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GAME OF THRONES - FILMS I-X // & HOTD [Community Thread]

My thoughts on movie 9 -

While there were some editing choices, mainly the inclusion/exclusion and reordering of certain scenes/shots which I felt could have been better, this was as good as it could be from a narrative point of view.

It is an unenviable task to finish this series off in a satisfactory way by tying up all loose ends but felt you have done an admirable job with the source material.

I can’t recall but did you ever address the death of Daenerys’ other Dragon which was killed by Euron Greyjoy?

Whatever movie 10 will look like, can you please try and brighten the image where possible as the army of the dead battle was a mess to watch because of how low the contrast was.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ultimate cut (PG)

No problem!

Thank you for being receptive to making those additional changes. They do make your edit more polished, as you said.

Could I please point out just one more in the hope you can address that also?

There is an abrupt edit which could be a little smoother I think. It’s when Indy is about to look up at the skins up high.

If you were to cut at 1:02:46 and resume at 1:02:57 (time stamps of your most recent edit), the scene may flow better and have better music transition with no information/story loss.

Would you consider taking a look when you can?

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ultimate cut (PG)

Hi there

Hope you don’t mind some constructive feedback on your edit.

Firstly, I really enjoyed it. While most fixes and cuts are well done, there are a few that I think could be tweaked, if you agree.

  1. Before Mola Ram hides through a trap door - there was no replacement head insert shot as you mentioned in your edit notes above, just a quick cut which is obvious as you can hear Indy saying the end of “Ram”. The continuity error was less noticeable with the original shot intact I think.

  2. Indy is whipped a few times - I don’t think the reused insert shot of Short Round works. Maybe a better edit would be to cut straight from Indy saying “leave him alone you bastards” to the shot of Mola Ram entering with the head.

  3. In the wide shot of the mountain the characters are CG and have no shadow shot - Indy’s newly added CGI version remains clearly visible through the gushing water and again, is more distracting than the original shot, although the CGI models do look better.

  4. On the ladder, Mola would normally try to grab Indy’s heart - you can clearly see Short Round’s mouth moving when you muted “cover your heart”. Again, more distracting of an error than cutting that shot of him completely which would work much better imo.

Please let me know your thoughts on these points.

Thanks and congrats on releasing your edit.

Duel (1971) - The Hybrid Cut (Version 2) (Released)

Hi there.

With the news of the 4K coming out soon, do you plan on revising your hybrid edit using that as the main source?

Actually, that will probably be in widescreen won’t it! Darn.

At least it does have the TV edit included with it which will be good to compare your version to. Looks like it doesn’t include the original mono track though, so again, bummer!

Batman Returns: Caped Crusader Edition (Planned Project) (VFX NEEDED!)


I think ending the movie on the Bat signal alone is a stronger choice. After all, Catwoman does not answer the call of the Bat signal anyway, this is the last time she is seen in the series as a whole and leaving her fate more ambiguous is more fitting for her character. This is as she is a bit of a mystery, especially how she actually gets her “power” of nine lives etc.

Just my two cents!