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General Gravos

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Episode III Teaser Trailer

Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab

Originally posted by: General Gravos
I've just noticed that the lava takes the shape of Darth Vader's helmet at the 54th second of the teaser!

I don't see that. Are you sure this isn't another fanboy rumor?

I made a screen cap :

It is even more obvious in motion. Darth Vader's mask is slowly turning to the left.
Star Wars: Deleted Magic (Released)
Great job! There are a lot of infos and great footage there! I'm amazed by the quality of your work especially on the sandcrawler part!

However here is something you could add to the shots of Aunt Beru's and Uncle Owen's homestead.
It was shot at Matmata and not in Tatouhouine (which is for the exteriors of Mos Esley) in the Sidi Driss hotel:


OT.com in french newspaper
In french, the main characters have different names indeed!

Darth Vader = Dark Vador

Luke Skywalker = Luc Skywalker (it is even rumored that Skywalker was changed to Courleciel (skyrunner) in the end titles of Star Wars)

Han Solo = Yann Solo (only in Star Wars. He's called Han in ESB and ROTJ)

C3PO / 3PO = Z6PO / 6PO

Chewbacca / Chewie = Chiquetabac (litterally Chew Tobacco) / Chico (only called like this in Star Wars)

and some locations and ships too :

Millenium Falcon = Millenium Condor (only in Star Wars)

Death Star = L'Etoile Noire (Black Star)

Alderaan = Alderande
Info Wanted: Bonus Material not offered by the major bootleggers
Originally posted by: Faid
Doc Gonzo created some laserdiscs rips floating around of the following:

Making of a Trilogy Disk 1:
The Making of Star Wars (as told by C3PO & R2D2) - 1977
SPFX: The Empire Strikes Back - 1981

Making of a Trilogy Disk 2:
From Star Wars to Jedi: The Making of a Saga - 1985
Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi - 1986

Has anybody seen them?

Info Wanted: Which Anamorphic Transfer is better?
Originally posted by: Rattlehead
I just started coming here and I understand that there are two anamorphic transfers of the OT both using the Definitive Collection LDs as their source. I understand they are known as the "Dr. Gonzo" and "Farsight" versions. Which one is better? What are their relative strengths and weaknesses? Are both missing the "Leia welding scene?" Comparisons? Any other relavant info?

Yes, they both don't have the "Leia welding scene".

The "Farsight" version has a much better image and sound quality but lacks a menu and the audio commentary featuring on the "Dr. Gonzo".

Fan Made Star Wars DVD set???

Originally posted by: Rikter

Originally posted by: adlai
huh? the 1997 se version is by far the worst edition of the sw films available. the 2004 dvd edition is at least slightly improved in some areas. the pirating of the OT def ed are at least somewhat justifiable, but for this, it's just plain piracy

Why? Does not the ORIGINAL Special Edition deserve to also be archived?

I mean I like the SE's - I don't like greedo or jabba - but the rest is WONDERFUL - Now that the new offical DVD's are out the ORIGINAL SPECIAL EDITIONS are gone.

I have at least three YOUNGER friends that saw Star Wars the FIRST time as the Special Editions what about their memories?

NOT everyone on this board is 30-40 years old - SOME members only really know the SE's and have only seen the originals on TV riddled with commercials and some time with missing scenes.

Think about it NO MATTER how bad ANY of you feel about the SE's - THEY also deserve to be archived restored and converted form Laserdisc to DVDr - there are some out there now but I'm sure we can make a better capture - MeBeJedi - I'll send you my SE LD's for this if your down!

Sorry for the rant but man the original trilogy is NOT the only version of Star Wars the deserves to be remembered...

only ESB and ROTJ need to be converted. the Reivax conversion of ANH can't be top because it has been made from a digital beta source.