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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

NFBisms said:

So, there’s been a lot of discussion about this already, and I don’t want this thread to keep going in circles, so I’ll just link to posts I’ve made before about how I personally feel about it:


This is ok for me actually because DrDre just dropped our discussion after my last post, so it’d be nice to continue it with someone else.

Yean no doubt it’s been beaten to death. Thanks for the links. I look forward to further back-and-forth!

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

NFBisms said:

I think disliking TLJ and not thinking its direction was worth taking is totally valid. Those against it and its Luke are only judging it in the context of their own personal perceptions of what the franchise has been to them and should continue being. There’s probably something to be said - positive or negative - about how Johnson opted to double down on a specific interpretation of the world, rather than keep it broad enough for everyone to appreciate.

No, that’s not quite right. We are judging it in context of what has come before. Meaning, what has already been developed over an entire trilogy concerning the character of Luke. Luke was “the new hope”. The whole point of the original trilogy was that good can overcome evil, primarily by taking the high ground, being patient, facing ones fears, sacrificing self, and ultimately by redemption. Against all advice and conventional wisdom, Luke persisted in his mission to save his father, and therefore destroy the Sith. He proved that he was right, and he succeeded, sacrificing himself in the process. (He didn’t actually end up dying, but he was willing to do that and nearly did). Same thing for running across the galaxy to save his friends.

But suddenly, with no real transition, here’s Luke abandoning his friends (and his own family!) when they’re struggling in a fighting retreat against the new bad guys, and on top of it he even tries to kill his own nephew, in his sleep, because he sensed darkness within him. Darkness…? Within a young Skywalker…? Say it ain’t so!

…um…Luke, have you completely forgotten everything you’ve done, seen, and learned…? Did Palpatine’s lighting assault actually fry your brain?

In no way does this make any sense at all, and goes against everything Lucas and company worked hard to develop in the entire OT. (I know, “forget the past! Sever all ties to what came before!” No, it doesn’t work that way.) So yes, with respect, we’re stuck in our established perceptions of who Luke is and should be. Maybe, as I said, if there was some transition that shows us why Luke would veer so far off course (it won’t be sudden because radical changes like that are a process), then maybe it could be accepted. But as it is, it makes no sense at all. Even the Prequel Trilogy took three films to show a slow corruption of Anakin, and his ultimate fall.

Ranking the Star Wars films

Astroboi2 said:

I debated about this for quite a while, but I think I’ve finally decided on my rankings…

  1. Star Wars
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Return of the Jedi
  4. The Force Awakens
  5. Rogue One
  6. The Last Jedi
  7. The Battle for Endor
  8. Caravan of Courage
  9. The Phantom Menace
  10. Revenge of the Sith
  11. The Star Wars Holiday Special
  12. Attack of the Clones

This was actually tougher than I thought. From 3 to 6 changed positions several times before I settled on this.

That’s harsh, putting anything below the Holiday Special. But really, I can see why people don’t like AOTC. It had some really cool scenes which belong in the Star Wars story, but on the whole was just not that good. Those cool scenes would include Mace in action on Geonosis, and pretty much everything Jango Fett.

But on to my ranking:

  1. ANH
  2. ESB
  3. ROTJ
  4. ROTS
  5. R1
  6. AOTC
  7. TPM

That’s it. As far as I’m concerned, there aren’t any other movies. We’ll see how Han Solo is, and if it deserves a place in the Star Wars mythology.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

I don’t have anything new/different to add to what’s already been stated, but count me among those who did not like TLJ. I didn’t like TFA, and one of the reasons is because we never saw Luke until the very end, and even then he didn’t do anything. Like, at all. And I had been so excited to see more of Jedi Luke in action. After the trainwreck of TFA, I didn’t want to see TLJ except that I already had plans to see it with my good friend who is also a life-long SW fan. And I was expecting that we’d finally see Jedi Master Luke Skywalker whip out that cool green lightsaber and start cleaning house. And maybe we’d even see some cool stuff from Leia, especially since this would likely be a farewell sendoff for Carrie Fisher.

Nope. Not even close. Not sure who that character was Mark Hamill was playing but that wasn’t Luke Skywalker. As for Leia/Mary Poppins/Supergirl, I think I’m the only person on earth or anywhere else who actually liked that scene. I understood it as the daughter of Skywalker finally showing her Force potential. In fact, I think that was the best part of TLJ, and the only scene worth watching. After that scene I thought we’d see her doing some other Force things, but nope, that was it. Now she’s apparently still around, but what are they gonna do about her in the next movie, since Carrie has passed on? Did they already film a bunch of scenes with her? Will they just have her be mentioned in expository dialogue?

I don’t care. I won’t be seeing the next episode, and if there are any scenes with Leia, I’m sure someone will point it out, and then maybe I’ll just wait until they post those scenes somewhere on the interwebz and watch them that way.

This new trilogy is really nothing more than big-budget really bad fan fiction.

My apologies for such negativity, but that’s how I really see it. As for the side movies, I really liked Rogue One, and I’m looking forward to seeing the Han Solo movie, and I’ll continue to eagerly await any new non-Episodes.