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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I had a lazy Saturday afternoon today, so I watched TFA Restructured, Poppasketti’s edit of TLJ, and I finally got around to watching Ascendant for the first time. I only saw the original once back during pandemic lockdown days in 2020.

Nice job to all the people involved! I gotta say, going from the “find me” line at the end of TLJ to the creepy line added to the first Wayfinder scene ended up being a fantastic lead in, even if it was unintentional. It got me pretty pumped for the movie.

The movie was okay, I watched the Rey Nobody version. Definitely better than the theatrical. Still wish all the characters weren’t total dicks to Threepio the whole way through though lol.

Anyway, I just wanted to give kudos to the work that went into this.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I don’t chime in here often (hell, I barely watch movies anymore). I don’t know if this could ever be pulled off, but my biggest complaint with TFA is that the blue lightsaber reveal really should have been saved for when Rey picks it up. I close my eyes when I watch the movie to save it (HAL’s edit is my go to) It was a missed opportunity done for a marketing fake out, in my opinion.

<strong>Coronavirus</strong> (COVID-19) Pandemic thread - <strong>relevant political discussion allowed</strong> in here

I’m not gonna read the replies to this thread at the moment, but I’ve done a complete 180 just to be on the safe side.

I lived in Japan during a lot of outbreaks, so I’m a bit cynical about stuff, but I also lived in Moab, UT and that place is currently a total shitshow.

I work at a factory, and we have a skeleton crew at the moment. I took a smoke break and came back in and told my boss "We shouldn’t be here. I’m leaving in five minutes and won’t be back the rest of the week, use my vacation time. I’m protesting. " (I highly doubt we’ll be working next week anyway). And his demeanor completely changed around me and was yelling “Hell yes! I’m proud of you! I’m so mad that we’re here! I’m out of here at eleven!”

I walked out of there and then blasted some Japanese punk rock on my way home. I’m quarantining myself for a week. Old punk rock roots have kicked in. Felt pretty damn good, to be honest.

I still think some people around here are acting like idiots, hence my earlier “first world problems comment.” I’m glad I practice intermittent fasting.

Illinois shutdown begins in three, two…

<strong>Coronavirus</strong> (COVID-19) Pandemic thread - <strong>relevant political discussion allowed</strong> in here

I’m handing out compliments left and right and encouraging people to chill out. Showed up unannounced at a friend’s house who had all the drapes closed and told her to get her ass out of bed (didn’t work).

I’m dancing and singing to people at work as of yesterday. I got enough money to last a bit and took a walk through my deserted town and pretended I was the last person on Earth.

My parents’ live close by and asked me to bring over my bluray of The Andromeda Strain, I told them that “sounds like watching Turbulence while flying.”

Meanwhile my ex-wife in Japan is joking to me about America’s paper shortage (they went through that two weeks ago), and another close friend lives in the woods, shits in a compost toilet, and uses leaves to wipe her ass.

I’ve lived through enough crazy shit to know that we’ll be fine. It’s the latest craze. A lot of numbers being thrown around. How many people in the world died from car accidents or shootings today? This is some real first world problems crap. 😛

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

Darth Lucas said:

GameStation52 said:

The main problem I have with getting rid of Midichlorians is that Palpatine mentioned them in the middle of a long shot when he was telling Anakin about the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. How is it even possible to seamlessly edit out “Midichlorians” from this long shot that slowly zooms in?


I did a cut a while back and made it work decently as “he could use the force to create life”. It was a little jarring but worked okay. Wish I still had the clip.

Holy crap, was that the one where you redid the scrolls in blue? I used them as a base for old edits of mine and just recently came across the disks.

Small details that took you <em><strong>FOREVER</strong></em> to notice in the <em>Star Wars</em> films

This thread makes me want to watch Star Wars and Empire again. It’s been a few years.

Jabba’s palace blew my mind when I saw it in widescreen on the sci-fi channel around the buildup to the special editions. They also showed the extended Abyss which is where I saw it first. I was in high school.

The Chronological Star Wars – A Year-Long Critical Reappraisal

Before The Force Awakens came out, I marathoned the prequels with a friend who hadn’t seen any of them since the theater (he waited in line with me for Phantom Menace on opening day). I’d seen fan edits of them since, but not the theatrical versions.

Watching them back to back for the first time, I realized the only reason why I think Revenge of the Sith is the best is because it’s the only one that has clear villains established early on (Grevious and Palpatine), and it’s the only one where you can pause it halfway through and describe the plot concisely (TPM is all over the place until the last act, and AotC still doesn’t have any real villain, and we’re already two movies into what is supposed to be a classic space-opera).

I don’t think RotS is very good, but it comes the closest to feeling like an actual movie. There’s a couple scenes and shots that feel like they were taken from a better movie.

The Worst Scene/Sequence in Any Star Wars Film

The Last Jedi stops for comedic pauses, while the other films let their humor run with the story.

Like the “Reach out” gag. Both actors pause and slightly break character for the sake of a punchline.

Nothing to do about the quality of the jokes, just the style. The “Who talks first?” bit is the same, but it’s the only moment in TFA with that style, as far as I can remember.

Going away? Post so here!

Jay said:
It was a stupid thing to say. mfm, I apologize. We may not agree on many things and I think the rest of the exchange has merit, but regardless of my own experiences, I don’t know yours and suggesting I know what’s going on in your head was wrong.

eiyosus, I’m glad you’re on the other end of treatment and hope you’re doing well.

Heck yeah. That’s the kind of communication I’m talking about. Frackin’ egos are gonna be the death of us. 😛 I hope others can put things in perspective.

And thank you, Jay! So far so good.

Handman said:

I certainly agree with this:

This forum meltdown has been very frustrating to see. I believe people’s egos are getting in the way of things. I can see both sides to the issue, but telling people to drive into a tree is sooooo not cool.

But I think I should repeat what I said in another thread (which I thought was in this one, oddly enough):

Handman said:

I think we should just move on. There’s no use continuing the argument. Threads archived, users banned… It’s been settled. That goes for everybody. We all have our reasons for being upset, and to us, they’re just as valid as anybody else’s. But nothing productive will result from continually poking the bear.

“Change is the essential process of all existence.” - Mr. Spock

Going away? Post so here!

Hi guys!!!

Nobody probably knows me. I mostly just lurk. I’ve been a member since '09 and lurker since '06. I’m 36 and not much of a SW fanboy anymore. I wrote an open letter to this forum a while ago (which seems to have been removed), when I started to see it become a bit cruddy (I think it was posted between TFA and Rogue One). At the time I defended Frink, but he became pretty self-righteous over the past couple years, and a lot of other people have as well. I defend Jay’s decision in temp-banning him the first time, and once I saw he was posting again, I figured it would all be downhill, which obviously it has been (and again, I defended the guy). Duracell is still funny, though. 😛

I can’t even remember any of my old posts as I scroll through them, because so much has changed in the world in such a short time. It all seems like ages ago. Most people have changed a lot.

This forum meltdown has been very frustrating to see. I believe people’s egos are getting in the way of things. I can see both sides to the issue, but telling people to drive into a tree is sooooo not cool.

[Jay said:]I don’t take you seriously because I don’t believe you really want to die. People who think life isn’t worth living don’t spend their time debating topics that are largely about quality of life.

Speaking as somebody who was just discharged from a psych clinic after an extended stay, this statement is very far from the truth.

It’s a Star Wars message board. Just chill (and seek some real world guidance if you think you need it.) Remember why you are here in the first place. Nobody needs to see 100% eye-to-eye on every single thing.

Again, it’s frustrating. Take care.

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

I watched this having not seen TLJ since the theater, and I thought the movie was pretty seamless. I had forgotten some of it since then and only now remember things like the iron joke. I would have made a few more cuts like Hux repeating Kylo’s orders at the end, because he’s no longer the butt of a bunch of jokes, and things like the “reach out” joke and the Jakku being nowhere joke, only because I don’t care for the type of humor that breaks the flow of a scene. The same reason why my least favorite gag in TFA is Poe’s “Who talks first” scene, but the prank call actually worked quite well in this edit and is now a nice callback to that first joke in TFA, regardless of how I feel about that type of humor.

And speaking of TFA, I watched this after Hal’s TFA edit, which I had never seen and hadn’t seen TFA since sometime before Rogue One, and I honestly had a blast with both because I managed to rekindle the same excitement I had before all this current BS going on. I wasn’t a fan of TLJ, but I liked it a lot more this time through.

I think Rose’s kiss doesn’t work in this version, but I didn’t think it worked in the original either. Also not a fan of Broom Boy, but I like the idea behind it. I wouldn’t have minded if the movie had ended with the Falcon going to lightspeed.

Again, I would have made some more tweaks, but it would probably only total to less than 60 seconds. I still don’t love the film, but I liked it this time, which is more than I can say about the theatrical version. Everything related to the resistance plot feels unnatural and just an excuse for drama, in my opinion (glad others like the movie, though!), and Canto Bight being cut just felt like another part of that weak plot, except this time I was spared a long sequence further derailing the pace and themes of the film. I honestly didn’t notice anything jarring.

Thanks for making both of these edits! It was nice to kick back and enjoy some SW stuff again. 😃

The Last Jedi: The De-Feminized Fanedit

MalàStrana said:
I tend to think that Disney is in fact the real racist by making sure that all races have a part in every single SW movie

Forward-thinking people have heard this terrible argument countless times by those clinging to The Way Things Were. It’s this type of thought that leads to racism and mysogony. “You’re actually a sexist because you point out sexist things instead of looking at men and women equally.” “Why do you care so much about race? You sound like a racist.”

(Still waiting for that ignore button I’ve been asking about for over a year now… pretty please???)

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Ryan said:
I even remember the movie ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ in the theater and the boom mic kept dropping down into the picture all throughout the movie. Then on the DVD release, they must have digitally removed the boom mic as I didn’t see it drop into picture like in the theater.

Wasn’t sure if this was answered yet, but that was because the theater had the wrong mask/lens setup. It has been known to happen, but I’ve never witnessed it. Same thing can happen on movie home releases if they screw it up.