I've actually got the ability to watch BD now on my new computer...
I see the "Trilogy Box Sets" for $39.99 and the "Saga Box" for $89.99 at Wal-Mart.
Now IF somebody offered me the bonus disc(s) with the deleted scenes, or Episode III separately for a reasonable price, I might get 'em, but otherwise I can definitely wait.
After watching the various changes and sample vids online:
Episode I: Don't care that much. I was one of the few people who enjoyed making fun of "stoned Yoda" now one of the few enjoyable aspects is gone (even if the replacement looks decent).
Episode II: Blue tints, who needs 'em?
Episode IV: More stupid changes (even if some of the crap introduced in 2004 is partially fixed), no thanks.
Episode V: Same old crap. Don't want it.
Episode VI: Since this is my favorite of the series, I'm extra sensitive about changes to ROTJ (one of the few I liked was the 2004 cleanup of the Rancor fx)... hating the "Noooo! NOOoooOOO!"
Most of the changes are either stuff I never noticed before, were unnecessary or just suck. In some ways (color-wise) the OT looks improved over 2004, but remember that 2004 was a downgrade in many ways from the 1997 editions. And they haven't fixed all of the problems they introduced in 2004 (though to their credit, many of the more glaring problems have been addressed).
As for the specials, I've seen 'em all before (other than the one on the 501st and as I'm not a member, I'm not that interested).
So until they release the restored theatricals in Blu-Ray quality, color me (not blue) unimpressed. And I'm also resistant, because I had people tell me "oh, you'll complain but you'll buy it again like everyone else," which is BS! Speak for yourself, fanboy... (just a little bitter, maybe)
All I can say at this point is, thank God for fan edits/preservations/custom discs to tide us over until Lucas comes to his senses.