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Liam2319's own DESPECIALIZED 1080P STAR WARS 1977 (* unfinished project *)

Possessed said:

LeLwrence said:

KK650’s semi-specialized is color-corrected and removes some Special Edition changes. Maybe worth a look OP. It’s on the paradox.

If you like all the characters looking like they have Jaundice yes.

Bitchy and rude remarks aside his partial despecialization is good enough for me I just wish he’d release an in color corrected version. I still have the histograms from way backup in the day I could use with results that are at least better thanblu ray.

I haven’t spent enough time looking at them to tell, but at least it looks better than the Blu Ray.


Scott109 said:

tonywar93 said:

Here’s what I would correct/keep IMHO:

  • Make pointed lightsabers to match the ones in the prequels (and TFA?);
  • New Alderaan explosion;
  • Make TIE fighters the same color as the rest of the OT;
  • Keep “Battle of Heroes” soundtrack throughout Darth Vader vs Obi-Wan duel, since the sequence is fast paced;
  • Keep Darth Vader’s BLACK eyes since they’re black in Episode III and the rest of the movies;
  • Remove Darth Vader’s reflecting pole flashes in his encounter with Obi-Wan as he approaches saying “I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan”;
  • Make Obi-Wan lighting his saber after Darth Vader, since “a Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack,” according to Yoda;
  • Restore Tarkin’s final shot before the Death Star’s destruction;
  • Restore Death Star’s destruction wave.

I agree with this list. Adywan’s lightsaber duel in A New Hope is a hundred times better than the original with the exception of Obi-Wan igniting his lightsaber first. I especially enjoyed the “Battle of Heroes” soundtrack throughout the duel, which gave the scene more emotion. In the original duel, I always thought that the characters looked like little boys playing with toy swords. Adywan’s faster paced duel fixed that problem. And I love how Darth Vader’s eyes now match the rest of the original trilogy. I believe Adywan plans to re-rotoscope all lightsabers in the prequels to match the revisited original trilogy.

Welcome to a dead thread. Also, doesn’t Harmy/Towne’s Despecialized 2.7 have re-rotoscoped lightsabers too?

The Empire Strikes Back &quot;1980 Theatrical version&quot; Reconstruction - Adywan (Released)

Piett19bby said:

Where can I download this version of The Empire Strikes Back?

If you’re signed up for a newsgroup service with over 2000 days retention, it should be on a.b.starwars if I’m not mistaken. Someone also commented it being on tehparadox, but I’m not sure if links are still up after 5 years.

Help: looking for... Special Editions minus controversial/stupid changes?

Sheepish said:

I’m working on a 1080p “pseudo-despecialized edition” of A New Hope that has some of the sfx additions from the SE peppered in (only those that I felt genuinely enhanced the original). Basically, what I’m doing with my Episode I edit will be done to all the prequels, and then I’ll be making minimal adjustments in the OT to keep a steady flow of continuity throughout my edits of the saga. It’s a little early in the process and wouldn’t be completed for a while, though. Just throwing it out there haha.

Interesting. Basically your own take on something like KK650’s Semi-Specialized edition? And what source will you use for the 1080p despecialized scenes? Guessing probably SSE?

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

Harmy said:

This is all quite possible. Also, even if an official release doesn’t happen, maybe some 35mm fan-preservations may come out, which will make Despecialized unnecessary.

I think your work is fantastic Harmy, and it certainly won’t be unnecessary. I really like the sharpness of the Blu Ray, and a 1080p version of Despecialized using some 35mm elements would be fantastic. Your work won’t be overshadowed or forgotten.

StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread

John Doom said:

yotsuya said:

[…] Remastering is what Lucas did with all the recomped effects shots that really don’t look much different, but subtle flaws are removed, such as the slightly transparent snow speeder cockpits. Mike is doing much the same thing […]

As far as I understand from his videos, he didn’t touch the original special effects. His motto was “cleaning dirt and scratches, keeping what was on the negative”. He did fix color channel misalignments, though.
Anyway, I wonder if the fact we didn’t get any new update could be a good sign: he might’ve signed a deal with Disney/LF/Fox on Legacy, so right now he can’t further comment on his project with us.

He did fix some things like flickering that he believes were on the original negative, or something along those lines, in the shot right before “All Wings Report In”: https://vimeo.com/117582796

StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread

digitalfreaknyc said:

darthrush said:

Wazzles said:

Darth Lucas said:

We can call it whatever we want. I call it an empty spot on my movie shelf that needs to be filled asap.

I’ll go with this.

+1 But I compeletly respect what Mikes plan is and understand why the distribution of this won’t be like Depseiclaized.

And I still have no idea why anyone cares about it. If no one will ever see it then who cares what he does? #movealong

While it’s too bad we won’t get to see it, and I personally doubt the likelihood of Disney/Fox picking it up (but that’s just me), it’s still nice to see the project progress and maybe have a glimmer of hope that one day we’ll enjoy something like this.

StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread

Pheran said:

LeLwrence said:

Colson said:

LeLwrence said:

The videos on Vimeo are awesome. Are there more shots completed other than those?

The entire movie is complete. I believe this has actually been screened once or twice.

Wow I’m so out of the loop. That’s awesome news. Are there plans to release it to the public soon?

You must be really out of the loop, because it’s not being released to the public. If it was Mike would face legal action from Disney. Our best hope it that Disney adopts it for an official re-release of Star Wars.

Very much so unfortunately.

Audio embedded in the TFA video file

Lord Haseo said:

I hope this helps

Also if any mods can move this thread to it’s proper place (if it’s within your scope of abilities) that’d be great.

uTorrent and Bittorrent? Can’t make up your mind between pretty much the same software? :p

In any case, why didn’t you set your project settings to at least 5.1 audio (I think that’s the max for Vegas)? Your audio is now all playing on Stereo. If you only have Stereo speakers and that’s why they’re not on their usual channels, you can always downmix it to stereo during the editing. Also what version did you grab? If you’re serious about this, just pick up the BD and a cheap drive for your PC to make it more legal. Anyway let me know, I know a bit about Vegas.