best/most important joke in the movie from a character/story perspective.

Close second is the lightsaber toss.

I agree it’s funny, but important from a character/story perspective? You mean showing Reys naivety? I’m not sure what else you could mean, but I’d be interested to hear what you think.

With the light saber toss, this one fits the character at that time and the story, but I just didn’t like the choice. If he had simply dropped it, or even not taken it at all and just walked by her I would have preferred that. Throwing over his shoulder just didn’t work for me. So much so that I don’t even know if it’s supposed to be funny? People laughed in my theatre so I presume so but I just found it really jarring.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

ziggyonice said:

It bugs me how many people want to strip all humor out of Star Wars.

Yes, The Last Jedi had some attempts at humor that went too far. But instead of completely taking out those lines, perhaps just trim them a little. For example, the infamous “your mom” joke that Poe makes was too much in my opinion, but I was okay with him joking for a moment saying that he was on hold for Hux. Cut it there.

I didn’t mind “big ass door” or Luke winking. I will say that I thought his brushing off the shoulder wasn’t really appropriate, but again — don’t take out all humor. Give us a good balance.

I think it’s important to keep the humour in but for me it’s the tone inconsistencies that pull me out of the film even when the humours done right. If I’m supposed to believe Luke has cut himself off from the force because he has lost faith in the Jedi as well as himself and that on top of that he has just found out his best friend was murdered by the apprentice he caused to turn to the dark side, im not sure levity of his making is appropriate. I like the caretakers gags, the R2 watch the language, but the Jakku is nowhere and the reed for me don’t fit Luke’s character tone for this part of his arc. I WANT Luke to be grumpy, depressed, destroyed, this is how we feel when we see him at his lowest and makes his return at the end so impactful. I don’t personally like the dust off or the wink at C3PO either but these don’t effect the tone too much. All the BB 8 gags, the iron (which is a hardware Wars reference), even the stupid opera balloon dog lady don’t bother me because they are light moments meant for kids that don’t affect the tone.

The only other tone moments I find jarring but that actually fit the characters frame of reference I would remove, is the lightsaber toss and the end of the hux/Poe interaction.

I think a minimal edit can easily improve this film (which i really like) one point up making it an 8/10 for me.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

It struck me that the reason Yoda could call the force lightening was due to the fact he was on Achto which was a site highly connected with the force? But ultimately I think that small bridges between planes could create an interesting but subtle dynamic for Luke in the next film. As long as it is always small and inconsequential I’m fine with it.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

darthrush said:

Hal 9000 said:

I’d like to somehow extend the final shot of the Yoda scene to allow a few seconds more for the score to wind down and let it all sink in before being jerked back to Finn and Rose.

My idea is to put it right after Kylo declares himself the Emperor. This means that after the Yoda scene we would transition to Crait. I think that would help the Yoda scene feel more in place. We hit the low point in the movie, and that’s when we get Yoda’s speech about failure. And then it is followed with the rest of our characters rising up to the mantle, especially Luke.

This sounds very intriguing. It might slightly foreshadow Luke’s entrance too on the nose but I think it’ll allow the scene to breath better

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

Jackpumpkinhead said:

My biggest beef with the movie was there was no time to breathe. The pacing was at break-neck speed. I’m hoping some of the deleted scenes will have some nice establishing shots that we can pull frim

TavorX said:

It’s so odd to say it, but AOTC sold me on Star Warsy gambling hub; TLJ’s casino was like we took a time machine to the 1920’s and dropped aliens into it.
Also, I would LOVE to see someone fanedit podracers into the scene where the initial space horses are revealed.

Your one of those…

After seeing the film for the 8th time (movie pass) I have to agree that the main problem is the lack of breathing time the film gets.

The perfect example is when Luke and Rey throw down, which cuts to the falcon flying off, three seconds of Luke looking up forlorn and then bam Yoda all up in my grill. It feels jarring. But viewed alone (it’s leaked on YouTube) the Yoda scene is my favourite in the film. This film is here man, it’s really good, it’s just edited so poorly.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

ImperialFighter said:

Personally, I’ll always wish that George had given us a Sequel Trilogy storyline to the OT back in 1999, instead of the Prequel Trilogy he focused on - I recall seeing interviews with Mark, Harrison, and Carrie from around that period, and they all looked wonderful despite being much older than their earlier OT glory days.

The thing is, I’m sure George could have easily come up with a new Sequel Trilogy which would have involved the whole OT gang onscreen together again some way, at this point. But alas, I got the likes of Jar Jar stepping in poodoo instead.

And by the time the actual Sequel Trilogy came along, J.J. ended up coming up with a TFA storyline which ‘estranged’ Luke, Han, and Leia from each other…and which killed off Han…thus depriving me of a potential ‘reunion’ scene with those 3 characters in it’s follow-up.

Which all added up to a missed opportunity, as far as I’m concerned.

However, we are where we are, and now Rian has conceived a TLJ storyline which seems to dliberately subvert certain expectations, and actually dismiss some of the things set up by J.J.'s instalment.

Fair enough, but it’s going to be interesting to see how things pan out due to the unforeseen loss of Carrie, and the fact that J.J. is back in the driver’s seat for the next chapter.

Anyway, with a few alterattions it seems possible to tweak TLJ into something I’d much prefer to see - something a lot less ‘jokey’ in tone overall, but which retains the humourous moments I happen to like.

But as I recently mentioned on page 14 of this thread, the MAIN thing I’d like to alter for myself is how the ‘Luke being tempted to kill his nephew’ scene was handled - well, what I’d originally intended to do was just make Luke tell Rey THE TRUTH STRAIGHT AWAY, when recounting his ‘backstory’ about Kylo to her. This at least would make him seem less evasive in the movie.

However, I had the opportunity to go and see TLJ for a third and final time will another family menber the other day, and was pleased to confirm that I could cobble together a version of the ‘Kylo backstory’ I’m satisfied with…which DOESN’T involve Luke being ‘tempted to kill his nephew’ with his lightsaber at all.

So here’s how I intend to alter things for myself -

…at the point where Luke starts to tell Rey about Kylo, he ends up saying “…by the time I realised I was no match for the darkness rising in him…it was too late…” (at this point we see Luke in close-up as he recalls what happened)

…then I’d CUT to the close-up of Kylo asleep as Luke’s voice-over continues “…I’d sensed it building in him…”, and as the shot pans up to reveal Luke standing nearby with his hand outstretched, we’d continue with the rest of Luke’s voice-over until we eventually see his anguished face in close-up as his voice-over ends on him saying “…Snoke had already turned his heart…”

…then at this point, I’d CUT to the shot of Luke being ‘forced pushed’ by Kylo’s arms, as Luke yells “BEN, NO!”…and continue on from that shot as per the movie, where we then see the scene of devastation as Luke’s voice continues “He must have thought I was dead…”, and continue on as we see the younger ‘hooded Luke’ in close-up as his voice-over ends with “…I failed…”

…and continue on from that as per the movie, as we revert back to ‘old Luke’ in close-up as he says “…because I was Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master…a legend…”

…and continue on from that as per the movie, as Rey responds and eventually says “…you didn’t fail Kylo, Kylo failed you…I wont!” (as we end in a close-up of her face)

So no ‘moment of lightsaber madness’ needed, and I’m quite content to have Kylo’s nature and Snoke’s influence be the main object of Kylo’s ‘turn to the dark side’ for my version…which Luke could do nothing about at the time, except feel that he let Leia and Han down very badly.

Wow, such a small change that would drastically alter the movie. I think that’s an excellent call if it would improve things for you. Personally, I don’t mind the films version but I’d like to see yours too

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

Just to clarify by “his direct mistake as a Jedi” I’m referring to him making a mistake whilst he’s a Jedi. The mistake to believe that the force is theirs to own, to train people in the art of manipulating it and to think that Jedi masters are infallible, especially since they have repeatedly been the proponents in the cycle of violence as
Shown in Darth Vadar and now Kylo Ren.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

I like your ideas, but I’m not convinced that Luke would leave for exhile and close himself off from the force without the fact that it was his direct mistake as a Jedi that caused Ben Solos turn. I feel like this personal family torment and on research, the reality of the Jedi legacy COMBINED is what causes him to cut himself off from the force and ultimately not rush across the galaxy and save Han Solo. He sensed danger for his friends, the pain, the terror and in a brief moment he reacted as he did when Vadar tormented him with Leia which reminded him that he is not Luke Skywalker - the legend - he’s just a man.