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What was the "fatal flaw" of the Prequels if you think they sucked? (aka. Let's take a break from hating on the blu-rays)

Mavimao said:

Does anyone remember the clonewars cartoon? Not the new cgi one but the hand drawn one that came out before revenge of the sith? THAT is how the PT should have been. It actually showed a likeable anakin, a believable relationship between him and padme, and a story that was engaging and exciting.

It was basically an obvious tie-in, but that says something when the tie in is more emotionally believable than the actual product.

The other thing the Genndy Clone Wars cartoon had was good direction.  Yep it was engaging and fun to watch.  I agree with the earlier comments about the suckitude of Lucas directing and writing and everything else.  Heck, I agree with pretty much all of the comments already made.  No fatal flaw singular, fatal flawS abound in the PT.


TK-949 said:


EFU said:

I always liked Toy Story towards the end, when Woody lets off a barrage of "No! No no! No no no no no no!  Nooooooo!"

Couldn't find a youtube of it though.

It's in the ultimate Nooooooo! Link I posted above.



Ahhh sorry about that, I was at work and didn't play the whole thing until just now.  That is a cool vid, nooos from such diverse sources!

Worst Dialogue from the OT.

How about Yoda's "There is another Sky...walker" line, shouldn't he have said "another Skywalker there is"?

I don't think it's bad dialogue, and I can see why it's dramatically better to end the sentence with Skywalker, but it's kinda funny to think about.  Maybe he was so sick at this point he couldn't speak correctly anymore.  I mean uncorrectly.

Lucas' Red Tails

Bingowings said:

Knowing that he couldn't drop CGI animals treading in poo into such a project might have reminded him of the power of restraint.

I still maintain that the WWI battle sequences (and the Box Set Documentaries) for Young Indiana Jones are the best things associated with him since 1981, largely because he really couldn't get away with allowing that to get screwed up and his heart, I felt was genuinely in that.


He can't drop CGI animals walking in poo, and it's not a movie to appeal to little kids, but he could still do the aerial combat equivalents of a truck going off a cliff and landing on a tree a la Crystal Skull.

I know we'll probably never again get the type of actual flight footage like was done in Battle of Britain, so I don't expect it to have that level of realism.  But the CGI sequences in the trailer do seem to have more of a stylized video game bang zoom kinda feel to them than maybe I'd prefer.  Neat to see Me262 jets in the scenes, but I don't think Mustangs would have turn and burn type dogfights with them.  I'm not an expert though, just trying to remember stuff I saw on that Dogfights series on the History Channel, which btw I thought was fascinating.

Other thing from the trailer is it seems like they're laying it on a little thick with the melodrama.  Still, if it is a good tribute to the pilots and what they did, I'll probably be there when it opens.

Oh yeah, I need to see the Young Indiana Jones series and have it in my netflix queue.  I'll have to play close attention to the WWI stuff.

SDCC Star Wars Deleted Scenes Montage!!

theprequelsrule said:

I really miss the read along records. "You will know it is time to turn the page when you hear R2D2 beep like this; 'dweet-doo-doo, dwee-dweet'. Let's begin now..."

Aaah!  I listened to that record all the time as a kid!  Man I wish I still had it.

Thanks for the reminder, I couldn't remember if my mind was playing tricks on me or not but I had sworn there was a picture of Biggs on Tatooine in there somewhere.  I thought it was odd that that part, and the dialogue didn't match the movie.  "Smuggling Rebel sympathizers through an Imperial blockade is no picnic!"

Star Wars Scores and Releases - a general discussion thread

Thanks for the link cap'n!  Interesting reading.

The first CD I ever bought was Return of the Jedi when it first came out, I don't remember when.  I liked it a lot, but thought it was weird that the tracks didn't go in the order that they came in the film.  Also I was a bit disappointed that it seemed quite a few tracks weren't included, but for some reason Lapti Nek was included.

Then I bought the 1993 set and loved it.  Tracks were in the right order, and lots of new tracks were added.  I'm not a discriminating listener, but it all sounded good to my ears.  The substantial booklet was a nice bonus.  Unfortunately, the set got lost or stolen at some point along with half of my CD collection.  By that time the 1997 SE CDs were out, but I didn't bother with those and hunted down the 1993 set and bought it again.  And there was much rejoicing.

I think my favorite tracks might be Imperial March, the Asteroid Field, and The Return of the Jedi.

Harmy's THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Despecialized Edition HD - V2.0 - MKV & AVCHD (Released)

Thanks Harmy! I was crossing my fingers as I burned my first DVD ever, and it worked great! (used a Verbatim DL 2.4-6x, Singapore mfr).

I gotta admit as the title crawl started up I couldn't help but laugh a bit for joy. I had the same anticipation level for this as I did when ESB first hit the VHS rental market, and there was a weeks long waiting list to rent it. But, my friend's parents got in near the top of the list, and we got to watch it at my friend's birthday party. Coolest birthday party I remember growing up.

Only comparing the anticipation levels, not the picture quality. :)

Great work, much thanks to you and to all who contributed.

Which version/release of the Star Wars movies do you watch and why?

Star Wars: What I watched the most was a cruddy old VHS recording off one of the first network broadcasts. Some stuff was cut, and also my dad was slow on resuming the recording after commercials. My bro and I watched that tape a ton, maybe not 100 times but close. I wish I could find it again for nostalgia.

Empire Strikes Back: Never recorded this one from TV, so didn't watch this too much until the 1992 VHS. More recently been going with the 2004 DVD.

Return of the Jedi: Mostly an old VHS recording of the network broadcast premiere. One cool thing from that was the trailer they put together before the movie started. Short Star Wars theme with some neat clips, especially when they had Han giving Lando a salute before getting on the shuttle, then Lando returning the salute, then Luke giving R2 a salute on Jabba's barge. Cool little montage. :) I wish I could find that tape too. Anyhow, later I got the laserdisc which was a nice upgrade from the 1992 VHS.