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Ep. III DVD - Purple vertical line?
Originally posted by: iarwain
Originally posted by: TheCassidy
It's on two DVD's if you read his first post, which means 1 of 3 things:

1) It occurs with all 'Sith' DVD's.
2) 2 out of a shitload of DVD's have the problem (unlikely)
3) This guys setup is out of whack.

OK, I've some made more tests:

Computer 1:

Laptop (so LCD screen), ATI card, WinXP.
Software: PowerDVD, vlc.

Computer 2:

Desktop, CRT screen, NVIDIA card, Gentoo GNU/Linux.
Software: xine, mplayer, vlc.

In all the cases I can see the line.

I don't know if this will help but a lot of dvd software has a 'blanking' facility. You can set it to blank out however many pixel depths to picture you like from any edge of the display. I don't use your software but I know you can do it in Zoom Player and Theatertek.

If you have this facility then set it up to blank (maybe start with 2 or 3 pixels depth) on the left hand side and this should solve your problem if it is really that noticable and annoying.
Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
Originally posted by: Darth Lars
A fan on another board suggested that Anakin should throw away his Jedi lightsaber when he says "What have I done..." indicating that he is not worthy of being a Jedi. Maybe later, Sidious would give him the Darth Vader lightsaber, followed by Anakin's line "Thank you my master". (originally from the first scene)

It should be implied that Yoda would find Anakin's Jedi lightsaber on Coruscant. Yoda would later give it to Obi-Wan saying "Pass this on when the time is right". The latter scene might be hard to get.. but it would solve a few problems.

The Sith knighting ceremony is transferred to the hologram that Obi-Wan and Yoda watches in the Jedi recording room. The long "Darth ... Vader" with pause in the middle is replaced with Ian McDiarmid saying "Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith" from the "Musical Journey" DVD (came with soundtrack).

I like this idea!

Questions about AOTC
I've never understood why the Jedi didn't realize the whole war was a setup when they discovered that the guy who was the template for the clones, Jango Fett, was trailed and found to be working for Dooku and the Separatists. Didn't anybody find this just a little suspicious? Oh no, they just thought 'looks like we'd better use these clones then, wow this is convenient!'
The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread
Originally posted by: InfoDroid Dangelus, your Vader clips sound awesome for a first attempt! I think they sound VERY close to the real thing. I'd keep tweaking it and see how close you can actually get. There's all kinds of JEJ dialogue out there too. The Lion King, Field of Dreams, The Sandlot, The Hunt For Red October, just to name a few. Not sure if they have any usable dialogue, but you never know.

Thanks InfoDroid,

Once I get around to ripping (and figuring out how to!) isolated center Vader dialogue material from the OT I hope to make it match a little better. The filtering and EQ added to these ones were done 'by ear'.

The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread
InfoDroid / All,

Regarding 'Vaderizing' some James Earl Jones dialogue, I have been tinkering around and I think it will certainly be possible to accomplish this seamlessly with bit of practice. Bear in mind that currently JEJ dialogue in my possesion is VERY limited and I haven't had time to find some clean 'center channel only' Vader dialogue from SW to compare it too. Nethertheless I think it has come out pretty good.

Get ready for some 'new' Darth Vader dialogue!

Here are the links to my first attempts:



If you think you will be needing new dialogue WAY down the line when work begins on eps 4,5,6 I am happy to help out!
The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread

InfoDroid, I like 'The Battle Begins' to a degree as it is a 'beginning' and the word is fit to be in the title.

'Balance Of The Force' would be an ideal title as well apart from the reasons stated by Trooperman.

My instinct would be to definately have 'force' in the title somewhere as this movie specifically deals with issues concerning the force, the prophecy and the discovery of the Chosen One. It's far more difficult a task than I imagined getting 'force' in there!

Some Ideas:

Star Wars Episode One: The Prophecy

Star Wars Episode One: Knights To The Republic

Star Wars Episode One: A Call To Arms

Star Wars Episode One: Discord In The Republic

Star Wars Episode One: The Struggle Begins

Nope, can't think of any 'force' titles!

Episode 3: Fan Editing Ideas Discussion
Originally posted by: Darth Lars
I do not like that Luke inherits a lightsaber that has been used to kill younglings, Shaak Ti and many other Jedi, so I am thinking of replacing Anakin's saber in those scenes with a red-bladed Darth Vader-saber. I know of people on other boards who bought the Anakin ROTS FX saber before the movie came out and later returned it because they were disgusted of what it had been used for.

There emerges a problem with continuity. Obi-Wan must acquire Anakin's lightsaber somehow.
The best idea (for continuity's sake) I have so far is to let Grievous capture the saber on board the Invisible Hand and let Obi-Wan get the saber on Utapau from Cody. Then I would have to paint it away from frames with Anakin wearing it and cut the scene with Anakin pointing it at Palpatine.
Another idea is to let Obi-Wan find it in Padmé's apartment. Cutting together these shots would be a challenge. At the very least I would have to insert dialogue from other movies, and I might have to insert a closeup of a fan's hands holding a replica Anakin saber.
I am also considering altering Anakin's clothing somewhat - make it darker, less brown, maybe add a chain and the larger Darth Vader belt buckle.

This would of course involve a lot of manual work, and I am not yet sure if it would be worthwhile.
What do you other people think of these changes? Would it improve the movie or not?

Another possibility would be to colour it red as you suggested and cut the part where Obi-Wan picks it up after the duel. The Lightsaber he later gives to Luke does not have to be Anakin's, after all Obi-Wan has not been totally honest with Luke about his father anyway... It could be Obi-Wan's 'spare' saber for all we know. IMO he lies to Luke about why he is giving him the weapon in the first place so it is not such a stretch. This also cuts the workload a hell of a lot.


ROTS Dialogue and scene annoyance...

Just seeing if anybody has a different take on this:

Yoda and Obi-Wan at the Jedi temple accessing the security video.... Some people have questioned how footage of Sidious with Anakin kneeling to him appeared here. My guess is that Anakin was kneeling to a hologram of Sidious, reporting back to him from the Jedi temple. As Obi-Wan was accessing a holographic security video, both figures appear as holograms which disguises the fact that Sidious was a hologram already, get it? Sorry if this has ben discussed before... Any thoughts?

The thing that bugs me is that straight after viewing the video Obi-Wan starts to refer to Sidious as 'The Emperor'. Am I missing someting here? When did Obi-Wan and Yoda find out about the goings on in the senate? Maybe I have missed something...


The legendary "Starkiller Ranch" Thread
Hi Guys,

I stumbled on this site a little while back by accident really after discovering this whole new world of fan edit movies on myspleen. I would just like to comment on the level of creativity in this thread. It's amazing!I am now officially hooked on all this.

I've seen a couple of SW fan edits recently and I can't wait for more! Good luck with the completion of these ideas into an excellent alternative to the official saga. I don't know what you guys do for a living in the 'real world' but if you're not already doing it you should be scriptng and editing movies! Truly amazing work here.

On a side note, I've dabbled in audio editing in the past and I'm gonna try and find myself some James Earl Jones dialogue and try to 'Vaderize' it!

All the best,
