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The Power of Two (The Acolyte as a prequel to the prequels) [RELEASED; Runtime 2h 39mns; 4K]

I really enjoyed this edit, thank you Smudger. The chronological structuring helped a lot in my opinion, and certainly coming at it from the angle of “this is all there is, how does it best fit as a prequel” worked wonders. Of the edits I’ve watched so far, this has been the one that’s landed best for me, and should definitely be watched by anyone trying to find their standard Acolyte version for their collection. I’ve still got some more to try, but I can absolutely see this version working for a lot of people given the misgivings of the Acolyte I’ve seen generally.

There’s some minor trims I’ve considered, more from the perspective of wondering if they’d work. There’s two during Episode 5 that have always stuck out to me as concepts; first, a slight trim to the split-blade reveal to remove the initial split, so the action flows from Jecki’s attack > Qimir’s block stance > three impalements > Qimir’s face & split-saber reveal > reconstructing hilt. That might add more surprise to Jecki’s death, but still explain the split-saber concept as we see it being reconstructed.

The second is to trim out Qimir panicking trying to remove Pip from his back. I think he’d be more likely to realise the Umbra Moth attack is coming and simply prepare for for it, and deal with it, rather than panicking. He handles it fairly confidently otherwise.

Kai Patterson's Ahsoka Cut

I rather enjoyed this edit. I was glad to have more of the Baylan/Shin stuff kept in as that’s often trimmed too much for my tastes as they were my favourite aspects of the original material. The VFX work is incredible, particularly the World Between Worlds section.

The restructuring of the opening act works very well from a story perspective, but feels a little clunky in practice, particularly surrounding Morgan’s rescue and the arrival of Baylan, Shin & Morgan at the Henge. Also, Huyang’s AI lines could use another pass in my opinion; content wise they work, but they are a little too far removed from David Tennant’s admittedly extraordinary delivery and stick out a bit too much.

Overall I think this will become my go-to version, despite the minor quibbles. I do hope for v2 one day that tidies up the little loose ends.

Star Wars Resistance - 2 seasons into 2 movies (RELEASED)

I’ve always wanted to do something with Resistance in the same vein as Clone Wars Refocused or Rebels Recut. Alas, life has got in the way of even remotely starting said project, but I am glad to see Resistance get some attention. It was a series that got better and found its feet after rocky beginnings. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve done with it.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed at the news of the cancellation, although hardly surprised. While it’s clear the show had issues, many issues, the core premise was interesting enough to pursue. I was looking forward to seeing more of the Qimir/Plagueis arc, and with the right approach to continual improvement, could’ve been readily salvaged.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

I’m of the opinion that quality trumps quantity. The Mandalorian was a landmark moment, it had the whole world invested in Star Wars again. When it came out the attention to detail, quality and presentation was clear. As they’ve tried to latch onto that success and spin-up more and more concurrent projects they’ve all suffered in some way on the quality front, with Andor’s first season being the standout exception.

I’d like to see a return of a focused approach; tell a story, move on to the next one. The limited series idea has merit vs. films, but it has to be a script written for the format. If the story requires a film format, have the guts to stick to it, even if it’s a Disney+ only release. I’d much rather one quality project a year than three or four mediocre or compromised ones.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

This finale has cemented the feelings I’ve had throughout this season; the story is there, and is a great concept, but poorly executed by dragging it out into eight episodes. There’s enough hooks in the finale that I do want to see a second season continue it on, but I’m very much looking forward to a fanedit version of season one that sorts out the pacing and flow.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V2 of AOTC Released)

I’ve just rewatched TPM & AotC for the first time in a while. Overall I still feel like these are the best versions of these films I’ve yet seen, so a massive thank you for your hard work. The updates to AotC are very welcome and well done.

Upon the rewatch there was just one cut that felt a little off, and I fully acknowledge that I’m being really, really, nitpicky here; during the opening of TPM, when Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are being gassed, the droids no longer speak. Their heads bob, and the droids generally chatter a bit throughout the rest of the film albeit reduced, but they don’t make a noise in this scene. It’s the only scene out of the two movies I’ve rewatched where I felt something was missing or had been cut, which is a testament to just how great the rest of your content is.

ANDOR: The Rogue One Arc (Rogue One Rescore) [AVAILABLE]

These were amazing, thank you so much. I didn’t really know what to expect going into this. I’m used to TV to Movie edits, so going the other is a new experience for me. I have to say that I really enjoyed the rescoring, and it worked beautifully; at no point did I feel I was watching a fan edit at all. I’ll be keeping these in my collection, and I’ve made some Plex episode cards to go with them, if anyone is interested:


<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

After the high-tempo combat last week, this week’s episode is definitely the breathing room that was needed. The early episodes felt very jumpy, whereas this one seemed to to linger a little longer where needed. Sol “discovering”/playing along with Mae perhaps dragged out a little much, but I really enjoyed all of the interactions between Qimir and Osha. The Vernestra lightwhip moment felt entirely unneeded, regardless of how one feels about their re-introduction to canon. All in all a stronger episode than some that came before, with some excellent material to be kept if trimming the series into a film.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

EddieDean said:

I’ll likely acknowledge at least the Barriss Offee content in my ‘Follow-on content’ section, but I don’t think either will need to be incorporated into this show.

I completely agree with Keeping the Morgan Elsbeth parts separate as there’s no other link to the character in TCW era.

Given how important Bariss is to Ahsoka’s development, I’d argue that rolling “Devoted” into the Resolve epilogue could be worth consideration, whilst then referencing the Bariss TotE episodes as follow-on watching. There’s few reasons for this, the most obvious being the the timeline crossovers, Resolve both starts before Devoted, and ends afterwards. There’s also some ‘almost’ parallels in Ahsoka’s return to fighting for the light whilst Bariss falls into the dark, at least until her redemption later on.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

The choreography and combat styles are brilliant, I was very happy with the action in episode 5 and will happily rewatch those scenes. It’s just a shame the Osha/Mae plot is still the weakest part of the show. I think there’s enough to pull together a fairly decent feature length film, but not much else. It needs a lot of tightening based on what we’ve seen so far.

Star Wars Rebels Recut - A Fanedit TV Series

Thanks for all the hard work g00b, these are turning out great.

When it comes to AI implementation, I’ve always felt the less, the better. It can be a powerful tool to adjust the context of a scene or two for pacing/story, but to replace entire character’s worth of dialogue? I’m just not sure it needs it. The Rebels/Clone Wars cast have already done a great job, particularly those that aren’t movie casts, and it could be perceived as a little disrespectful to the source material and the voice actors to swap a whole character for AI.

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Cloud storage has become increasingly frustrating to do cheaply. I’m looking at pCloud lifetime plans as a value option for my personal stuff, but it’s a significant up-front cost, although I’d easily make it back in a few years compared to a similar capacity as a monthly subscription. It does comes with transfer limits (albeit upgradeable, for a price), and while MEGA is undoubtedly cheapest for large volumes of Cloud storage as a service, it comes with the same caveats.

Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

I definitely agree that the swift passing of time plays out much better now, with Syril at home with his mother, ISB adapting following the heist etc. It’s a much more believable passage of time and you can see things happening day by day. I think you’ve done an excellent job with it overall, and can completely understand why the scenes sit in the order they do. I think this may be one of the reasons I noticed the Luthen/Mon/Tay disconnect so prominently, so that in itself is a testament to how well it works.

Andor: The Movie Omnibus (Four Movies; Nothing Removed) [COMPLETE!] - Thanks to NFBisms!

EddieDean said:

  • I’ve completed the reordering for Movie 3. It’s far, far better paced now, and time passes consistently in all three plotlines, including around the time jumps, multiple scenes in a single day, and references to the timeline. I’m happy to call this scene ordering ‘final’, as it tells this story nicely - as nicely as the other three movies, at least. Everything gets its due the three plotlines are well balanced throughout.

I’m currently about half-way through the third movie. I binged the first two last night, and absolutely loved them. You’ve done a fantastic job, and the plot lines flow wonderfully. Andor really does work so well as movies.

The only wrinkle I’ve felt so far throughout the third movie is the timeline for Mon Mothma; when she’s talking to Luthen the night after the heist asking if it was him, they talk about a meeting with a “saviour to access your family funds” scheduled for that evening. This feels like she’s referencing the party scene where Tay Kolma is introduced. As it stands in Workprint 2, Cassian manages to go to Ferrix, spend the night, leave the next day, get to Niamos, establish a casual relationship (days/weeks?), get arrested and get sent to Narkina-5 before that meeting happens.

I know balancing the timeline against plot pacing is something you’ve been grappling with heavily, and it’s not an easy task. This is the only thing I’ve noticed so far that made me ask questions instead of being completely drawn in. Overall one could argue the meeting Mon was originally referencing fell through, which is why she called Tay and it’s taken some time to set up the meet? Or maybe a little trim during the morning scene to make it just mention the reschedule, without the “it’s tonight” line?

I’d just like to say again how much I’ve enjoyed watching these so far. The little character moments that typically get cut are so welcome to see in this less radical cut. I can’t wait to finish 3 and watch 4.

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit (On Pause)

fernferro said:

i’m really interested in seeing this, the bad batch season 2 entertained me more the mando S3!
i think the most intriguing part of the series if what the empire is doing everywhere,the transition of the Republic to Empire.

I agree with this. I often watch the whole Saga in chronological order, and going from RotS and the last few Clone Wars Refocused episodes straight into Solo is a bit jarring now. It needs Bad Batch to fill in those really juicy political transition pieces.