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Hydra Spectre

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Info: Films re-released with alterations

The Blu-ray and 4K UHD release of Godzilla Minus One changed some of Godzilla’s roars (most notably when he is mutated by the Operation Crossroads nuke). In the original theatrical release, Godzilla uses his 1954 roar that is used throughout the film; but in the home media release, his roar is changed at some points.

The home media release only changes Godzilla’s roar in the Dolby Atmos and Dolby Digital EX 6.1 mixes, but the Dolby TrueHD/Dolby Digital 5.1 and 2.0 mixes still use the theatrical mix.

The alternate mix was also apparently used for the theatrical release of Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color, and it was apparently an intentional change, not a mixing/authoring error.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)

I wonder if it is possible to have vertical subtitles in Japanese on an SRT format…
It is possible that the Japanese versions displayed the forced subs on the right side of the screen, in a vertical format read from top-to-bottom and right-to-left.

I know many Japanese versions of films display subtitles in that manner. Or Japanese films with subtitled dialogue display the subs in that manner.

Suzume: Theatrical Version (Obsolete)

haru KI do said:

Hydra Spectre said:

Have you looked into the Southeast Asian iTunes release? That was the original theatrical version.

For some reason, I was unable to watch it. Is it because it is in Japan? At any rate, I will try various things.
Of course, if the viewing is successful, an IMAX edit will be done on the original version.
Also, we need to make a version that is currently being shown in Japan.

Director Shinkai, you should include all of them on Blu-ray. Like Blade Runner!

It is only in Singapore.
You would need to make a Singaporean Apple ID (or even temporarily set your pre-existing Apple ID to Singapore).
Then you can get a Singaporean iTunes gift card here: https://www.seagm.com/itunes-gift-card-singapore
Or here: https://www.play-asia.com/search/iTunes+Singapore

There are also other alternative methods.

Anyone else think Empire Strikes Back's Special Edition is actually better than the Theatrical Cut?

Chillye said:

Honestly, ESB’s Special Edition wasn’t horrible at all! A lot of the changes were actually good, such as actually seeing the Wampa creature, changing the walls in Cloud City, and getting Ian McDiarmid to portray the emperor. Overall, ESB was the only movie who’s Special Edition changes were good.

I actually like the new Victory Celebration in Return of the Jedi.
And also, that one scene in Star Wars where Han chases down Stormtroopers in a hallway.
The original version has a dead-end, but the Special Edition, where he comes across an entire docking bay full of Stormtroopers is much more hilarious. Both scenes were great, but the Special Edition is even better for that scene.

Star Wars also has that restored Biggs scene which is really nice.

I also like some of the less-noticeable fixed VFX. Such as that one matte painting near the end of Star Wars showing the Rebel Army. The matte painting effect looked really off in the original. But the Special Edition fixes that by digitally compositing in more realistic people (not sure if they were live actors or CGI) that fit in better than the original matte painting.
The spiced up CGI shots in the Battle of Yavin were also really cool and more dynamic.
The new recomposites and colour grading made for the 1997 release are also much better. The '97 colours are the best the films ever looked. The 2004/2011 colour grading, however, was awful. The 2019 version is much better, but not as good as the 1997 colours.

All in all, each version has their own pros and cons. But I mostly just stick with the original versions to make things simpler. That or the 1997 print.

[FAN EDIT/PRESERVATION IDEA] Marvel Cinematic Universe: Theatre Audio Syncs (aka. The Laugh Track Editions)

So, I remember how CAMRips are often shared, and how they often capture the audience laughter during funny scenes.
And I had this very funny idea, one where the CAMRip audio from MCU movies would be synced over HD versions on Blu-ray or Disney+. This would basically give the MCU movies a near-perfectly synchronized sitcom-like laugh track as if this were The Big Bang Theory.

I saw how people often clown on the MCU’s brand of humour, so I thought to make it even worse by adding in a laugh track. But said laugh track would be genuine audience reactions taken from old theatre bootlegs.
Procuring said bootlegs may be a bit hard, especially since many of these old bootlegs are from over a decade-and-a-half ago, and the torrents may be dead.

I can’t do the resyncing myself, I am just throwing this idea here.

Suzume: Theatrical Version (Obsolete)

Moiisty said:

haru KI do said:

List of changes in Special Edition:


Im buying the 4k bluray (beautiful packaging), should I buy it and then use this theatrical version

Both are valid, but I prefer the Special Edition, especially if it will fix the CGI of the worm.

Suzume: Theatrical Version (Obsolete)

haru KI do said:

Hydra Spectre said:

It came out on iTunes in some Southeast Asian countries, and it’s the theatrical version.

Seriously? In Japan, there is nothing but Blu-ray talk.
I could only confirm the trailer, but I wonder if the master of the video is the international version?

Not in Japan, but it is in some Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
I live in the Philippines, but it’s not here.

Anyone else think Empire Strikes Back's Special Edition is actually better than the Theatrical Cut?

The Special Edition is generally better than the Theatrical Version for most of the film.
I prefer the Special Edition Cloud City, I love how the visual effects were fixed as well as the music cues.
The new 2004 Emperor is amazing, even if you never saw Star Wars before and are starting from the OT.

Temeura Morrison as Boba Fett makes a lot of sense because he is objectively better at delivering his lines than Jason Wingreen did. And it is now canon that Boba Fett would sound like his father as an adult, as established by The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett.

The new Wampa scene actually heightens the suspense over the original. In the original, you just get faint glimpses of the Wampa and the fate of Luke’s Tauntaun is left up in the air. People already know what the Wampa looks like so there’s no point in hiding it. And it’s actually more suspenseful to show him feasting on the Tauntaun’s carcass, heightening the tension that the Wampa would eat Luke next.

And keep in mind, this is coming from someone who had to track down a GOUT DVD to first experience Star Wars in the Theatrical Versions.

OohTeeDee’s regraded/regrained 2019 Special Edition is my preferred version. It has the best restoration of the film, but with restored grain, and the best overall version of the film. My only complaint would be how Palpatine looks more like how he did in Revenge of the Sith instead of how he looked like in Return of the Jedi. Almost like this was made as test footage to see how Palpatine would look like “scarred and deformed” in Revenge of the Sith. If they made it look more like how he did in Return of the Jedi, I would have no complaints over The Emperor’s New Actor.

That said, the main reason why I think people hate the Special Editions is that George Lucas essentially wanted to erase the Theatrical Versions from existence.
If Lucas (or now, Disney) just released proper restorations of the Theatrical Versions alongside every iteration of the Special Editions the films received, people would be much more forgiving towards the Special Editions.

D+77 - Star Wars - 4k Theatrical reconstruction (Released)

Ryan said:

nobodybutjarjar42 said:

Ryan said:

omas4071 said:

What changes were missed in this awesome edit?

The changes that I noticed were:

  • R2-D2 and C-3PO’s escape pod cover on Tatooine remained grey and was not changed back to blue.

  • Darth Vader’s lightsaber stayed red when Luke blasted the door on the Death Star.

  • The detention hall’s hallway remained altered with the special edition version when Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca were attempting to escape.

These were the only changes that I noticed which were not restored to the theatrical version; otherwise, everything else was pretty much originally unaltered and theatrical.

I remember hearing that special edition “thud” noise from when the Storm Tropper hits his head on the blast door.

When I was checking it out on the computer and comparing it to other projects side by side, I think there are some shots that can be updated to better versions. You know the film scans used to cover up the crappy CGI.

One thing that surprised me was when Luke and Leia were in that tube where they had to swing over to get away from the Storm Troopers. Their voices were super echoey.

i thought the audio was sourced from schorman’s Star Wars LaserDisc Audio Archive and hairy_hen’s 70mm recreation

Was the “thud” noise in those audio versions? I had thought the thud was added for the special edition from what I remember people saying about it in the 2000’s. I remember being in a message board where people thought it was brilliant to add a “thud” noise to the Storm Trooper hitting his head. At the time, I hadn’t seen the Original Trilogy since the 80’s, so didn’t know what they were talking about at the time. It seemed like in the mid-2000’s, a lot of people were liking the special edition what I saw talking about it. But at the time as mentioned, I didn’t get it as I’d had mostly forgotten Star Wars other than seeing the prequels, which were still fresh.

I’m pretty sure the “thud” was originally added in the elusive 1977 mono mix.

A Goofy Movie - 4K HDR10 - DTS 2.0 HD-MA and DTS-X

thebiggerpictures said:

Hydra Spectre said:

What software was used to mix in DTS:X?

Check out my updated post on the audio. Major update!!!

The Sound is mixed in two systems - Adobe Audition and Protools. I didn’t mix within DTS-X as that is simply the encoder format. I created some object based sounds using the Original theatrical 5.1 music and effects only track and upmixed the lossless stereo theatrical tracks and combined/switched between these sources to create new 11.1 upmix which is finalized into 12 lossless wav/pcm/aiff channels (backed up in each format) and then encoded into DTS-X.

What I meant to say was, what software was used to encode the 11.1 WAV/PCM/AIFF channels to DTS:X?

FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!

Hydra Spectre said:

I have some requests/ideas here:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 re-edited audio tracks with game sound effects and game music
  • Castle in the Sky (Laputa) Japanese audio with the American score (and an alternate version with the updated American sound effects from the 2003 Disney DVD)
  • (500) Days of Summer: The Chronological Cut
  • Super Mario Bros. 1993 (The Morton Jankel Cut and Theatrical) re-edited audio tracks with game sound effects and music
  • The Wind Rises 3.1 stereo remix (mono sound effects and dialogue, stereo music from the soundtrack album) (yes, this 2013 film was mixed in mono)

The Sonic movie re-edited audio tracks have been partially done with the DX fanedit of Sonic Movie 1, while a Russian bootleg site has a fanedited audio track that adds game sound effects (but the same music). I want it uncut and with both game sound effects and some game music. The end credit songs can even be different with each film. Sonic 1 would have Up on the Green Hill (the 30th Anniversary song by Dreams Come True) while the sequel would have Sweet Dream by Dreams Come True (the ending for the Sonic 2 game originally used an instrumental version of this song).

Laputa’s dialogue in Japanese was mostly centred with a few stereo/surround effects here and there. Kiki, can have a similar fan edited Japanese track, combining the Japanese Dolby Stereo mix with the 1998 Dolby Digital 5.1 remixed rescore by Disney.

The Wind Rises could easily have a 3.1 stereo mix. The LFE could be carefully applied during certain scenes (I’m especially thinking the LFE would be great in the earthquake scene). But the centre channel could be the same mono mix from the Blu-ray, while the left and right channels would be taken from the CD soundtrack, with a few edits to match the film.
The soundtrack also has some songs that are not present in the final film, so maybe an extended score that restores these songs would be great too. But the centre channel should also have a mono downmix of the CD songs here too. This can be done for all versions of the film, but specifically English and Japanese is the goal.

FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!

I have some requests/ideas here:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2: re-edited audio tracks with game sound effects and game music
  • Castle in the Sky (Laputa) Japanese audio with the American score (and an alternate version with the updated American sound effects from the 2003 Disney DVD)
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service: Japanese audio with the American score and theme songs from the 1998 Disney dub (with an alternate version with the Japanese theme songs paired with the American score, just like the Mandarin DVD dub)
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service: Disney English dub 2010 cut dialogue Mandarin mix (Japanese theme songs but with the US score)
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service: Disney English dub 1998 uncut dialogue with Japanese score
  • Kiki’s Delivery Service: Disney English dub 1998 uncut dialogue Mandarin mix
  • (500) Days of Summer: The Chronological Cut
  • Super Mario Bros. 1993 (The Morton Jankel Cut and Theatrical) re-edited audio tracks with game sound effects and music
  • The Wind Rises: 3.1 stereo remix in Japanese and English (mono sound effects and dialogue, stereo music from the soundtrack LP album) (yes, this 2013 film was mixed in mono)
Info: Toy Story on 35mm, and other early Pixar films for that matter...

LHUX said:

well if it is to say.
toy story 4 got a 35mm release.

also i found TOKYO MATER in 35mm!

I’m not surprised.
Where I live in the Philippines, there was a 35mm cinema across the street from where I live.
The last movie I saw there in 35mm was the Sonic movie in 2020. But the cinema closed for three years due to COVID.
And then when they reopened just a few weeks ago, they unfortunately went digital.