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**RUMOR** Original theatrical cut of the OT to be released on blu ray!!


Please forgive me if this has already been discussed elsewhere. im still finding my way around here ;)

If this is really happening, im so psyched. i have the dvd set with the changes. like haydens face in ROTJ. and i absolutely hate that!!

My parents have the originals, but when i went to get my own, all i could get was the modified one. 

Yay!! :)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Tyrphanax said:

Jaitea said:

Just had a thought about the non-symmetrical Trooper helmet,....imagine if Lucas was making this movie.....and all his flipped shots

How much would that piss everyone off?



Padme said:

Love the trench look on han. very firefly indeed.

Idk if this was discussed elsewhere, but my dad was asking me....and i thought you guys might know. when george handed the keys to the star wars car over to disney and jj abrams, did he give them his original story to follow, or did he just tell them to do whatever? does he have any creative input at this point? i should know more, but have been too busy to really follow this.

Thanks for any info.:)

Part of the deal were Lucas' drafts for Episodes VII, VIII, and IX. Lucas is also helping production in an advisory capacity, but I'm sure his drafts have been edited extensively, and Lucas has no creative control in his role as adviser.

 thanks for clearing that up. should be interesting to see JJ's spin on this. i think he did a fabulous job with star trek. considering he is more into star wars than star trek, i honestly cant wait to see what he does with the new movies.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Love the trench look on han. very firefly indeed.

Idk if this was discussed elsewhere, but my dad was asking me....and i thought you guys might know. when george handed the keys to the star wars car over to disney and jj abrams, did he give them his original story to follow, or did he just tell them to do whatever? does he have any creative input at this point? i should know more, but have been too busy to really follow this.

Thanks for any info.:)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

<blockquote><p><strong>Tyrphanax</strong> said:</p><p>Just saw those new helmets. Not sold on the snowtrooper, but I'm digging the normal stormtrooper.</p>
<p>As a designer, I can see that all the lines are still there. They have all the main beats of the originals, but they're more futuristic and updated. I'm digging it, honestly. You have to keep in mind that we're thirty years on here, as well, technology doesn't stagnate, especially within the military.</p></blockquote><p> </p>

I just saw these pix someplace else and was going to share them here. you guys are too quick! ;)
I agree...and totally dig the new look. very, very cool.

What Were Hayden Christensen's Best and Worst Performances (Besides AOTC and ROTS)

He was good in Life as a House. definitely better than he was in star wars.

Higher ground was a decent little show, from what i recall. but i was watching that one morefor joe lando (of dr quinn ) than hayden, so i barely remember how he was in that.

Havent seen him in anything else. i dont really seek him out. lol

Other than Jar Jar and midichlorians, what don't you want in episode 7?

Really bad romantic dialogue. (I know, leave it to the girl in the group to bring this up!)

I had no problem with the romance between padme and anakin. but the dialogue between them often made me cringe. 

I much prefer the smart, sassy dialogue between han and leia in the OT. the "i'd just as soon kiss a wookie" kind of dialogue. ;)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

darklordoftech said:

ray_afraid said:

Jaitea said:

Mark Hamill looks so cool


I'd like to see Mark punch the nose of everyone who has said something like "The OT cast is too old to carry a Star Wars film." He already looks a more interesting character than the cast of the PT or any of the new cast I've seen.



To prove a point. Please give me as many reasons and character comparisons as to why Star Wars is better than Star Trek.

I hope its ok to comment on old posts like this. i am new and still figuring this place out :)

I love both star wars and star trek, having grown up with both. i think they are equally amazing, but tend to favor star trek, probably because there is more of it. there always seem to be new movies, new series, new things on the horizon. the conventions and actor appearances are more prolific. i cosplay as characters from both, but dont have as many opportunities to be padme or leia as i do uhura. 

And regarding a comment made above about uhura's mirror outfit, she definitely should have worn that all the time. way cooler than her everyday TOS wear. ;)

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

That is interesting.

I really liked JJ's rendition of Star Trek, but did notice a bunch of Star Wars themes throughout. (even without them being stranded on a desert planet with a cantina!) Not that I minded, since I love both Star Wars and Star Trek.

By the way, I am new here. Anywhere I am supposed to go to introduce myself? :)