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- #1289375
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- Random Thoughts
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/1289375/action/topic#1289375
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Miss the energy this place had
Miss the energy this place had
Please don’t.
At this point, I’ve accepted that nothing substantial will ever be done about climate change and we’ll just have to live with the consequences.
I think centrism is awful so I say it’s awful.
Yeah. Moderation and compromise is for chumps.
When one side is in the right, compromise is just as bad as being wrong. See: climate change.
Edit: This makes it seem like I think politics is about being “right,” it isn’t. I’m on mobile so I hope my meaning is clear enough. The answer is not always in the middle.
I think he was a good villain in TFA, and a great villain in TLJ right up until Rey runs away from him and he takes over the First Order. Frankly, once it was clear that he wasn’t going to team up with Rey, I lost a lot of interest in the character. There was a real opportunity to develop Kylo’s character into something we’ve never seen before in having him team up with Rey and become something beyond just a Jedi or a Sith, but it just… didn’t happen. I don’t know if Johnson wasn’t confident enough to bring the story in that direction or what happened, but I definitely feel like it was a missed opportunity. And it’s certainly possible that Johnson never intended to do that with Kylo’s character at all, but I’d argue that if that’s the case, then maybe the idea just shouldn’t have been brought up in the first place. It seems like a really good way to set the audience up for disappointment and not much else.
Well I think the set up is quite necessary for what Johnson is going for. They have a chance to team up and both want to, but the reasons why they can’t is very telling for their characters and the direction they’re going in (not to mention the thematic thrust of the story).
I think you got a lot more out of the scene than I did. I’ll have to keep this in mind for the next time I watch TLJ, see how my perspective changes.
I’d say I’m apprehensive about the future of Kylo’s character. I’m sure he’ll still be an interesting enough character in the next movie, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll be well-acted, but I fear he’ll never reach that height of “depth” again.
I don’t think the depth went anywhere. If anything there’s moreso than before. Kylo has a “resolve” at the end of TLJ and has become the Vader figure he alternately wanted to or didn’t want to be, but it’s all a sham. He still doesn’t know what he wants, he’s still just a tormented soul. At the end he’s essentially got a whole galaxy that’s his, but he’s clearly just as alone as ever and not any happier than before. In my mind, the fact that even after he’s yelled and screamed that he’ll “destroy” Rey he still looks at her hopefully in their final Force time shows that the “depth” in him is very much alive.
Good point, and you’re right, there’s definitely plenty of room for the character to grow. I hadn’t considered the possibility of the next movie exploring Kylo’s dissatisfaction with his newfound power, I kind of assumed he’d turn into just another bad guy. I guess I should have more faith in JJ.
All that said; in a vacuum where there’s no third movie, I still think the idea of Rey and Kylo teaming up could’ve been really interesting to explore.
“No magic involved”
What about the lightning? Or the backflips? Or the super sense allowing the Jedi to parry so easily?
And your point? Did you miss my references to characters from Star Trek which most people seem to think is indeed science fiction? If those things didn’t make Star Trek a fantasy then they don’t make Star Wars a fantasy.
Star Trek repeatedly explains all the fantastical stuff as hyper advanced technology. Theoretically, it could happen in our universe. Aliens probably exist in the endless universe, and who knows how advanced they are.
The Force, while explained as science in Ep 1, is still fantasy. It does not exist in our world.
Well said. It’s all about how things are presented.
I think he was a good villain in TFA, and a great villain in TLJ right up until Rey runs away from him and he takes over the First Order. Frankly, once it was clear that he wasn’t going to team up with Rey, I lost a lot of interest in the character. There was a real opportunity to develop Kylo’s character into something we’ve never seen before in having him team up with Rey and become something beyond just a Jedi or a Sith, but it just… didn’t happen. I don’t know if Johnson wasn’t confident enough to bring the story in that direction or what happened, but I definitely feel like it was a missed opportunity. And it’s certainly possible that Johnson never intended to do that with Kylo’s character at all, but I’d argue that if that’s the case, then maybe the idea just shouldn’t have been brought up in the first place. It seems like a really good way to set the audience up for disappointment and not much else.
I’d say I’m apprehensive about the future of Kylo’s character. I’m sure he’ll still be an interesting enough character in the next movie, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll be well-acted, but I fear he’ll never reach that height of “depth” again.
A new addition to your cast of villains? At least it adds diversity.
You want to be added? Just tell him you won’t engage with him anymore.
This is pathetic.
I wonder if some were in this very thread that seemed to come out of the woodwork , think I may have come across a few on Facebook as well …https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/star-wars-last-jedi-was-targeted-by-russian-trolls-study-says-1148475
Very interesting study. I encourage everyone to give it a look, it’s not long at all.
Kanye West has got to be one of the stupidest people in human history. This is no surprise though because almost 40% of Trump supporters wish that the South had won the Civil War, so he’s right at home with the rest of the pro-slavery crowd.
Ehh, I get what he was trying to say. He definitely deserves all the shit he’s getting for it (and all the other stupid things he’s said as of late), but Kanye’s never been one for carefully worded and well-thought-out statements.
That’s really incredible. Had a smile on my face throughout the whole thing. I assume for all the scenes that formerly had music, you added your own foley? Because it works fantastically. Is there any particular place you get the sound effects, or are they just taken from random sources?
Wouldn’t a history of alcoholism be a disqualifying factor in of itself?
Not if it is passed history. People have been known to have a problem with alcohol and overcome it later on. Remember you are talking about a history of extremely drinking when he was a teenager. I have heard no one say that he still has a drinking problem. Does extreme drinking necessarily = alcoholism?
I drank heavily during the 4 years I was in college and then pretty much stopped outside occasional social gatherings. Never blacked out, but did get thoroughly wasted on many occasions and it definitely altered my behavior.
It’s entirely possible Kavanaugh did what Ford says he did if he was a heavy drinker. However, labeling him an alcoholic because of heavy college drinking only shows that the person applying the label has no idea what alcoholism is—or is simply using it as a smear to disqualify him or sully his character.
How possible do you think it is that someone could sexually assault someone and totally completely forget it due to extreme drunkenness?
Very possible. I had friends who were heavier drinkers than I was and I’d tell them stories the next day about shit they did or said and they wouldn’t remember.
But we are not just talking ordinary shit people do while drunk. We are talking about sexual assault. Any of them commit a sexual assault and not remember it the next day?
I think Jay put it well, but I also found this article that explains how that might be the case.
Both, I think, could be correct.
It is entirely plausible that a drunk Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge pushed Christine Blasey into a room, tortured her, and, soon after, forgot all about it. One of the other people who were allegedly at the house that day, Ford’s friend Leland, has said that she doesn’t remember the party or the assault either. And why would she? Ford says she didn’t tell anyone about the alleged attack until years later. For Leland, it would have been just another summer day.
And this, I think, explains Kavanaugh’s insistence that the attack didn’t happen as well. He’s not lying; he really just doesn’t think this attack happened. For Ford, it was an attempted rape that would haunt her for years. For Kavanaugh, it was fucking around, being a teenager, not a violent assault. How could two people have such different reactions to the same event? As the New York Times reported this week, while trauma is frequently seared into our memories, neuroscience research suggests that “there are scenarios in which someone could have committed an assault and yet also have almost no memory of it. If an assailant attaches little significance to an assault—for instance, if he doesn’t consider it an assault—his brain may only weakly encode details of the encounter.”
That, I think, is what happened: She experienced an assault that he didn’t realize he was committing. Ignorance, of course, does not make his actions okay. In fact, it’s almost more damning that two young men could be so cavalier with a girl’s body without even realizing their actions weren’t just harmful, but criminal. It’s a dark mark on us all that something so significant to a woman could be so easily forgotten by a man, but that is the world we live in. When Kavanaugh says the attack never took place, that’s because, for him, it did not. What is traumatic for her is, for him, less than nothing. This doesn’t mean Kavanaugh shouldn’t be punished for his actions, but it could help explain why he doesn’t remember them.
Granted, this is just conjecture, we have no idea what really happened.
That said, to argue against your point, the number of people on the right who show up for protests and marches are dwarfed by left. Trump inspires lefties to go nuts and march in the millions. The right largely just stays home and stockpiles guns 😉
Did you forget the other rallies Trump inspires? The left rallies may be larger…
It’s interesting that rallies on the right make you think of white nationalists. Do you immediately associate rallies on the left with Antifa? BLM?
Anti-fascists and Black Lives Matter are not the equivalent of white nationalists. Interesting that you make that connection.
Antifa is a violent organization packed with “good” fascists who think they’re saving the country from “bad” fascists. Just as nuts as anybody on the far right.
Uh, they’re not fascists. They’re anarchists and communists. There’s a clear political difference. I don’t support Antifa, but I’ve made clear that I am in favor of some types of political violence. Not all violence is the same. I think that we need to remove all judges and representatives that are bought and paid for by corporations. If we can do that peacefully, then that’s great, but I’m not opposed to people doing it forcefully.
Antifa may label themselves as something they view as honorable and worthwhile but they’re lying extremists who want to suppress free speech and are willing to use violence to achieve their goals.
This is often true, but despite all that, they’re still leagues better than fascists. And the whole “antifa are the true fascists” meme is just incorrect.
EDIT 2: Disregard. This ended up being a pretty worthless post.
Honestly, turning off body cameras should just be handled as an admission of guilt.
is it controversial/wrong that i love and fully support it when someone beats the shit out of neonazis/white supremacists/far right people?
On the face of it, I agree, seeing Nazis get punched is pretty hilarious. I don’t think it’s wrong to feel that way, but I think it’s important that everyone understands that punching Nazis isn’t the solution to the alt-right problem. Punching Nazis, while a fun side-show, only reaffirms the white nationalist victim complex, a victim complex that is fundamental to Nazi ideology. If you’re alright with that, then go ahead, but be aware that you may be doing more to damage your cause than to help it.
Addendum: It’s also important to note that the people punching Nazis usually aren’t very good judges of who is and isn’t a Nazi. Personally, I’d rather have 100 Nazis go free than have 1 innocent man get punched, but that’s just me.
Marvel’s Spider-Man PS4 is fucking rad.
I’ve heard some great things about it, for sure. The PS4 exclusives in general have just been really strong. Kinda makes me wish I picked one up.
Warbler, you honestly believe that they are “protesting the anthem”? You honestly believe that it is the ANTHEM that they are mad at??? Kapernick and others have made it clear from the start that they are protesting police brutality. And yet you (and others) persist in insisting that they are protesting the anthem. It’s amazing.
I know that now you’re going to say that the anthem isn’t the place to protest. That is a different argument. So just to be clear, one more time, on topic, Warbler, do you actually believe that they are “protesting the anthem”?
You can say they are not protesting the Anthem, that they are protesting police brutality. I say they are protesting police brutality via protesting the Anthem. Whatever you want to call it, I find it disrespectful.
Sorry, no, that’s not how words work. Strange, with how often you’ve brought up dictionary definitions, I’d have figured you’re the type of person to care about that sort of thing.
‘be first / facts later’ coverage, limited column inches, editors opting (or under pressure) for clicks / sensationalism over quality / wider range of stories.
This definitely is a problem when it comes to covering police shootings.
“Let’s wait for the facts” is code word for “let’s wait until this blows over.”
This is hilarious.
Getting married makes you a bad person.
Burnt pizza is an underrated gem, tbh.
I thought the Nemoidians were supposed to be the same species as these guys from the Cantina scene, but I guess not?
In Legends, Neimoidians are descended from Duros.
I have just been revisiting the PT because I decided return to tackling them before trying TESB, ROTJ, or TFA. After watching them again I have to agree that ROTS is the most dramatic and is a great fast paced action film and tragedy. But I still feel that TPM got the universe right. Yes, we see the galaxy looking pretty good, but like fruit that is about to spoil, it looks good on the outside while hiding the rot on the inside. And the story goes where the characters are. The focus in the fall of the Republic so spending so much time on Coruscant makes sense.
I think one would argue though that the focus should not have been on the fall of the Republic, that should have merely been the backdrop to Anakin’s story. It isn’t quite in keeping with the other SW films to have galactic politics so far at the forefront of the story.
I disagree since the OT focused on the the rebellion against the Empire - something that is very much galactic politics.
Nope, that was merely the backdrop to the characters’ stories. We see more rebellion politics in Rogue One than we do in the entire OT put together (which isn’t saying much at all).
I disagree with respect to the PT, since the PT to a large degree was also Palpatine’s story, and so the galactic politics are the characters’ story. The Jedi order in the PT is also shown to be highly political, as such the politics are simply an integral part of the story told in the PT, in addition to being an integral part of Anakin’s personal history through his relationship with Palpatine.
But that’s the problem. The PT is Palpatine’s story when it should be Anakin’s. And the story should be about Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padme’s adventures amid the corrupt and crumbling Republic as it becomes (or moves to become) the Empire.
Anakin plays a role in Palpatine’s story in the PT when it should be the other way around.
Should it?