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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Actually, overnight I had a little idea for how to improve it, and made a few orderings:

I think #5 is best, using zoom levels of the camera to connect them.

I REALLY love the moment. Fantastic way to integrate that beat.

If I may offer my feedback, I do feel like timing on the cuts (even in #5) isn’t quite right. On a Force connection, there’s a rhythm to it, and right now, something’s a little off. Maybe it feels like the flashbacks linger a tad while the present moment cuts too fast? More “balance” as it were, lol.

That all being said, we probably have different editor’s eyes. Excited to see where you land!

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

On Ahsoka 3, it would play out as Ahsoka 3 followed immediately by the Vader-lightsaber moment. That would still leave the final episode on a strong point - Ahsoka and Rex burying the dead. It just would mean that burying the dead didn’t lead directly into the snow falling on that planet and the Vader moment. But if these are all codas, I think it works fine.

I agree that episodic or blended movies would be ideal, and they’re definitely on the cards, but yeah, for now, I’ll keep it simple! 😉

Love it!

Random…did you notice how in Ahsoka 2, the character design for Obi-Wan is AOTC, but in Ep. 1 of TCW, his design is ROTS?

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I love these ideas.

Ahsoka 1 - Love the idea of intercutting with Ep. 1. I think I’d be interested to see if it matches tonally.
Ahsoka 2 - YES. The TOTCW episode is a great idea. Splitting them is the best option, IMO.
Ahsoka 3 - So yes, I think it belongs as a coda. I LOVE the idea of taking the in-episode coda from the finale and sandwiching it around this. However, what would the ending of the final episode be? Would it be strong enough?

Dooku episodes - So I’m of two minds here. I think to keep it consistent with what you did for the end of the series, it’s probably best to keep them as separate episodes and say when to watch them. However, I do like the idea of blending them in and splitting TPM into episodes for a season zero. My only thing is that if you did that…I’d really, really want to see the same thing done for ROTS/the final season lol. Especially with the idea of blending in footage from the animated duel sequence. But that’s just me. 😃

Can’t wait to see what you decide to do! Love that you’re including this stuff!

OLD BEN: An Obi-Wan Kenobi Fan Edit [ABANDONED]

I really love where this is going. IMO, the idea of him going to Diayu really works well.

If I may, a couple thoughts:

  • What if the Leia vision starts coming on him in a couple of flashes while he’s in the streets, then he goes to the warehouse to seek clarity? That way, it bridges the gap a bit.

  • Also, as far as the vision itself goes…this is just a nitpick, but the foley feels a bit too crisp, especially given the effects of how visions are used in the prequels. What about adding a bit of echo? And one last thing…what’s your reasoning for ending the vision on that lingering shot of ROTS Obi? For me, it feels like it would be more fitting to finish the vision either on the babies, Padme, or Anakin, since it’s feels more like the Force is connecting his memories with these events across the galaxy.

  • I’m personally of the opinion that you’re on the right track not bringing Leia in until this point, honestly. It keeps the audience’s perspective with Obi-Wan, and I think that’s actually pretty crucial.

  • The placement of the moment on the star destroyer with the Grand Inquisitor/Vader didn’t quite work for me; would you mind clarifying your rationale for putting it there? I think the knowledge that they were chasing someone was just a bit confusing.

I eagerly await what happens next in your cut! The tone is AWESOME.

The Last Jedi: A ST One-Film Edit (WIP)

bbghost said:

This is interesting, your change list looks similar to what I ended up with initially when I went in to make my ow 3-in-1 and pared back to nothing but Rey and Kylo’s scenes. I went on to add in much more from there, but I’m keen to see what you make of it!

Just sent you a PM on fanedit.org. Would love to check out what you came up with!

The Last Jedi: A ST One-Film Edit (WIP)

So I got that new Mac. 😃

Went back through this thread tonight, and I just want to say that I’m really moved by how supportive you all were during my first go round. It’s inspiring enough that I’m gonna make this happen! I’ve got some travel happening over the next couple weeks, but I’ll post an update when I have something to show.

Hope everyone has had a great year so far, and thanks again for sticking around!

The Batman: Vengeance (WIP)

I really like the new ending, although I think I’d need to see it in more context (i.e. from when he leads them out with a flare) to be sure it doesn’t feel weird to flash back.

As for the bat chase…I’d say keep it upside down, personally. It’s a pretty iconic shot. I do like cutting Batman leaning his head in though. I’d also say make the cut from Penguin’s reaction to slamming him against the wall just a tad snappier; something just feels a bit off. Perhaps either the sound effect feels like it needs a tiny bit of overlap to smooth the transition or the reaction shot could be trimmed. Something like that. It’s already good. Just a nitpick.

Great work!

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

I really liked this episode. It was nice to slow down and spend some time with these characters. I felt like I got to know Ahsoka better, and she deals with a theme that foreshadows Anakin’s struggle. It may not be important to the plot, but it is very important to the characters. Worthy of inclusion for sure. The only thing that felt weird was the abruptness of the ending.

EddieDean said:


  • REVIEW VERSION, not quite ready for full release, but presented here for feedback.
  • Our sixth episode of season two.
  • Comprising the original episode Jedi Crash.
  • Running 24 minutes.
  • DOWNLOAD LINK is in the tracker spreadsheet, PM me for access.
  • Note: It’s recommended that you download this before watching, rather than streaming it directly from Google Drive.

This is by far the least important episode of my edit, featuring a pretty light ‘meeting the natives’ story. It’s skippable, but I’ve included it here for a few reasons: Mainly, because it balances out this place in the season nicely, since this period of time needed more Anakin, more Ahsoka, a little more exploration of the duo both together and apart, and more of this season’s focus on the war’s impact on the little guy. But also, it does begin with a great action sequence I’d hoped to include somewhere, it has a nice little hint at the Holdo Maneuver, and it does show us a little more of what happens on the fringes of the Galaxy, something that’s nice to see in the show but often appears in the show’s weaker episodes.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

Opinion time - what do you guys prefer?

  1. Ahsoka DOESN’T get punished for her disobedience at Ryloth (s01e06), but remains offscreen until the Holocron Crisis arc (starting s01e09), where she is disobedient at Felucia, then gets assigned the guard duty that pays off in that episode.


  1. Ahsoka does get punished for her disobedience at Ryloth via a new scene added at the start of the following episode (s01e07), being assigned guard duty that’ll explain her absence until the Holocron Crisis (s01e09), in which it’ll be resolved. In this version, we won’t include the Felucia scenes.

I think option 2 though it depends on how well it will flow with the ep 7 material