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I hold a "block multiverse" view of the SW Universe. The various editions of the movies and other SW-related media exist as seperate timelines within an infinite multiverse, and the pasts, presents, and futures of those various timelines exist simultaneously - in other words time doesn't "make it up as it goes along"; it's all been written down beforehand.

But am I being off topic here?

Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer's Take On TPM)

xhonzi said:

I have to echo VideInfra.  I personally doubt that anyone starting with  George's PT base can deliver a satisfying PT to me.  That's why I don't watch fanedits of PT movies (though I've tried a couple) and immediately dismiss something that includes Naboo or Gungans, etc.

Heaven knows, it' hard enough to dump all of the influences from the gPT even when you're trying.  Let alone when you're selectively trying to include stuff.

Like I said, I can see where you're coming from - I myself have a hard time reading anything Star Wars that heavily features PT-style Sith & Jedi. But I'm primarily writing this script for myself, though, more than for anyone else. Sure, I like sharing it with others and don't mind receiving criticism, but it's going to reflect my specific tastes and I'm not very interested in tailoring it to suit anybody else's.

I appreciate the feedback, though. It's nice to know where everyone's coming from.

Star Wars: Episode I - The Beginning (AKA DuracellEnergizer's Take On TPM)

I understand where you're coming from, VideInfra78. But I've always felt that the Gungans themselves had potential, potential that was wasted. To simply throw them out/replace them would be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater for me. I've tried to reinvent the Gungans, removing the racist characteristics and establishing them as an intelligent and noble race.

As for Naboo, I've never really been bothered by it - concept or name - so never felt compelled to do away with it. I have considered changing the spelling of "Naboo" to "Nabu", though. Would that be a reasonable compromise?

Prequel total rewrites...?

I'm currently stuck with my rewrite. I'm more than halfway done, but I have to rewrite the last of it and bring everything together. The endeavour is frustrating, and I don't know if I'll ever get around to it. It'd be easier if I had some collaboraters to work with (God knows I know squat about how to write battles in space and hate writing them) but that isn't an option, so I just have to make do.

How would you have done ROTJ?

I posted this in another thread. Here it is again from those who didn't read it the first time.

DuracellEnergizer said:

There are a number or things I'd do differently. Instead of a new Death Star I'd come up with a new type of Star Destroyer, larger than a Super Star Destroyer, like this one:


And I probably wouldn't have cast Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor. Don't get me wrong, I liked his performance in ROTJ (less so in the PT, but he still had a bit of charm there), but I would have taken Palpatine's character in a whole different direction.

The dark side is supposed to be seductive, yet Lucas never went and made any dark siders seductive themselves; they all looked old, or deformed, or stereotypically Satanic. I would have done the opposite. I would have cast a woman as Palpatine - preferably young and at least moderately attractive - and brought back Clive Revill to do Palpatine's voice. Instead of snarky and sarcastic, Palpatine would sound calm, sauve, and at times even genuinely remorseful. He would be this great dark father - mother? - figure.

I probably would have also replaced the Ewoks with Wookiees, or some other non-dwarfish race.