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Episode 3's Wasted Characters

The problem is that the PT had too many wasted characters.  Its like they were just throwing as much out there as possible, hoping something would stick and be memorable. 

<SARCASM>After all Boba Fett wasn't really in the OT that much and everyone loved him, so lots of characters that look cool, but get little screen time must be great! </SARCASM>

Instead of so many throwaway villains, they should of stuck with one or two and carried them through.  I remember that it was suggested on here back in time that it would of been better if Grevious turned out to be Darth Maul.  At least then there would of been a connection between TPM and ROTS and a reason for Obi-Wan to really be after Grevious. 

Another waste of great potential was Dooku. He started out with so much potential, then killed off in the first 10 minutes of ROTS.  Why not carry him through to the end, or maybe have him turn out to be genuinely good, and the only one who realizes what is really going on, and nobody else believes him, turning him into a tragic character? 

Just my thoughts.

Max_Rebo's '97 SE superset' preservation (* unfinished project *)

There are several sources for extras if you are looking for them.  Dark Jedi has the extras from the laserdisc set, IIRC.  There was a making of, and some trailers.

More sources-

OCPMovie did a disc called "Special Edition Hype" that has some copies of additional making ofs, from Fox, Sci-Fi Channel, and MTV.

One of the Babyhum discs was a copy of the '97 SE media kit on it as well.


Let me know if any of this stuff interests you, Max_Rebo, and I can send it to you.

Blu-ray prices not coming down
skyjedi2005 said:

Well the way i see it is people hate blu ray because they got burned supporting HD-DVD , replaced all their vhs movies with dvd and don't want to buy all those movies again.

There is a certain mentality that once you purchase a movie once you should own it for life and get free upgrades.


 I'm not sure its so much as wanting "free upgrades" for life, as much as expecting to have it for a decent amount of time.  Someone could buy a VHS in the 80's, and it would mostly still be the best available product (excluding laserdisc or tapes wearing out).  Now, the same person replaced that 20+ year old VHS film for a DVD, only 5+ years ago or so, and now they are being pushed to upgrade again to blu-ray.  I can't blame the public for resisting it.

Revenge of the Sith: Awful message
TheBoost said:
Vaderisnothayden said:

As for the Sith, logically if there's only 2 Sith and many Jedi and the Jedi are sitting pretty as the guardians of the republic and the Sith have to work in secret, then the imbalance is that the Jedi are too powerful. But I don't think that's what George meant by imbalance. 

The Dark Side itself is the imbalance. Jedi and Sith aren't two equally valid viewpoints. The Dark Side is intrinsically bad. The imbalance was that the Sith existed and had been growing in power and influence for 1000 years.


Theboost is correct.  The imbalace is created by the existence of the Sith.  I've heard many people say that 'balance' was achieved when there was 2 sith and 2 Jedi.  I don't see 'balance' with the sith clearly in control, blowing up planets, enslaving the galaxy, and generally being oppresive and cruel to one and all while the 2 'balancing' jedi are hiding in fear in backwater planets.    The imbalance was created when force-users first began to misuse the force and embraced the dark side.

The EU continuing the Sith is silly and a lame attempt to keep a good set of villians going for the sake of continuing the story.  When Vader/Anakin and the emperor die, that is supposed to be the end of the Sith.


Idea, Info &amp; Feedback Wanted: 'Droids - The Lost Episodes'

Good luck with this set.  I don't know if you are still working on it or not, but would like to see the final results.

Another suggestion for extras on it are the clips from two episodes of Sesame Street with R2D2 and C3P0.  These, while at a sesame street level, aren't really seen much.  I always thought the segment were R2D2 falls in love with the fire hydrant was funny.

inspiration for creating Indiana Jones?

Check out most serials.  George Lucas loves serials and they are greatly inspired from them. Two fisted heroes like Indy were common in serials, and Nazis were frequent villains, or other villians bent on world domination/evil dastardly plots.  Ones I can think of off the top of my head that are especially close are:

Zorro's Fighting Legion-In ROTLA, the scene were Indy is trying to off the truck with the Nazis and ends up falling under it and climbs back up from a rope on the back was taken directly from here.

Dick Tracy- In Last Crusade, the boat chase, with Indy racing between two ships being pushed together came from here.

Some others that also have strongly Indy-like:

Perils of Nyoka (Nyoka and the Tigermen)

The Tiger Woman (Perils of the Darkest Jungle)

King of the Royal Mounted

Spy Smasher

G-Men vs. The Black Dragon

Secret Service in Darkest Africa (Manhunt in the African Jungle)


Blu-ray prices not coming down

Something I've always thought about blu-ray is that it is the current equivalent of the laserdisc player.  High-end, high quality, but high prices, so the only people who own one is audiophiles.  Even though Laserdisc audio/picture quality blew VHS out of the water, most people saw VHS as 'good enough' and stayed there.  As long as blu-ray keeps their prices so high, they will continue to have the problem with low sales.  It doesn't help that to really need one, you have to have an HDTV, that many people still haven't gone to either.  I think that DVD will continue to dominate the market for the foreseeable future.

Putting The Original-Original Trilogy's Prequel Story together

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that the novelization for ANH said that Vader and Obi-Wan fought and Vader fell into a volcano.  I don't remember the radiation stuff from TESB. 

I would think that in ANH, the Emperor wasn't really going to be the main villain, or really even that important of a person. He is only mentioned in the novel, and there he is protrayed as a shadowy figurehead, and basically the military and officals like Tarkin actually held most of the power. Even Vader  listened to Tarkin, and ultimately took orders from him, even though he was sent by the Emperor.  Then, starting with TESB, the emperor becomes a more powerful and important figure.

Also, there had to of been more between Anakin/Uncle Owen that the prequels gave us. clearly Owen had a big grudge against Anakin, and something more than just one single meeting had to of happened.

OT Special Edition haters
monkeyjb1988 said:

The change that irks me the most is the change from a classic: (from Empire)

Luke: (after R2 got spat out by Dagobah monster) You're lucky you don't taste too good.

to the standard and less fun:

Luke: (after R2 got spat out by Dagobah monster) You're lucky you got out of there.

That irked me more than Jabba in ANH or Greedo getting the first shot.

 Mielr is right.  The "your lucky you got out of there" line is from the theatrical 70mm mix.  The "Your lucky you don't taste very good" is from the 35mm version.  the 35mm version is more well-known because it was the sound mix released on video.  But the DVD line is actually original as well, even if it isn't as funny.

Max_Rebo's '97 SE superset' preservation (* unfinished project *)

Some trailers were on the SE laserdisc set, along with a making of special.  Babyhum also has put out some SE-specific stuff that might also be of interest.  OCPmovie did another disc of Special Edition specials a while back as well.  There should be plenty of sources for a bonus disc or two for this set. 

Looking forward to this set.  Good luck!

The Indiana Jones Project (Released)
I've seen the Cannes interview DVD on E-bay occasionally, in the advance media kit, but they usually end up going for more than I'm willing to spend. I'm guessing that much of the interviews on YouTube comes from this disc, but I don't know for sure.

Darkgryphon- I actually don't even really remember why I picked this username. I'm sure I had a good reason at the time, and I've been using it for various forums around for a long time.
The issue I'm having currently is converting the FLV files to a useful format. I'll figure it out, though.
Indiana Jones IV
The aliens were out of place. But I didn't think they ruined the film. They were only in the very end of the movie. They weren't in-your-face like "Saucer men from Mars" would of been. I would of liked something supernatual, instead of the aliens angle. Everything else we had in Indiana Jones was supernatural. And I could of lived without the CGI-fest that it was. But overall, I still liked the film, and thought it worked. Plus, it was good to see Indy back again.
Indiana Jones IV
I saw this movie yesterday, and I must say that I was plesantly suprised. I didn't have high hopes for this film, but it was pretty good. The ending was weak, and Spalko was a very weak villian, but overall I think it was very worthwile. and as someone said, it is certainly better than most of the stuff out in theatres today. I think it was a good entry into the Indiana Jones saga. I personally enjoyed it.