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Jetrell Fo

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:


Hahahaha. Trump was right, he could shoot someone in cold blood and it wouldn’t matter. Trump supporters, including those in this thread, would just say there’s no proof and that the media is making it all up.

You may try and discredit me all you like with your petty little insults, but the fact remains, they are petty and ignorant. You resort to them every time anything of simple intelligence and basic logic escapes you. It’s a tell of your over-inflated ego.

I’m sorry, who is resorting to insults?

That was not an insult, it was a remark based in fact, from my past experience with your “reactions” to particular things I post. If you don’t like it, change it, otherwise it is what it is.

I don’t care either way, I just think it’s funny that you think I’m the one insulting you. I said you support Trump no matter what he does. You said I resort to insults (like saying you support Trump, apparently) whenever I’m too stupid to understand something. And also that I have a massive ego.

So ok, congratulations. I hope you feel better now.

TV’s Frink said:

I’m just waiting for Trey Gowdy to go thermonuclear over this, considering how it is much more dangerous than anything Hillary did.

Oh wait, he’ll never do that, because he’s a massive hypocrite. Like almost every other Republican on this issue.

Lol Trey Gowdy. Lol Republicans.

TV’s Frink said:


Hahahaha. Trump was right, he could shoot someone in cold blood and it wouldn’t matter. Trump supporters, including those in this thread, would just say there’s no proof and that the media is making it all up.

You seem to have conveniently forgotten the two remarks above that you made. Owning them would prove me right so I can see why you passed them by.

TV’s Frink said:

CatBus said:

Warbler said:

What Trump supporters in this thread?

The Trump supporters in this thread have opted not to identify themselves.

Does claiming you aren’t one when you clearly are one count as not identifying yourself?

Your reasoning is flawed as it is based only on your own dislike of the President. Your passive/aggressive use of Apophasis and Antiphrasis are clearly rhetoric you relish in otherwise you wouldn’t use them so much to cast doubt on those who don’t think as you do.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

Jetrell Fo said:

TV’s Frink said:


Hahahaha. Trump was right, he could shoot someone in cold blood and it wouldn’t matter. Trump supporters, including those in this thread, would just say there’s no proof and that the media is making it all up.

You may try and discredit me all you like with your petty little insults, but the fact remains, they are petty and ignorant. You resort to them every time anything of simple intelligence and basic logic escapes you. It’s a tell of your over-inflated ego.

I’m sorry, who is resorting to insults?

That was not an insult, it was a remark based in fact, from my past experience with your “reactions” to particular things I post. If you don’t like it, change it, otherwise it is what it is.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:


Hahahaha. Trump was right, he could shoot someone in cold blood and it wouldn’t matter. Trump supporters, including those in this thread, would just say there’s no proof and that the media is making it all up.

You may try and discredit me all you like with your petty little insults, but the fact remains, they are petty and ignorant. You resort to them every time anything of simple intelligence and basic logic escapes you. It’s a tell of your over-inflated ego.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

doubleofive said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Tyrphanax said:


So this is a thing.

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.

I don’t even think he’s malicious about it. He’s just a moron who wants to lord things over people.

I’m guessing the number of his supporters that go ballistic and chant “lock him up!” over his mishandling of classified information will be exactly zero.

Considering that nowhere in the article does it actually prove this happened or in the exact way they said it happened I’d be leery no matter which side I supported. I am going to wait and see before passing any judgement because there just aren’t enough facts to make an informed decision either way.

Or, like my article points out, he bragged about it on Twitter. So it definitely happened. “I know so many secrets as President, you wouldn’t believe. You want to know some of them, Mr Ambassador?”

That is not an admission of anything even if it is brash.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Tyrphanax said:


So this is a thing.

President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.

I don’t even think he’s malicious about it. He’s just a moron who wants to lord things over people.

I’m guessing the number of his supporters that go ballistic and chant “lock him up!” over his mishandling of classified information will be exactly zero.

Considering that nowhere in the article does it actually prove this happened or in the exact way they said it happened I’d be leery no matter which side I supported. I am going to wait and see before passing any judgement because there just aren’t enough facts to make an informed decision either way.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo


Words, partial sentences, and tidbits in this article that tell the story.

Republicans are considering

The proposal, which would be part of the House Budget Committee’s fiscal 2018

won’t specify which programs would get the ax; instead it will instruct committees to figure out what to cut to reach the savings.

most likely on the chopping block, the sources say,

and perhaps even veterans benefits.

If enacted,

will also likely include

that proposal is more symbolic and won’t become law under this budget,

reductions could become “very tough issues”

New spending, however, makes already tough math even trickier

“There are ways that we cannot only allow the president to keep his promise, but to help him keep his promise by fixing some of these mandatory programs.”

Final details of the GOP’s budget plan aren’t expected until June,

specific language mandating the mandatory cuts still hasn’t been written

tax reform, which “is complex enough on its own,”

Asked about mandatory programs that might be cut,

When so many of the entitlement programs are taken off the table for discussion … that limits our ability to fund the nondefense discretionary programs and other mandatory programs that affect a lot of people.”

moderates have voted for GOP budgets that included similar cuts in the past — so they should be able to support them again.

But if House GOP leadership has learned anything from the Obamacare repeal debacle, it should be that voting for something that has no chance of becoming law and makes for great campaign fodder is much easier than backing a bill that could be enacted.

UFO's & other anomalies ... do you believe?

NeverarGreat said:

SilverWook said:

NeverarGreat said:

My mother and grandmother both saw a UFO in West Virginia when my mother was very small, and they both still remember it. They were walking down the street one afternoon and a bright light seemed to follow them, and when they stopped at the corner and turned onto another street the light did a 90 degree turn as well. They started to get scared and run, and the light followed them, apparently disappearing before they reached home. Neither of them has any idea what it could have been.

That sounds a bit like ball lightning, which is pretty freaky and rare.

It could have been that, though they are specific in that it did a 90 degree turn and followed them up the road. Perhaps it was following the power lines.

I wonder what the area they were in boasts in magnetic field intensity? There are some anomalies that could very well be, sentient, for lack of a better term.

The Place to Go for Emotional Support

Mike O said:

Jetrell Fo said:

Mike O said:

Abilify is up to 10mg. The doctor said I can experiment a little with the Klonopin. My mother is a nervous wreck about sucking down there psychotropics. The side effects so far-fatigue and soreness-suck, and the intrusive thoughts still sort of come and go. I know, it’s been a few days, be patient. But fuck, it’s hard. My fat butt has gained a little weight too, and unhealthy. To be fair, all it does is rain; I may excercise if it ever warms up. God, this is hard. I’m scared of the drugs and the side effects, but when they help even a little, I want to say “gimme more.” Klonopin is a Benzedrine, and I’m really scared of the prospect of addiction. I just want to be fucking normal again.

I don’t see that you’re “sucking” down the psychotropics. You are taking them as prescribed which would be in a timed fashion per day. As for the exercise … there is plenty you can do at home when weather is inclement. If you are truly worried about the Kolonopin then maybe you should just ask for something else due to your fear. As long as you respect the medication and only take it as prescribed you should not be worrying about something that might be helping you.

I’d like to ask what you consider “normal”? Maybe understanding the actual goal you are trying to reach would help your parents and those of us that support you do so better.

“Normal” would be back to the way I was before this happened. With my faith cracked, I don’t know if that’ll ever be possible again. Ever. I’m concerned about the side effects too, sleeping all day and this endless exhaustion. I’m going to tell my doctor about it next time I see him. But then we’re back to square one with the medication roulette. I’m see the actual diagnosing psychologist in a few weeks, so it’s not like I’m relying solely on medicine.

Warning: rant coming. And a long one. Got into it a little bit with my mother last night. Since I’m sleeping too much and frequently lethargic, my mother is upset, and so is my dad, that I’m on too much medication and I’m kind of becoming a zombie. Now, they have a good point. And I’m currently questioning if the medication is helping as much as it should. But I think that they think it’s just my depression, and they both have that. It’s not. It’s also this pseudo-OCD, and I can’t talk to my mother about that at all because of the religious nature of it. It takes time for your body to adjust to medication, and medication has side effects. I get that. And I’ll be honest, both my dad’s doctor and my psychiatrist scare me a little. I’ve never been assertive with authority figures. And the medicine does help. Sometimes. Somewhat. They don’t know how I feel. And it does take time for your body to adjust. But I’ve had that time, they argue. And given that it’s been months, they aren’t wrong. But in a way, I think I secretly like it. Sleep is the ONLY respite I get from this. So if I’m sleeping more, what’s so wrong with that? Other than, you know, sleeping my life away and wasting it. It’s hard to see any further into the future than the end of my shift at work with the condition I’m currently in. I’m just SO sick of fighting. I don’t have the strength to do this day after day, this isn’t much of a kind of living.

“You’re on too much medication!” She says. She’s probably right. I don’t know anymore. But this is a constant battle. Like they said, I’m going to have to exercise every day, work at this every day. Medicine isn’t magic. There’s no simple solution. This just came out of nowhere a year or so ago, prior to which I was fine except for my frustrating inability to move forward with my life. Now there’s this mess. And it’s just not getting better. I say I’m trying. Am I? I am, but not as hard as I should. But that’s hard. It’s hard to fight and live like this every fucking day. I need some way to stabilize it and control it. I’ll never be back to normal. My faith is too cracked now, and too much damage has been done. But maybe I can repair something and try to regain what’s left of my life, rebuild it somehow. But that’s sure a lot easier said than done. It just seems like a no-win situation.

What’s most frustrating is that with my brother’s wedding coming up, my mother is almost angry with me. She insists that I’d better smile through the whole thing, horrified a single picture will really show me, and wants me walking every day because of the damn weight gain she’s alleging she sees from the medicine. I bluntly think this is pretty unfair. I’m hurting. I hurt a lot. And she’s concerned about how I look in public? It’s hard enough to function at work. I’ll be honest, I’m a little bit angry with her that she so damn concerned about public appearance that she isn’t necessarily taking my feelings into consideration as much as she should. Or least is much as I think she should.

I do have one or two questions if you’d consider indulging me. What exactly were you like before you really noticed the change and what do you believe actually tipped the scales and caused the change that is affecting you?

I am sorry that your parents may not be taking this as seriously as you obviously would like them to be. You want them to be parents and not critics. It can be difficult considering the religious factor and maybe whatever their upbringings have brought to the table for them. We ARE here and we ARE listening. Please keep communicating with us as you can.

We support you Mike.