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What it was like to experience Star Wars for the first time in 1977.
I actually wrote a short story about the first time that I saw Star Wars for a creative writing class when I was college. It was over a dozen pages long as I remember. I could write a short book about the entire experience.

I was very young when I saw Star Wars, only four and a half, but I remember it as vividly as though it happened this evening. Now, I had had absolutely no knowledge that a movie called Star Wars even existed and had expressed no desire to see it. I just remember my mother telling me that when my father got home from work that he was going to take me to the movies after dinner. That was a big deal for me in and of itself. I adored going to the movies, especially at the old, but beautiful theater where my parents usually took me for Disney features and the like. I just knew that I was going to the movies, and that was excitement enough.

I imagine that this must have been towards the end of the summer as the theater was nearly empty on the night that my father took me to see it. Very few people. I remember that it was a very hot and muggy night, and how good it felt to walk into that air conditioned theater smelling of popcorn and licorice. I remember seeing the words "Star Wars" on the large neon marquis outside the theater. But, again...those words meant nothing to me.

I don't recall my reaction to every moment of the film. But moments did burn themselves into my brain and I think I burned my knees from propping myself up on the upholstered theater seats. I remember being absolutely transfixed, spellbound. Once the movie started, it was all over. Taking me to that movie was a decision that my father would regret for decades.

The assault on the Blockade Runner was almost overload for me, but it all stuck with me. The images of the stormtroopers and of Darth Vader were powerful ones that simply burned themselves into my mind, and were always the characters with which I was most fascinated, perhaps because they were the first ones that I saw. When I saw the film again in re-release a few years later, I was amazed by how much I had remembered and how many little details stuck with me.

The Jawa canyon scene I remember slightly scaring me, with those hooded figures peering from behind the rocks. That sequence to this day recalls that sense of mystery and uncertainty in me as a four year old. It's weird how your brain retains those things.

The other scene from the first half that captivated me...of course, the presentation of Luke's Lightsaber. It was hypnotic...the site, the musical sound. I mistakenly called it a "lifesaver" for a few years, and I ached for a real one the way that grown men ache for true love, throughout my childhood. I made them out of anything that looked like it could be a lightsaber.

Obi-wan's death stuck with me, as well. Because he was this gentle, old man, much like my grandfather, it bothered me to see him die. It didn't scar me, but I think I cried when he was killed. I can't remember for sure. And even though he killed him, I LOVED Darth Vader. Who didn't?

I don't remember the final battle in detail. Again, I think it was overload for me. I just remember leaving the theater, after waking my father up, wanting my own lightsaber, a friendly little R2-D2 of my own, and a Wookie. Ah, the memories.
Audience reaction to the reveal?
For me it was kind of a bigger surprise to me that Vader was confirmed to be Luke's father in ROTJ. That, combined with the Unlce Fester face behind the mask kind of made Jedi a downer for me. I enjoyed the movie, but remember feeling really disappointed in the end. Honestly, I didn't want to know who Vader really was. I didn't want to see the face beneath the mask. He was totally de-mystified for me...no longer the badass that the Vader we all know and love, truly is.
The definitive list: changes you can and can't stand...
The ONLY changes that I can tolerate are the inclusion of elements that were originally shot as part of the original production, like the Biggs scene, and the Jabba scene, though it is horribly executed in terms of animation. Original footage is fine. Anything that was done on a computer more than a decade after the fact...aside from film restoration, is utterly unacceptable to me. I don't even like the 5.1 mixes.
Audience reaction to the reveal?
Oh man does this bring back memories. I have two distinct memories of my first time seeing ESB in theaters in 1980. Firstly, I remember how people in the theater were so taken with Yoda. To this day I can still hear the audience reaction to his first appearance on screen,
(awwww, he's so cute) and their reaction at learning that he was in fact YODA...the man, not just a cute little creature. Because, back then, when SW was good, important story elements like that were surprises...as they were meant to be.

The, "I am your Father" moment was a dramatic and shocking moment in the theater..a real socker of a moment. But, as we all walked out of the theater, I don't think we all believed it. As an eight year old I was ecstatic with the whole movie, but I remember explaining it to my parents, who were waiting outside the theater to pick us up, that Vader was probably lying to Luke to get him to turn to the dark side. I was totally unsure of it all until Jedi came out. It was a topic of much heated debate at school I can tell you. Ahhh, memories!
Star Wars - Secrets of the Rebellion!! Coming in 2008
I don't know. This could be good, could be really bad. The easily accessible technology that we have these days and the ease with which these "films" can be distributed via internet, etc, makes it way too easy for people with lots of friends, toys and technology to make a tidal wave of "fan films" that are dreadfully short on anything resembling talent. I'd like to hope that this is one of the RARE exceptions. The last thing the net needs is another "Star Wars" film that consists of little more than a bunch of overweight, pale-faced "Jedi" running around the woods in bathrobes and acting out storylines that make the crap that my friends and I used to do in our backyards as kids look like Shakespeare.
POLL: Are you buying the Star Wars DVDs released on September 12, 2006?
Originally posted by: CO
I will buy these versions, and I do have a 52" HD Widescreen TV, so it is effecting fans like me the most.

You think you have it bad? Try a 100" projection screen with an HD projector. To Hell with that fat bastard! No way I'm buying them. I'd just get pissed off every time I watched them over how bad they look, not because of the technology of the day when they were made, but because Lucas REFUSES to make them look as good as they can, and should.

POLL: Quality Of The Star Wars Products
There was a time when I collected SW stuff pretty actively. That stopped after TPM came out. I just lost all interest at that point. And now, they just keep releasing and re-releasing toys and collectibles ten times over...same shit in a different package. And how many variations of a single figure are really necessary? They just slap the Star Wars name on anything today. This list of products is really embarrassing, and I don't think they sell too well given the mountain of SW crap I've seen in discount bins in recent years. The quality of the toys has really gone south, and the prices are insane when you compare what a SW figure costs versus a McFarlane figure or something. Just a shameful ripoff. I haven't purchased a Star Wars collectible in about seven years, and I got rid of most of the more recent junk, keeping only that which I grew up with, and some cool props (not MR) like lightsabers and blasters that I tracked down the original parts for and built over the years.
No explanation necessary (but we got one anyway)
Oh Jesus Christ. Has this debate really come down to this? The whole Mary and Jesus/ Shmi and Anakin thing is pretty thinly veiled in terms of its reference to Christian mythology. There's a definite allusion to the christ figure, savior thing in Anakin. 90% of the people I know refer to the birth of Jesus as the immaculate conception, and when they use the term in relation to the PT, that's the connection that they're making.
death of star wars
I know about those separation masters...the holy grail. But Lucass has those under lock and key, and probably sleeps with the key tucked safely between his buttocks each night. Ain't nobody getting their hands on those masters. If it could be done, it would have to be done with a good quality collector print. I'd donate a few hundred to such an effort. That's at least how much I'v spent buying and re-buying the movies. However this would be the first time I'd actually get what I was hoping for.
death of star wars
For those in the know...how much would a restoration of the film cost, roughly? We know that there are prints in collectors' hands. How much of a grassroots movement from the fanbase would it take to generate money through donations and such in order to have a good print restored and trasnferred to dvd, and distributed not for profit? Pie in the sky...I know. But seriously, put a dollar amount on it. Could we (the fans) generate it?
David Gilmour: "No George Lucas Syndrome"
No, everything in the quote implies that Gilmour gets it. We're not talking about the narrow focus of just SW. I'm sure Gilmour could give a shit. He's talking about art in general...music, movies, etc. When you change something that was created in the past, whatever you add takes something important away from the work. That's what this whole thing is about. Gilmour understands that and the quote demonstrates that.
first viewing of the 2006 OOT dvds
I've got a lower quality set of LD boots. They're okay, but I want better. However, I will NOT be buying this release. Why pay for what amounts to a slap in the face? I'd rather support the hard work and efforts of fans out there who care enough about these films to put forth the effort to restore them as best they can when the creator of said films refuses to do so.
Those "Takes You Out Of The Moment" Moments...
This is more of an O-OT complaint than a Special Edition complaint. It's been fixed up for the DVD release and since I don't own a bootleg of the O-OT on DVD, this screen cap from the Special Edition will do. Witihin the original film and still in the SE, this fall always made me go "what the hell just happened?" I still don't get the purpose of this scene (and no doubt some of you will try and put it in perspective for me) and the fall always looked too phony....I can't help it purists but this is one O-OT thing I think was silly. Takes me out of the moment for a second but we're good again once he does get inside the tube although still...wait.....is he just trying to get away from Vader or is he trying to end it all and when he finally gets to the bottom he has a change of heart? heh...anyways.

For me, this scene was when Luke truly becomes a Jedi. Rather than join Vader, he chooses apparent death. He's faced his greatest fears in Vader, lost the battle, but won the war because he stayed true to his path. It's awesome...without the SE scream, of course.
David Gilmour: "No George Lucas Syndrome"
Here's an amusing snippet from an interview with one of my heros, David Gilmour of Pink Floyd. Funny how so many artists seem to "get it", and Lucas just, well...

Q: "Dark Side of the Moon" is one of the best-selling and most loved albums of all time. What would you change about it?
A: Oh, there's nothing I would change about it.
Q: What, you don't have George Lucas Syndrome?
A: Nope. We worked on it until we thought it was pretty well perfect. If one were to go change it, whatever you might add would be something you take away as well.
Q: It's like going back in time to the era of dinosaurs and stepping on a butterfly. The world would be totally different. There would be no laser light shows.
A: Exactly.

first viewing of the 2006 OOT dvds
Sansweet's about as uselss as Rick McCallum. His sole purpose as head geek in charge of fan relations, or whatever the hell his job title is, is to keep the LFL kool aid flowing at these friggin' conventions. They could release the OT in ViewMaster format, and Sansweet would be up there droning on about the amazing quality of the picture. The guy just spits out whatever his puppet masters at LFL tell him to. He's a businessman just like the rest, which means, of course, that he's full of shit.
Lucas: I can make just as much money with less effort
The more I learn, the more I think Lucas was masquerading all those years as a director who wanted to make quality movies, when in truth what he wanted to make was a cheap, commercial, and ultimately forgettable product.

In a recent interview when talking about the "abstract" films that he wants to make, he said he's earned the right to fail. Earned it? Hell, George, you failed a long time ago. Amazingly, most of your directorial catalog is comprised of artistic and directorial failures that succeeded financially only because of an entire generation's affection and memories for a thirty year old trilogy of movies...your greatest creative successes, which you view as the ugly stepchildren to the dreck you peddle these dark days.
20 years ago, would anyone believe...
Originally posted by: generalfrevious
That the star wars trilogy would be the highest-grossing franchise that will be destroyed
Racism would be revived in the form of JarJar Binks
That Clones would seem too much like our present
That Luke was born first

Much as I hate the prequels and love any chance to lay the smack-down, I've always sort of rolled my eyes at the charges of racism in the character of Jar Jar Binks, or any of the PT characters. They're just characters in a SW movie, and those characters, no matter how alien they're supposed to be, are always based on human traits, caricatures, and stereotypes. They have to be. Human reality is the only one we know. You can't create a character without someone drawing a parallel to perceived real world counterparts, no matter how strange you make them. And since its a black guy doing Jar Jar Binks to begin with, I find the accusations of racism even more funny. The character may have been a poor choice in some people's eyes in terms of how he was portrayed, but racist...not really. Annoying as all hell? Yes.

When Clones came out I remember some whack-job college professor on CNN or something talking about the "racism" of Clones. His chief argument, no matter how weak, was that the clones themselves represented hispanic people as slaves to the establishment. He saw dark hair, darker skin and eyes and assumed they were Hispanic. The fact that they were actually Kiwis didn't seem to matter to him. I guess for him all dark skinned and dark haired people look alike.

In this day and age everyone has their hyper-sensitivity meter set to overdrive. I don't know how people get through the day sometimes. Really, I don't. They're Star Wars films, period. And Lucas may be lots of things, but a racist the guy ain't.

I've heard people say that Anakin/ Vader is racist portrayal. Why? Because when Anakin's a good guy, he's a pretty white guy, and when he's bad he's a tough guy in a big balck suit with a deep voice. If this is the kind of stuff people get from watching a Star Wars movie, then they need to just lock themselves in their houses and up their meds because the world is too difficult a place for them to function in.

Alternate Title For Episode III
Originally posted by: zombie84
It simply a necessity of the fact that there are so many scenes and locations.

I disagree. Once you've established a location, there is no need to contiually, and in every other scene, re-establish it in a wide sweeping shot. I literally got bored watching all the damn establishing shots, and I swear it sounded like they used the same music cue for all of them. We all know what the Jedi Temple looks like. We all know what the Senate looks like. We all know what Padme's apartment looks like. Hell, there were even establishing shots of space.