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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Yet another thing Iā€™d love to see in the film (I put it in my novelization) but isnā€™t exactly feasible based on our available materials.

Keep these ideas coming everyone. Iā€™m (kinda) purposely holding off on purchasing Elevenlabs again until Iā€™m sure itā€™s just the Poe lines we are changing.

One thing that still bothers me is the ending dialogue of Lando and Jannah. I get what they were trying to do, but the needed build up to pull this off is pretty much non existent and the delivery from Lando comes off as creepy.

I donā€™t really have an idea how to fix that, with the few material there is, but maybe someone else has an idea how a Lando AI line could improve their dialogue, maybe hinting more towards this ā€˜they could be relativesā€™ idea? šŸ˜…

Mando EP3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) [RELEASED]

Hi smudger9,

Wow, this edit really saved The Book of Boba Fett for me! This is now my go to for Mando ā€˜season 2.5ā€™ for sure.

It feels like it was always meant to be this way (although it probably wasnā€™t) and makes the story so so much better set up. Besides the obvious cuts, that favor the edit - less of the mods, less of Bobaā€™s incompetence as a gangster boss - I really like the back and forth between the Din and Boba storylines. Especially the choice to open and close the movie with Din makes it more like a Mandalorian movie, where Boba plays an important part than the half-assed Boba Fett show that midway decides to follow Din again, because heā€™s more interesting.

Although I liked the integration of Grogu in the final battle in the original, I agree that it flows better to not have him there. And maybe his powers were a little bit too strong in that fight in the first place. Anyways, I wouldā€™ve never imagined that Grogu could be cut out soo seamlessly - I even opened the original a few times to check, what you have done to make it look this smooth! šŸ˜ƒ The ending was expertly crafted as well. The decision to put Groguā€™s jedi training to the end and then end the movie felt super satisfying.

Awesome work!

Mando EP2: Search for the Jedi [V2 RELEASED]

Hi smudger9,

great edit again! Although my heart wouldā€™ve wanted to keep the battle between Ahsoka and the Magistrate and the entirety of the mission on Morak, after having watched your edit I definitely understand the reasoning. Itā€™s a little bit odd how the season itself again and again finds reasons for Din to be sidetracked, something I didnā€™t notice that much when watching the season week after week when it aired. But especially the beloved chapter 15 has only the purpose to find Moff Gideonā€™s coordinates, so I guess thatā€™s not really a lot in terms of the broader storyline.

Iā€™m especially impressed how your cutting choices from Mando episode 1 to 2 align. This is true for the Mayfeld storyline (introduction in Episode 1 was cut and then the mission on Morak) and the reappearing Mythrol (chapter 1 and chapter 12 cut in their respective edits). For someone without knowledge of the original series this would work really smoothly, I suspect. Speaking of chapter 12 (ā€˜the siegeā€™) cut, the cloning lore might be important for later seasons, but this was such a short bit in the whole episode, that it probably will be possible to recap that when it comes up again.

One thing that bugs me a little bit is the story behind the beskar spear. When the Razorcrest is destroyed and only the spear survives it seems like something important, that is not really explained. Maybe it just bugs me because I know the story behind the spear and the hypothetical first time viewer wouldnā€™t notice anything off. But I was wondering if the scene where the Magistrate hands Din the spear could be reinstated with cutting off after the line ā€˜kill the Jedi and itā€™s yoursā€™. The assumption then could be, that itā€™s some kind of payment up front - although probably unusal for her character - or the tool to do the killing, since Din mentioned how hard it is to kill a Jedi.

On the technical side I, too, noticed the sound problems in loud scenes. For example at 1:46:10, but the whole battle before and after this suffers in varying degrees from the problem. The ending at 2:36:20 is another example, where the sound gets muddy.

But again: I really enjoyed this, awesome work! šŸ˜ƒ

The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

Hi smudger9,

as others said before me: Very well made edit! Alhtough Iā€™m a huge fan of Mandalorian Season 1, I really liked what you did with it.
I always liked the opening sequence with the Mythrol, but I totally agree, that itā€™s not necessary to include in the story. Same goes for other parts that were cut - overall the story flows really well that way!

The inclusion of the Jawas and therefore the longer Mudhorn sequence adds the needed bonding time for Mando and Grogu, something I felt was missing in previous versions of this edit. Also special thumbs up for the Boba Fett scenes. The inclusion here feels really natural and gives a better feeling of where Boba is at that time. I think the payoff in Mandalorian episode 3 therefore is a lot better, since we follow Boba much earlier in your edits.

Awesome work, highly recommended!

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

Hey Spence, I finished viewing your edit today and am very very pleased with the result. šŸ˜ƒ Overall the pacing was just enormously better, the movie felt more dynamic and action packed. For me it was just the right amount and mixture of faster scences and a little breathing room in between. Definitely my go to viewing experience for now, if I want to see the story of Obi-Wan again! Great work!

The highlights:

  • Your work on the first duel of Vader and Obi-Wan did wonders! No more awkwardly standing around and running away ā€“ just a scary chasing situation. It felt much better introducing Vader with the over voice and Obi-Wan frantically looking back and forth. Also the ending of the fight felt a lot more tightly knit, with Tala only firing once, blowing everything up and rescuing Obi-Wan directly, without having this awkward lying around in armā€™s length distance to Vader (at least it felt like that for me in the series).
  • The worst offenders of the Empire acting too slow or outright dumb are gone. This includes the above mentioned rescue of Obi-Wan from Mapuzo, but even more so the fortress infiltration from Obi-Wan and Tala. Just cutting the scene how Tala somehow convinced the imperial guard to let her in, did wonders on that regard. Now it can just be assumed that she somehow cleverly got entrance and not that some imperial just wasnā€™t that good at his job. Iā€™m still no fan of Obi-Wan hiding Leia under his trenchcoat, but without having to see the Empire fail a few more times before that, it didnā€™t feel as bad as in the series.
  • Not showing Anakinā€™s face until the final battle felt great! The bacta scene was a nice little build up, but not having Anakin show up once and again gave the broken helmet scene more oomph in my opinion. In the series they probably felt like they have to give the fans something on the way to the finale, but within a 2 hour movie it felt alright to only reveal Anakinā€™s face once.
  • In the same vein I felt that Revaā€™s character arc improved massively from not showing the youngling scenes as early as in the series. Her ā€štwistā€˜ really felt underwhelming in the series, since it was so obvious from the beginning, that she was one of the shown younglings ā€“ you fixed it quite elegantly. I didnā€™t mind her final scenes with Luke on Tatooine in the series, but I never felt like they were needed in your edit to complete Revaā€™s arc.
  • Somehow: the soundtrack! I know you said there were only a few additions throughout your edit, but maybe it needed only those few additional music pieces that elevated my feeling for the soundtrack altogether. Or it was the much improved pacing and cutting of the more unremarkable scenes ā€“ with maybe more unremarkable music ā€“ that made me feel like: wow, this movie has a great soundtrack! After being disappointed with the soundtrack in the series, your edit gave me a whole new listening perspective!
  • Last but not least everything was pulled off totally flawless from a technical standpoint. Not once did it feel like a fanedit to me ā€“ really great work there!

The things I stumbled upon:

  • Since you cutted the rooftop chase sequence and the bounty on Obi-Wan on Daiyu, it felt a little sudden and unexplained, that Haja knew Obi-Wanā€™s name and that he was a Jedi. I understand that having Haja seeing Obi-Wan using the force in rescuing Leia would be too much, since it would basically mean to reinstate the whole rooftop sequence. But maybe Revaā€™s overvoice of the bounty scene could be used to make it more clearer, that Haja learned about Obi-Wan from the news? She says: ā€˜I want every low life and criminal on the planet to know Kenobi is here.ā€™ Since Haja is said low life or criminal, it would seem like a perfectly fine explanation to me.
  • When Obi-Wan and Leia ride with Freck, it felt a little off when Leia accused Obi-Wan of keeping secrets ā€˜the whole time Iā€™ve known youā€™. Because we donā€™t see the conversation with the stormtroopers before, itā€™s not clear where sheā€™s coming from and also ā€˜the whole timeā€™ feels not very long at that point, due to the tighter pacing of the movie. I wouldnā€™t necessarily vote for reinstating the stormtrooper sequence, since it paints the empire as kind of dumb again, but something felt missing for me in the build up of the ā€˜are you my fatherā€™ talk.
  • The one time the movie did feel a little bit rushed for me was the transition from Vaderā€™s last ā€˜Obi-Wanā€™ scream after their duel to the happy family gathering on Alderaan. For me it would have needed just a few more seconds to linger on after the duel, to give it a little more breathing room.
  • Cutting the whole Reva/Luke sequence on Tatooine felt great in terms of pacing and her story arc. But without this sequence the conversation between Obi-Wan and Owen felt a little bit out of context. Obi-Wan makes the point, that Owen and Beru can obviously take care of Luke, but for me this felt like a reference to them defending Luke against Reva. You could make a point, that after his experience with Leia, it might make sense for Obi-Wan to come to the conclusion, that Luke and Leia are really best hidden in their new families and him wanting to train Luke would contradict that. Still, it felt weird after this whole kidnapping story, that without further proof he would just trust Owen and Beru more now. And for Owen it felt equally weird, that he offers Obi-Wan to meet Luke. The last time we saw him was at the beginning of the movie, for him nothing really changed. Maybe he has a moment of appreciation, that Obi-Wan trusts him now (although that trust is not really earned on screen), but I donā€™t know. Wouldnā€™t he want to wait, if Obi-Wan really stays true to his words? Maybe itā€™s just in my head and for other it makes total sensee, that those two have a moment of appreciation for each other. I just stumbled upon it when watching.

If thereā€™s ever a version 2 I would be happy to watch it again, but even now itā€™s just a fun ride overall watching your edit. Thanks for the hard work, much appreciated! šŸ˜ƒ

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

I need translations of the following lines into German, Italian, Dutch, Portugeuse, French, and Spanish for the ā€˜Rey Nobodyā€™ cut, if anyone can render these.

  1. He saw what you would become.
  2. You wonā€™t just have power. Youā€™ll have his power.
  3. You will kill Palpatineā€¦
  4. And take the throne.
  5. I feel the pull to the lightā€¦
  6. And you, the darkness.
  7. Together, nothing will stand in our way.

Hi Hal, I would be glad to translate the lines into German! For context, it would be great, though, to know where all those lines appear in the movie.

Do you - or does anyone else - have at least a broad timestamp (or scene) direction to guide me to? šŸ˜ƒ

Mando EP3: A New Path (A Book of Boba Fett Edit) [RELEASED]

This Polygon article provides an interesting interpretation angle to the series: Boba is not an incompetent hero, he is a villain, that just doesnā€™t care. šŸ˜ https://www.polygon.com/star-wars/22929592/book-of-boba-fett-hero-vs-villain

I wonder if that would work as a way to emphasize his characterization in a fanedit as well.

The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released)

bbghost said:

Hal 9000 said:

Also, it would be easy to trim out Rey and Poeā€™s little meetcute at the end of the movie. They do appear like four feet away from each other at the end of TFA. I canā€™t remember if this was ever considered.

For my part I always liked this mostly for Poeā€™s knowing ā€œI know.ā€ I doubt Rey would have introduced herself to him at the end of TFA with what she had going on, but sheā€™s a big deal in the Resistance.

I somehow felt like the argument between Rey and Poe at the beginning of TROS, where Finn needs to mediate, plays into this as well. Finn has an established relationship to both of them at this point, but Rey and Poe hadnā€™t had the chance to build a real friendship so far. So this quarrel is less a crack in their friendship, but more a result of them trying to figure out their working relationship.

Although I agree, when watching TLJ it feels a little bit weird to be reminded, that they havenā€™t met so far. But atleast in my headcanon the TROS conflict was kind of a payoff to this TLJ scene, so it somehow made sense.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I noticed another subtitle error: in the hangar revelation scene the subtitles donā€™t reflect the change of Kyloā€™s sentence about the dyad. When he says, theyā€™ve ā€œbecomeā€ a dyad in the force, the subtitles still state that they ā€œareā€ a dyad.

That being said, I finished the rerun of all the sequel movies yesterday with my wife and we highly enjoyed every one of them! Especially the cleaned up motivations of Palpatine, Kylo and Rey were so much better in v2, even so that my wife - who only watched v1 with me one time last year - noticed it as one of the best things about this edit! When v1 let me made my peace with the movie itself, the extra work for v2 let me made my peace with the idea of Rey Palpatine. So thank you everyone, who participated here - it is truly an awesome achievement in fan editing, turning one - if not the most - disappointing cinema experience in my life into a thoroughly enjoyable one!

DUELING WITH FATE - The Making of Episode I - A 13-Part Docu-Series (Released!)

Hey Bobson, great idea and great execution as well! I remember the DVD specials back in the day to be very fragmented and scattered all over different and rather exhausting animated menus (the early days of the DVD were like that, I guess). So seeing them all together in one streamlined documentary is a really cool thing. šŸ˜ƒ I started watching the first episode this morning and followed with parts 2, 3 and 4 immediately. There were a few eye opening things, that I didnā€™t grasp back then - maybe because I was too young, but certainly also because of your rearrangement -, so Iā€™m very happy to have a place now to revisit all these cool documentaries.

Please keep up the good work, since I am eager to watch through all of this! šŸ˜ƒ

Just one thing: in your last post you mentioned part 7, but there is no link provided so far. If itā€™s already done, I would be glad if you could provide a link for that as well!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

szopman said:

Cinefy said:

Lesson 3 - Got cut from The Last Jedi, thought this could be cool. Was suggested to me by my friend JXeditor,

Concept: https://youtu.be/evQEnYxqAzQ

Wow, its a brilliant idea šŸ˜Æ

Hal 9000 said:

Thanks, and Iā€™ve already had a PM come in offering to chip in.

To replace the machine without any upgrade in specs or a more recent model could possibly be snagged for about $200 with patience. If people want to donate that could certainly be done. Of course, as a personal thing Iā€™d still eventually need to upgrade in due time, but itā€™d restore things to working order for now.

If I can find any 2011 Mac Mini, I can dig any crappy old keyboard and mouse out of the trash and I have a monitor. If itā€™s a 2011 Mini, I can even use my current RAM chips.

Actually, the donating idea makes sense. I mean, a lot of us waits to See your version of TROS to have a respectful ending of the saga.

Iā€™m just a lurker here, but definitely +1 for the crowdfunding/donation idea. šŸ˜ƒ

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Luka Frik said:

Another small idea to improve the pacing of the movie : I think slightly extending (4-5 seconds) the shot of Kylo Ren lost in thoughts on the Death Star would help with that. In the cinema, the scene with Han Solo didnā€™t completely land emotionally for me because the movie didnā€™t let time to breathe from the previous scene to this one. So hereā€™s a quick mock-up (I didnā€™t increase the frame rate with interpolation) :

(pw: fanedit)

First version is the extended one (I let the previous scene for you to see if it flows well), second one is the movie version. Any thoughts ?

Wow, this feels really good! Hanā€™s ā€œhey kidā€ really got me in your version. šŸ˜ƒ

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

IlFanEditore said:

Josanael said:

IlFanEditore said:

IlFanEditore said:

Hal 9000 said:

Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Itā€™s probably good you havenā€™t been following the thread closely, since you can provide a fresher reaction

#2 is all thanks to DominicCobb, btw.

#4 is from poppasketti.

#5 has had some discussion, and the idea is that the dagger is the one whispering to her to nudge her in the right direction. It may not be clear enough to really be viable. I guess we are still indeterminate if it is truly viable to replace the Goonies moment.

I had watched your workprint 1, and it was nice already, even though there were less changes.
Again, I had some things to do in these days so I just read that you released your V2. To me there were no issues like rough cuts or else. The first act has a much better pacing.
I also noticed, but thatā€™s personal, that jonhā€™s ghosts scene gave me a quite different feel while watching the whole movie. I mean, at first it was only a single scene, but now it really feels like something that should have been there from the stars. It also connects the three trilogies better than anything else (Ben from OT, Anakin from PT, Luke from ST).
I also liked the subtle DOF motive during the Death star duel.

Oh, and about the Dagger. Iā€™ll have to rewatch the scene. At first I didnā€™t get your intention, but thatā€™s probably because I was trying to notice every change (Iā€™ve watched TROS countless times for that awful edit of mine, like Iā€™m sure many of you have). To enhance your point you could maybe add some whispers as Rey is holding the Dagger in front of the Death Star? It could work with 3POā€™s like ā€œOnly this blade tellsā€. Tells. Like, literally.

EDIT I think some parts of the Mustafar sequence could be used. The wide shot with TIEs looks ok to me. The volcanic eruptions look too real-world IMHO, while the shot of stormtroopers getting out of the transport too animated. But I like the landing (not the last frames when the camera inclinates).
Thatā€™s such a great work though. There are just very minor issues for me and Iā€™d totally watch and enjoy any edit with those shots.

I just rewatched the Dagger/Death Star scene. You actually added some whispers, right? I didnā€™t notice them at first, lol šŸ˜„

I second the point with the whispers - the idea is great, but I fear that most people would miss it, since the whispers are almost too subtle. šŸ˜ƒ

And to add to that: I really liked the ā€œfor Skywalkerā€ shouting, but again I could barely here it and had to skip back again to understand what everyone was shouting.

But donā€™t get me wrong, I absolutely loved the workprint so far - actually it was the first time I could enjoy TROS, so thank you for that, Hal and everyone else working on it. šŸ˜ƒ

Having rewatched the scene a number of times, I cannot miss it now. And I think it works, because he addes other whispers while Rey is inside the DSā€¦ as if those voices guide her into the Throne Room. You can miss it once, but not all the times šŸ˜„

Sure, now that I know of it, I canā€™t miss it aswell and Iā€™m actually wondering how I could even miss it the first time. šŸ˜ƒ I was just thinking of our hypothetical first time viewer, who maybe wonā€™t watch the fanedit multiple times.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

IlFanEditore said:

IlFanEditore said:

Hal 9000 said:

Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Itā€™s probably good you havenā€™t been following the thread closely, since you can provide a fresher reaction

#2 is all thanks to DominicCobb, btw.

#4 is from poppasketti.

#5 has had some discussion, and the idea is that the dagger is the one whispering to her to nudge her in the right direction. It may not be clear enough to really be viable. I guess we are still indeterminate if it is truly viable to replace the Goonies moment.

I had watched your workprint 1, and it was nice already, even though there were less changes.
Again, I had some things to do in these days so I just read that you released your V2. To me there were no issues like rough cuts or else. The first act has a much better pacing.
I also noticed, but thatā€™s personal, that jonhā€™s ghosts scene gave me a quite different feel while watching the whole movie. I mean, at first it was only a single scene, but now it really feels like something that should have been there from the stars. It also connects the three trilogies better than anything else (Ben from OT, Anakin from PT, Luke from ST).
I also liked the subtle DOF motive during the Death star duel.

Oh, and about the Dagger. Iā€™ll have to rewatch the scene. At first I didnā€™t get your intention, but thatā€™s probably because I was trying to notice every change (Iā€™ve watched TROS countless times for that awful edit of mine, like Iā€™m sure many of you have). To enhance your point you could maybe add some whispers as Rey is holding the Dagger in front of the Death Star? It could work with 3POā€™s like ā€œOnly this blade tellsā€. Tells. Like, literally.

EDIT I think some parts of the Mustafar sequence could be used. The wide shot with TIEs looks ok to me. The volcanic eruptions look too real-world IMHO, while the shot of stormtroopers getting out of the transport too animated. But I like the landing (not the last frames when the camera inclinates).
Thatā€™s such a great work though. There are just very minor issues for me and Iā€™d totally watch and enjoy any edit with those shots.

I just rewatched the Dagger/Death Star scene. You actually added some whispers, right? I didnā€™t notice them at first, lol šŸ˜„

I second the point with the whispers - the idea is great, but I fear that most people would miss it, since the whispers are almost too subtle. šŸ˜ƒ

And to add to that: I really liked the ā€œfor Skywalkerā€ shouting, but again I could barely here it and had to skip back again to understand what everyone was shouting.

But donā€™t get me wrong, I absolutely loved the workprint so far - actually it was the first time I could enjoy TROS, so thank you for that, Hal and everyone else working on it. šŸ˜ƒ