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Darth Richard

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Star Wars DVD Covers
Originally posted by: Tim Lehrbach
I decided to get back to finishing off my covers. Eventually all 6 movies will be of the same design, I've yet to figure out what kind of art I want for the box set, and for that matter the image on the back of AOTC, but here's ANH for what i'm calling my "collectors edition"...I still need to tweek the spine, but otherwise it's finished.


I really like yopur covers there great can wait to see the others!!!!
LMFAO!!! (on Supeshadow)
Ok i know we all know Supershadow is a fake etc.. etc... and if you never heard of him don't wasted you time looking him up. I go there very rarely so i can laugh my ass off cuz this guy is so dumb. Well today with "George Lucas" questioon and answer time it was really funny, heres the thing:
Hello oh creator universe de la Jedi. I'm Jeremy and have written to you before and this time I have a new question. Since it is the holiday season will you ever bring back the Star Wars Holiday Special? I mean to DVD. I ask this because I am only 19 years old and have never seen it, but have heard about it and I can't really find anything about it.

It is almost like an urban legend to me because I am so young. I am such a big fan and I have never seen it and that makes me really interested in it. I think it would be cool if you brought it out on DVD for the Star Wars fans that have everything it would make a nice addition to their collection. That is just my idea, but you are the creator and I am the fan with the request.

But other than that Star Wars is such a great creation such a masterful storytelling. That in my own short stories that I like to write I keep it Sci-Fi and in some ways try to have a character pay homage to a Star Wars character. I have not tried to publish any of my stories yet because I am still perfecting my craft of storytelling to make it my own. Your storytelling style among other classic writers have affected me and I would like to thank you for that. Thanks for Star Wars. Fan for life.

George Lucas: We get requests from the fans wanting to see the Holiday Special on DVD. Right now we are having the film print revitalized and sharpened up with the latest technology. We want to give fans the best possible presentation. The Holiday Special should be out on DVD by Christmas 2008.

LMFAO. GL will probably never release it. Whats this guy thinking hahahahahahahahahhahaahttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gifhttp://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a349/moonwalker723/toofunny.gif
Wouldn't that be weird if it was released in 2008
Fondest Memory from the OT Days
well i wasn't around in 77-83 days but i remeber sees the face set trilogy with my cousin and i like it. I wasn't that big into it. I don't remeber OOT moment but i remeber alot of them like han killing greedo cold blooded. Then i saw the DVD's whem they came out (knowing nothing of the SE') then i learned about the SE's wanted to save the originals and got intorduced to here
HAHAHAHA now GL has no excuse for.....
HAHAHAHAHAHA now Geogre Lucas has absolutely no excuise for the CGI looking like crap in the OT in his next 'version' of the OT. Because photorealistic CGI in now in use. The first movie that they use lots of it in is The Chronicles Of Narnia and it comes out tomorrow but i've been watching alot of clips and it looks great. This new form of CGI is so much more believable than the SE shit. Sorry Just had to share.
The Ghost of Anakin Skywalker
Originally posted by: battlewars
i personally believe lucas added hayden just because he CAN. thats to strengthen his artist right crap argument. which i believe in to an extent, if only so they wont colorise 'its a wonderful life' or the original 'king kong'.

other than that i believe studios, or even the directors, should leave their damn films alone! espescially in lucas' case, 20 years after they have been released!

they've already colorized king kong. Its only avaible in the Uk though
Unbearable HC
Originally posted by: Kam
:: sigh ::
You leave me no recourse.

The fact that he turned his back on the victims and families of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, in order to attack a country that had nothing to do with terrorism until he attacked.

Oh, so Afghanistan an dthe Taliban weren't harboring Al Qaeda? There weren't any terror camps there? We didn't send ultimatum after ultimatum with the same message "Turn over Bin Ladin or suffer the consequences"? So they DIDNT refuse our ultimatum?

Yeah the Taliban had NOTHING to do with Terrorism before we attacked. They were like innocent little schoolgirls licking lollies.

Then of course, is terrorism on Iraq, which was the result of him invading a country that had never attacked the US.

No, Sadaam Hussein has always been a supporter of Terror. He attacked our interests on several occasions, and have defied UN resolution after UN resolution. Furthermore, he backed suicide bombing with his money, and has used biological wepaons on his people and committed rape and genocide. The bastard needed to be unseated.

The fact that he has kept the US troops in Iraq way too long for such a cause that he himself has changed and lied about his motives in.

2 years is not a long time. And the amount of soldier death per year is paled by murder, cancer, drug and automotive related deaths. Sure 1,000 people died in the first year, but how many human beings die from other causes each day?

Furtehrmore, he did not lie about his motives, for he himself believes in them.

This in turn has caused the deaths of many, who were lead to believe that they were dying to defend their country, which in fact was never the case with the troops in Iraq.

Caused you say.
yes they WERE fighting for their country. They were fighting to remove a disgusting dictator from power so we could spread democracy in the middle east and make the world a safer place for America.

Now, of course, he has caused many families, both American and Iraqi to lose loved ones, all in the name of his "war," which HE started in the case of Iraq.

Why do you liberals always look to the president for blame?
Why not blame the terrorists for once in your miserable unlives?
They are soldiers who knew what they were getting into when they joined thr army. They were prepared to die.

If he would have truly focesed on tracking down the REAL terrorists, (aka, the ones behing the ACTUAL terrorism on the US), I would have a profound respect for the man, even if he would have failed.

The first ones we went after were the Al Qaeda based in Afghanistan. We crippled them and sent their leader into hiding. We're still searching for BIn Ladin. We've BEEN going after terrorists who attacked us or have threatened us.

Sadaam Hussein WAS a real terrorist and a terror supporting dictator. By the very definition: rule by means of terrorizing people.

well said.
The Star Wars Saga - From a newcomer's point of view
Originally posted by: Mr Bungle
It would like to a hear about and find more interesting, a proper "non-biased" sitting of this so called saga by proper film fans to review the actual quality of each actual film, not how good the effects are and how slow the film is etc, to see if they agree that the newer ones are seen by many as mainly crappy and the older films seen as better films etc etc, and see if they pick out the alledged plot holes, continuity errors which some people are picking out, to see if the saga is indeed flawless, it would more interesting than finding out about whether the P.T has better effects than O.T, the P.T is faster-paced etc

I should have my mom or my dad do that. She saw ROTJ the opening day but i doubt that she remebers much. I should have her watch all the DVD's and tell her when theres differences and what her opions are. That would be an interesting weekend. My dad saw both ESB and ROTJ hmmm