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Darth Tremor

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Lucasfilm Games

Among my favorite Lucasfilm games are:

Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Spent hours exploring Nar Shadaa.

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
The best lightsaber combat multiplayer game for a long time. I loved you could use staffsabers and Jar Kai (duo sabers).

Star Wars Battlefront II (2005)
One of best campaign star wars games. Playing as the 501st as clones and later as Stormtroopers. I loved Tameura Morris narrated it. The multiplayer was a bladt, especialy Jedi vs Sith, I always was Sith to be Anakin/Vader Mustafar and Force Choke enemies and then saber em.

Star Wars Republic Commando
One of few true FPS Star Wars Games. It was Halo clone of sorts, but it worked.

Star Wars Episode I: Pod Racer (N64)
“Now this is Pod Racing!” One of few times they yook niche aspect of AGFFA and it made a great game. It was the best racer after Mario Kart 64 and Diddy Kong Racing.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menance (PC)
Extremly hard game, with bugs that could freeze the game. Still it was fun.

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Xbox)
The campaign let you play as Anakin or Obi-Wan, with alternate endings. It was neat to have so many clips and scenes from ROTS while it was in theaters. The Multiplayer was fighter game like a Soul Calibur or a sequel to Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi (PSOne)
A Tekken Star Wars fighter game. It was great fun, I especially was thrilled to play as Mara Jade.

Star Wars Clone Wars
The Arena multiplayer was fun and it was neat to see Anakin meet Ulic Qel Droma!!!

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

Vladius said:

Darth Tremor said:

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Darth Tremor said:

What is ironic is how The Rise of Skywalker was billed as “The End of Skywalker Saga” and ever since it’s the Skywalkers who get all the attention with Luke’s return in Mando S2 and BOBF and Anakin’s return in Kenobi and now Ahsoka.

The reality is the center of AGFFA is the Skywalker Family. Proof of that is no IP has been able to stand without Anakin/ Vader or a Skywalker.

I think this is why I enjoy Visions series, just fun Star Wars stories about anything and everywhere in the GFFA, that don’t really feature known or legacy characters. If we didn’t like one episode, there is always another. I wish there were more, and look forward to the 3rd season.

It could be why some of us are looking forward to Acolyte, and even Skeleton Crew? That it isn’t made or has input by Filoni or have that “Volume look”, and that is will be crafted by different talents, a different approach and look as well, I hope. Acolyte should definitely be free of the fan service or Skywalkers, and Mangold’s film too.

The Acolyte is on my watch list solely because I have wanted a treatment or story from the dark side or “larger view of the Force.”

I love Visions, and I agree they are refreshing in that they do not depend on any Major Legends characters or Legacy ones; in a way they go back to he fresh blank slate ANH gave us, when all was new and big reveals and secret bloodlines weren’t the focus.

I am crossing my kyber crystals that at some point Visions and The Acolyte will be the norm. New characters and points of view. That said I would be a liar if I said I have not enjoyed Hayden’s return as Anakin & Vader. He was the Tragic Hero I most connected with in the prequels, his duality and learning to accept it is something I aspire to; to come to terms with the Ashla and Bogan in myself.

It’s unclear what exactly all the dark Anakin stuff in Ahsoka means (if there is any meaning) but that’s not how the dark side works and you shouldn’t try to integrate it into yourself in real life.

Many interpretations believe it shows Anakin’s Spirit has accepted both light and dark sides of himself, that like The Father in Mortis, he keeps the Son (dark) and Daughter (light) in balance in himself.

I believe Dark Anakin / Mustafar Vader that Ahsoka battled was her working out her pain and trauma over His fall, and choosing to “live.”

I also add Jedi Lore that the last trial to become a Jedi Knight is to face the dark side. Anakin tells Ahsoka, “I am going to finish your training.” So Ahsoka had to face Lord Vader to become a Jedi Knight like Luke did in ROTJ, Kenobi faced Lord Maul in TPM to become a Jedi Knight, and etc. One has to face the dark side in themselves and without in a vision or fighting a Sith or Acolyte of Darkness in the flesh.

Of course embracing the dark side in real life is ill advised, unless you interpret “There is Only Passion,” (Sith Code) and “From Passion I gain Strength,” (Sith Code) to mean the definition of passion that is “ardent affection” (5a of Webster Dictionary) or sacrificial love as in the Passion of Christ. Most people use the definition of passion that is “uncontrolled emotion,” but there is also uncontrolled conviction in passion too, “he is passionate to end injustice.”

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Darth Tremor said:

What is ironic is how The Rise of Skywalker was billed as “The End of Skywalker Saga” and ever since it’s the Skywalkers who get all the attention with Luke’s return in Mando S2 and BOBF and Anakin’s return in Kenobi and now Ahsoka.

The reality is the center of AGFFA is the Skywalker Family. Proof of that is no IP has been able to stand without Anakin/ Vader or a Skywalker.

I think this is why I enjoy Visions series, just fun Star Wars stories about anything and everywhere in the GFFA, that don’t really feature known or legacy characters. If we didn’t like one episode, there is always another. I wish there were more, and look forward to the 3rd season.

It could be why some of us are looking forward to Acolyte, and even Skeleton Crew? That it isn’t made or has input by Filoni or have that “Volume look”, and that is will be crafted by different talents, a different approach and look as well, I hope. Acolyte should definitely be free of the fan service or Skywalkers, and Mangold’s film too.

The Acolyte is on my watch list solely because I have wanted a treatment or story from the dark side or “larger view of the Force.”

I love Visions, and I agree they are refreshing in that they do not depend on any Major Legends characters or Legacy ones; in a way they go back to he fresh blank slate ANH gave us, when all was new and big reveals and secret bloodlines weren’t the focus.

I am crossing my kyber crystals that at some point Visions and The Acolyte will be the norm. New characters and points of view. That said I would be a liar if I said I have not enjoyed Hayden’s return as Anakin & Vader. He was the Tragic Hero I most connected with in the prequels, his duality and learning to accept it is something I aspire to; to come to terms with the Ashla and Bogan in myself.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

What is ironic is how The Rise of Skywalker was billed as “The End of Skywalker Saga” and ever since it’s the Skywalkers who get all the attention with Luke’s return in Mando S2 and BOBF and Anakin’s return in Kenobi and now Ahsoka.

The reality is the center of AGFFA is the Skywalker Family. Proof of that is no IP has been able to stand without Anakin/ Vader or a Skywalker, Andor is the exception but it leads to Rogue One which is no doubt shrouded in Vader’s epic carnage at the climax.


RicOlie_2 said:

The belief that God doesn’t send people to hell, but that we send ourselves there, is exactly what mainstream Christianity believes (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and many varieties of Protestantism). It’s mostly just Calvinists and fundamentalists who don’t believe that.

God created hell for the devil and his angels, “Then he will also say to those on the left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!” (Matthew 25:41) and He does send people there who refuse to believe (John 3:18), “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell,” (Matthew 10:28), “And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:15). In those cases yes the unbeliever paves there way to hell, but God does the sending / sentencing or casting into lake of fire at judgement.

All Things Star Trek

Stardust1138 said:

Tobar said:

Stardust1138 said:

What would Trekkies say are essential things about it that I need to know?

I’d say you’re well on your way. Familiarity with TOS and TNG is the baseline for the franchise.

Thank you! I shall continue getting into it through both. Star Trek was always this mysterious and foreign thing for me but since looking into it again recently it started to click for me just how much I think I could potentially end up really liking it.

Star Trek is great. While I am a Warsian first and foremost, I am also major fan of Trek.

My recommends are:

Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Next Generation
Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search For Spock
Star Trek IV: The Journey Home
Star Trek Brave New Worlds

<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Servii said:

Channel72 said:

RogueLeader said:

If it Lucas Luke and Leia were going to be siblings from the very beginning, I do feel like he would’ve handled it differently. Yes, the trilogy is more so Luke’s story than anyone else’s, but the revelation and what it means for Luke isn’t given the same weight for Leia, even if the implication is pretty much the same.

Of course, Luke idealized his father, wanting to be like him, so discovering what his father became has this consequence of Luke wondering if he could become that too. Whereas when Leia was adopted by the Organas, they raised her as her parents. So I don’t think Leia ever spent much time wondering who her biological parents were, or wanting to be like them. The Organas were enough for her to look up to.

I know the EU and Canon both explore Leia’s feeling on Vader being her father a little, but it could’ve been interesting for the movies to explore that more.

There is a very strange, almost serendipitous scene in Empire Strikes Back that has always fascinated me. It happens after the scene where Chewie flips out and starts attacking Storm Troopers just before Han is about to be lowered into the carbon-freezing pit. Han intervenes and tries to calm Chewie down before things get out of control. While this is happening, Boba Fett aims his blaster at Chewie, but then Vader stops him from firing by pushing down the barrel of his blaster. Then - there’s this weird shot of Leia just staring at Vader for a few seconds. This is followed by a shot of Vader, seemingly staring back at her (although we can’t tell for sure because of his mask). Leia then walks over to Chewie and starts trying to calm him down. It’s the strangest thing, as if Leia and Vader instinctually exchanged some non-verbal agreement to prevent the situation from escalating further.

I know it can’t possibly mean much. The idea of Leia being Vader’s daughter didn’t exist when that scene was written and filmed. But it’s another one of those uncanny, serendipitous coincidences that takes on an interesting new dimension retroactively in light of later revelations.

Another thing I noticed, that definitely wasn’t intended but comes off as foreshadowing retroactively, is that when Yoda says “There is another,” the very next character we see is Leia, pacing around her hotel room. Obviously a coincidence, but it’s neat in hindsight.

And in the background is the sculpture of a DNA strand as Leia paces. A nice subtle nod to she is a Skywalker and that on Bespin Luke will learn Bader is his father.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

henzINNIT said:

The Acolyte has long been my low-key most anticipated SW project. Headland is a more interesting hire than those out of the Mandalorian factory; and likewise the time period is more interesting than ‘right next to the OT’

… granted. Expectations are still low, but Andor was solid stuff so these can work out occassionally.

I wish The Acolyte SW Celebration short was offically released.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

NeverarGreat said:

I think I realize why so many people don’t like The Last Jedi.

It smirks.

For all of it’s faults, The Force Awakens doesn’t try to be clever. It doesn’t smirk; it’s earnest.

Of course, The Rise of Skywalker is the worst of both worlds as neither clever nor earnest.

TFA played it safe, TLJ took risks, and TROS was a lost mess.

TFA captured the heart of SW, but did not infuse enough new material.

TLJ captured the intensity of SW’ darker side, and could have been a master stroke had it respected the OT cast.

TROS was fan fiction, what happens when playing it safe and taking risks in the last two films did not go over well.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

It has great world building, creatures, iconic duels (Jango vs Kenobi), and etc. But the chemistry between the cast is not strong like in The OT. The romance between Anakin & Padme feels like two people with no chemistry doing a Romeo & Juliet play at High School.

The Dialouge… while there are some great memeable lines, the reality is most of it is clunky and to quote Han Solo himself, “you can write this Sith (replacement for another word, it really is that word scrambled) George, but you can’t say it!” (Harrison Ford)

The Words, Tech, Ships, Duels, Music, Costumes, and Vision is great, but the characters are flat compared to the OT who’s entire cast played off each other well.

What was George talking about here? In his conversation with Alan Dean Foster?

Hadrian sunrider said:

Lucas: We also wanted to have a scene where Vader goes and bows before the Force and the Force picks him up and tells him that he better go out and get that crystal… But it’s not the Force personified; it’s on the verge of personification. Maybe it’s a shadow or something.

Alan Dean Foster: The ultimate…

Lucas: It’s the ultimate evil. It’s the devil.

In a way this has come back in Vader’s prayer to the immortal gods of the Sith.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

JadedSkywalker said:

That is because when Lucas made Star Wars he thought Leia would end up with Luke. There was no romance with Han. But since history has been rewritten that they were always brother and sister, and it was always the Saga of Darth Vader and Star Wars was always episode IV a New Hope, people believe it.

That sure makes the ‘kiss’ in ESB make more sense.

Its true SW as a trilogy, even Saga was fluid, with GL making changes on the fly.