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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

fishmanlee said:

What about facebook?

 Facebook has contacted Adywan and asked him to prove his real name is "Adywan Revisited" or they will shut down his page. 

I get the feeling that they have been nudged by someone or something to do this and it sucks.

I was under the impression that Facebook revoked it's "real name policy" last year.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
They way I see it, to resolve this and eliminate any issues with continuity:

1) Restore the original voice in the OT or use a new one.

2) Keep Morrisson's voice the same for all his scenes that he doesn't wear a helmet in the PT.

3) Change Jango Fett's voice in the PT when he is wearing his helmet to imply a voice scrambler device.

This would mean we know what Jango Fett sounds like, we know his helmet has a scrambler. We never see Boba's face in the OT so whether his voice should be the same as his 'father' is no longer an issue.

Should have General Grevious been a reconstructed Darth Maul?
I vote no to making him Maul. I vote yes to improving the character in his own right. Make him less of a joke, a coward and a let down.

He needs a new voice / dialogue. The potential for alternate dialogue is so great because you don't have to worry about lip syncing...

Perhaps make him some sort of super advance AI droid instead of a cyborg alien. Some touching up of the CG would be needed to hide the organics.
Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
Originally posted by: Max_Rebo
since when was a voice genetic? there is no reason Boba should sound anything like his father after 20+ years without his influence. There is no continuity error and no need for stupid explainations he just has a different voice. Plus the original voice sounds a lot better.

and personally I like the way he dies, there's nothing in the films to say he's 'the most amazing bounty hunter in the galaxy', he's just a bit better than the others or he got lucky.

I suppose if the clones are still 'educated' the same way at turbo speed to aulthood, they may learn the accent through this. If they are just grown up the normal way then their experiences, place of residence etc would change their accent dialect...
Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
Concerning Fett's voice, I agree I prefer the original voice and it could be explained that he has a scrambler in his helmet, a useful tool for a bounty hunter.

I can't recall if we actually hear Jango Fett speak whilst wearing his helmet in the PT? If he doesn't then continuity won't be an issue. If he does and somebody is tackling a PT edit, perhaps his voice could be 'scrambled' whilst wearing the helmet in the PT....
Originally posted by: sunday256
Adywan, that's a much better Ponda arm. Excellent job. I'm torn between a human arm and Ponda's arm though. Since we see the gun being drawn from the human, my gut says to go with that but that goes against everything from the movie we originally saw.

I love this arm debate! To me it is such an insignificant part of the film compared to the fantastic work Adywan has done on this... Having said that I have been tempted by the Dark Side and rewatched the scene carefully. It does appear to me that the it is the Human who pulls out a blaster after being shoved. Ponda comes to his aid but it is the Human who is crying out in pain which implies his arm has been chopped. Listening to the soundtrack it definately sounds like the human guy's voice crying out...

I always thought it a little harsh of Obi-Wan to chop the arm off in the first place. With his skills and such I would have thought it 'uncivilized' of him.

Perhaps a different approach? How about instead of a severed arm, we have a blaster sliced in half sparking and smoking with perhaps a few severed fingertips? Still a painful injury but not as severe and more 'Jedi like' as he would have been going for the weapon? Just a thought.

Just adding my appreciation for all the hard work you have put into this. It has certainly paid off! Your work is 100% professional and you have produced something that is going to be talked about! I was expecting quality from you from the contributions in this thread but you blew away my expectations with this finished product.

Can't wait to PIF this once the DVD version hits usenet.

Congratulations and well done.


And thanks for kindly including me in the credits!
Originally posted by: Sluggo
Don't pour beer into your projector. Remember the Neverending Soda episode?

Adywan, just a little thinking out of the box here, but have you have thought about condensing the Jabba scene to remove the Greedo references so the Jabba scene might be before the cantina scene? Maybe this is too radical an edit. Nevermind.

This could work, but from a film point of view this would be our first introduction of Han Solo so it might be a little odd to have a scene just with 'new' characters that have not been introduced by established characters.
Curbing Fanfilm/Edit Piracy
Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Oh, there are several that have a "If you paid for this..." warning. Anime fansubs have this as practically a requirement since so many try to sell fansubs. The problem is that they won't be seen until after money has changed hands. The real question is informing people before the damage is done. Since a lot don't use custom covers, and instead that found in Rikter's cover batch, I'm thinking adding notes to the cover might help. Anything from a subtle "Distributed for free at..." that the seller might miss, to a more obvious "FREE FAN PROJECT - NOT FOR SALE" in big, bold letters up front. Though that may be too obvious, and hence make the cover unusable. Basically, if it could just be better expressed, it might help. Wishfull thinking I know.

Shame this is so under the radar. It's not like we can report them to cons either. "He's selling bootlegs of a fan bootleg." ^_^ Maybe leave off the last part.

I think the unskipple intro is the best thing really. At least if they buy 1 DVD with this they will then be informed that these releases are free and available from other sources and hopefully they wont need to part with their cash again.... Hopefully every time they sell one of these to a fan they will lose that customer and we will gain somebody else for the community.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
Originally posted by: Trooperman
He's a perfectionist, People!

Hey- I resemble that remark

No, I'll have you know that Episode III will probably take a good deal less time than SOTDS. I already have the system worked out, and on top of that, I was much more impressed with the colors and the cinematography for ROTS. General Grievous and the whole Upatu thing is what needs a major overhaul. But I think Lucas actually hit the nail on the head with the Palpatine/Anakin scenes- before Palpatine becomes disfigured. This scene and some of the ones that follow it are incredibly ridiculous. Some of the ways are very difficult or impossible to fix, such as Palptine's distorted voice and his awful makeup. But there is less to do on ROTS, and I already have the system and the universe/objectives set up.

Trooperman, any thoughts on how to 'fix' the Palpatine 'oh darn, my own force lightning is hurting me' scene?

The reason I ask that whatever Lucas states to the contrary, I've always believed that Palpatine always looked that way.

My thoughts are that being a powerful Sith he used the force to disguise his 'public' appearance. It's just not credible that he hurts himself to that extent with his own force lightning.

It would be more credible if:

a) The prolonged attack on Mace with the lightning causes a 'power drain' that removes his ability to disguise himself.


b) The reveal was intentional and made to look like damage from the force lightning to gain simpathy with Anakin and / or the senate.

I'm not sure how it could be made clearer to the viewer that it was not accidental injury with the limited shots we have. Maybe some sort of shot morphing Palpatine / Sidious later on to show he has the ability to 'restore' his face?

I just wish the scene was shot originally somethin like this:

Palpatine: 'Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?'

Palpatine stands, puts up his hood. Close up on lower part of his face, turning pale... Camera pans up to his 'evil eyes'. Shot of Sidious pulling out his light Saber, jump attack on the Jedi... etc


The Abyss: Special Edition PAL UK - Correcting 4:3 Aspect Ratio..
My main system is an Media Center PC running at 1080i resolution and yes it has a zoom function. I've not tried it with this dvd but I am sure that would work.

I'm not sure if my progressive scan dvd player in the bedroom (where I have had the problem with this dvd) has a 'zoom' function, but yes that would be the easiest solution. The TV has a zoom function but it does not function in 576p mode...

Thanks for the advice guys, sometimes the simplest solutions are staring you in the face!

The Abyss: Special Edition PAL UK - Correcting 4:3 Aspect Ratio..

A while back I bought this 2 disc set and I've just got round to watching it. I was horrified to discover the film is presented in letterbox but with a 4:3 aspect ratio!

I think the OAR is 2.35:1 so on my LCD hooked up with component cables at 576p it is practically a 'slit' of a picture with terribly squashed people!

I was thinking of ripping and cropping this picture and reburning it in anamorphic widescreen so I can watch it properly.

I'm really trying to get some advice from you guys on the technical side of this. Worth attempting?

I'm wondering if the picture quality will be worth the effort first and for most. Would cropping 'magnify' the picture too much as to make it look blocky or something?

I have very little experience so any advice would be appreciated.

The legendary &quot;Starkiller Ranch&quot; Thread
Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper
Originally posted by: tjdavis1138
The first Rough Cut is done!!

Well, let's see it!

About a prologue, I thought the concept for Episode I was that it would be the "first" Star Wars, that it would stand alone by itself, like a new Episode IV. Doesn't a prologue go against that?

I see what you're saying but even in a standalone movie concept a prologue could work since the foundations of this movie (the SW universe) are based on thousands of years of 'history'. I think it would be cool to have a visual reprensentation in the 'first' movie of this history. Mr. Lee as narrator would just be amazing!

The mind boggles on what sources could be used for this although a few great examples have been suggested. What I am sure about is the all the skill and technical wizardry is already in place in the team involved with this project and I think it would be a huge shame if this 'prologue' concept was abandoned altogether.

I guess what I am saying is that my 'vote' would be in the 'try it and see' category...

BTW, FANTASTIC news that you have a rough cut completed! InfoDroid, you and your team are an inspiration for those of us who struggle to be one quarter as creative and disciplined..

I can't wait to see it!


<em><strong>The &quot;Darth Editous / ADigitalMan Hybrid Edition&quot; Info and Feedback Thread</strong></em> (Released)
Originally posted by: agr1170
Originally posted by: Miasta
Clone Wars 2.5

Details? I seem to have missed this one, but remember hearing hat ADM was working on it. Did I miss it at the normal sites, or must I be more patient?


It is the animated collection edited all together. ADigitalMan did an awesome job.

Most definately.

Actually he has done an awesome job on ALL his edits!
