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Cobra Kai

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Matt.F said:

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I should restrict myself to checking in on Adywan’s progress in the Fan Edit section of this site.

I thought this was a place for fans who love Star Wars but it really seems it is the opposite. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed The Last Jedi I find myself in a minority position, and the more I read comments here that are dumping on the film the more it appears that the pile on is increasing. I fear the prevailing view, or at least those crack posting, is a negative one and that’s rather toxic and somewhat depressing.

Uh… Not everyone is going to automatically love a movie simply because it has a Star Wars logo on the poster. The discussions here from those that did not like it have detailed specific and legitimate criticisms of the movie.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

SilverWook said:

dwsiddall said:

SilverWook said:

dwsiddall said:

SilverWook said:

Cobra Kai said:

chyron8472 said:


Someone expressed their opinion and you seem to feel the need to prove them wrong. Why?

Cartoony humor is different from subtle, smart humor. Star Wars had subtle humor, not in-your-face slapstick.

You certainly may disagree, but that doesn’t undermine or lessen those of us who share this opinion.

I’m simply reminding that certain things TLJ is being pilloried for are not new in Star Wars.

And there was plenty of unsubtle humor in ROTJ. Nothing in TLJ rises to the level of Chewbacca swinging from a vine yelling like Tarzan. A joke Lucas even repeated in Revenge Of The Sith.

I was personally only referring to the humor in A New Hope, which was subtle and done sparingly. ROTJ was corny and marked “the beginning of the end” for Star Wars being taken seriously.

The Tarzan yells fall under the category I described in my larger post about my disappointment with The Last Jedi. Because it references something from planet earth, which they couldn’t possibly know anything about since all of this takes place “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”.

This reminds me of a time in the late 80s or early 90s that I decided to try reading a Star Wars spin-off novel. I think it was a Timothy Zahn, but not sure. It said that Luke was drinking “hot chocolate”. I put the book down and never picked it up again. No. This is a different universe. They don’t have chocolate. Even if they had something that was exactly like chocolate, they wouldn’t call it chocolate. Any earth references completely ruin the story.

Obi Wan mentions ducks in the original SW novel. 😉

Yep, and Han and some other Rebel dude are going to “hell.”

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

SilverWook said:

Cobra Kai said:

Valheru_84 said:

pittrek said:

Back on topic : Mark Hamill’s reaction after the premiere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwaCwFFs7qA

So did anyone else actually watch this? Skip to 1:24 for the actual video.

I get the feeling that Mark didn’t know he was being killed off until he watched it actually happen and on top of what he already thought about Luke’s character in this movie (he really didn’t like it), he looks absolutely floored as to what Rian Johnson has done to his character. He also looks ready to kill RJ at the end as RJ smirks to the press…

I feel so bad for Hamill.


Yes, you can also watch the full press conference as well as another video from someone in the crowd that shows more of Mark’s face. He looks like that pretty much the whole press conference. He seems better when he speaks, but then goes back to that shocked look. Definitely appears like something is wrong with him, but we can only speculate as to the reason. Could be nothing or just nothing to do with the movie. We’ll never know.

Let’s not speculate on Mark’s health around here until there’s actually something concrete to go on? Thanks!

I didn’t speculate about his health or any other reason.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

Valheru_84 said:

pittrek said:

Back on topic : Mark Hamill’s reaction after the premiere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwaCwFFs7qA

So did anyone else actually watch this? Skip to 1:24 for the actual video.

I get the feeling that Mark didn’t know he was being killed off until he watched it actually happen and on top of what he already thought about Luke’s character in this movie (he really didn’t like it), he looks absolutely floored as to what Rian Johnson has done to his character. He also looks ready to kill RJ at the end as RJ smirks to the press…

I feel so bad for Hamill.


Yes, you can also watch the full press conference as well as another video from someone in the crowd that shows more of Mark’s face. He looks like that pretty much the whole press conference. He seems better when he speaks, but then goes back to that shocked look. Definitely appears like something is wrong with him, but we can only speculate as to the reason. Could be nothing or just nothing to do with the movie. We’ll never know.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DrDre said:

Cobra Kai said:

DrDre said:

Cobra Kai said:

DrDre said:

Mark Hamill:

“Luke would never say that, I’m talking about the George Lucas Star Wars. This is the next generation of Star Wars. I almost had to think of Luke as another character. Maybe he’s Jake Skywalker, he’s not my Luke Skywalker”.


Well it’s not my Luke Skywalker either.

Doesn’t sound like Mark is at all happy with how RJ portrayed his character. I agree with him wholeheartedly. I don’t think this has ever happened before. A Star Wars actor blasting the way his character was handled at the time of the movie’s release.

I agree, but I can’t really blame that all on Rian Johnson. He inherited the problem of how to portray Luke from TFA. Han Solo says it all - That Luke “walked away”. So, I don’t know what they could’ve done different with Luke and still have it match with TFA?
I mean if Luke Skywalker “walks away,” never to return, then he has to be in a pretty dark place in the Last Jedi, right?

I think it would’ve been better to just go ahead and make him the mentor in TFA.

TFA also said Luke went to look for the first Jedi Temple. Many speculated he went there to look for some answers, some sort of solution. So, this was not his only option.

Yes, I guess that’s possible. But still it’s hard to reconcile the fact that Luke leaves and does not deal with the Kylo situation, unless he’s just looking for answers and accidentally gets stranded or something like that.

I suppose so. On the other hand, the story was completely open. Luke could have looked for Kylo, and have tried to bring him back, and failed. He couldn’t kill his nephew, and so he felt to find the first Jedi Temple to look for answers. Obi-Wan and Yoda waited two decades for a solution to present itself.

The TFA script says:

“Older now, white hair, bearded. He looks at Rey. A kindness
in his eyes, but there’s something tortured, too. He doesn’t
need to ask her who she is, or what she is doing here. His
look says it all.”

So, my interpretation would be, he was expecting Rey, which seems more in line with one of those old legends of the master waiting for the right student to appear.

But about Obi-Wan and Yoda - that was a problem brought about by the prequels, which I pretend do not exist. In fact I would not have chosen to include Yoda in the prequels for that reason, and just the fact that it demystifies a great character. But that’s a whole other conversation…

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DrDre said:

Cobra Kai said:

DrDre said:

Mark Hamill:

“Luke would never say that, I’m talking about the George Lucas Star Wars. This is the next generation of Star Wars. I almost had to think of Luke as another character. Maybe he’s Jake Skywalker, he’s not my Luke Skywalker”.


Well it’s not my Luke Skywalker either.

Doesn’t sound like Mark is at all happy with how RJ portrayed his character. I agree with him wholeheartedly. I don’t think this has ever happened before. A Star Wars actor blasting the way his character was handled at the time of the movie’s release.

I agree, but I can’t really blame that all on Rian Johnson. He inherited the problem of how to portray Luke from TFA. Han Solo says it all - That Luke “walked away”. So, I don’t know what they could’ve done different with Luke and still have it match with TFA?
I mean if Luke Skywalker “walks away,” never to return, then he has to be in a pretty dark place in the Last Jedi, right?

I think it would’ve been better to just go ahead and make him the mentor in TFA.

TFA also said Luke went to look for the first Jedi Temple. Many speculated he went there to look for some answers, some sort of solution. So, this was not his only option.

Yes, I guess that’s possible. But still it’s hard to reconcile the fact that Luke leaves and does not deal with the Kylo situation, unless he’s just looking for answers and accidentally gets stranded or something like that.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

DrDre said:

Mark Hamill:

“Luke would never say that, I’m talking about the George Lucas Star Wars. This is the next generation of Star Wars. I almost had to think of Luke as another character. Maybe he’s Jake Skywalker, he’s not my Luke Skywalker”.


Well it’s not my Luke Skywalker either.

Doesn’t sound like Mark is at all happy with how RJ portrayed his character. I agree with him wholeheartedly. I don’t think this has ever happened before. A Star Wars actor blasting the way his character was handled at the time of the movie’s release.

I agree, but I can’t really blame that all on Rian Johnson. He inherited the problem of how to portray Luke from TFA. Han Solo says it all - That Luke “walked away”. So, I don’t know what they could’ve done different with Luke and still have it match with TFA?
I mean if Luke Skywalker “walks away,” never to return, then he has to be in a pretty dark place in the Last Jedi, right?

I think it would’ve been better to just go ahead and make him the mentor in TFA.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

SilverWook said:

Cobra Kai said:

SilverWook said:

Cobra Kai said:

chyron8472 said:


I could almost guarantee that if TLJ’s story beats exactly matched expectations of what people were speculating, many people would have accused the film of being predictable and boring.

I would have settled for a competently told story, and one that spent less time on pointless sub-plots, useless characters, & cartoony gags, and more focus on the critical themes surrounding our hero’s struggles and growth as she takes the next step of her journey.

Because there never were any cartoony gags in the OOT.

Nope, not even close to the extent of the gags that were placed throughout TLJ. The only thing in the OOT that feels like a “gag” is the Tarzan yell in ROTJ, which fortunately is brief and not in-your-face, like the TLJ stuff.

Anyway, the gags are just one aspect of what’s wrong with the movie.

Forgetting Wicket hitting himself in the head with his own sling?

Cartoon physics when Paploo steals the speeder bike?

The slapstick only got worse in the SE’s. The droid in Mos Eisely hitting the other droid for example. Or the Jawas falling off the Ronto.

I dont remember saying that the ROTJ gags (and they were much less prominent than TLJ) were a good idea in the first place. In fact, I don’t think i’ve ever heard anyone say that, so it’s irrelevant to the current discussion.

Not only did RJ insert stupid gags into the movie, but he actually spent time on each one, and made them stand out apart from whatever was going on in the scene. For example, the Chewie roasting the porg scene and the BB-8 slot-machine joke.

And again, this is not the worst thing about the movie. They just add insult to injury after the pointless subplots / characters and lack of any real growth within the main character, just to name a couple…

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

SilverWook said:

Cobra Kai said:

chyron8472 said:


I could almost guarantee that if TLJ’s story beats exactly matched expectations of what people were speculating, many people would have accused the film of being predictable and boring.

I would have settled for a competently told story, and one that spent less time on pointless sub-plots, useless characters, & cartoony gags, and more focus on the critical themes surrounding our hero’s struggles and growth as she takes the next step of her journey.

Because there never were any cartoony gags in the OOT.

Nope, not even close to the extent of the gags that were placed throughout TLJ. The only thing in the OOT that feels like a “gag” is the Tarzan yell in ROTJ, which fortunately is brief and not in-your-face, like the TLJ stuff.

Anyway, the gags are just one aspect of what’s wrong with the movie.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

chyron8472 said:


I could almost guarantee that if TLJ’s story beats exactly matched expectations of what people were speculating, many people would have accused the film of being predictable and boring.

I would have settled for a competently told story, and one that spent less time on pointless sub-plots, useless characters, & cartoony gags, and more focus on the critical themes surrounding our hero’s struggles and growth as she takes the next step of her journey.

The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **

I was really disappointed with Rey.

In TFA, she was likable, but really too powerful to be a compelling character. I was hoping RJ would somehow rectify this, but after watching I felt that she was again massively underserved as a character.

Just like TFA, she doesn’t really struggle or grow in this movie.
What does she learn? What inner challenges does she face during the course of the movie? What must she overcome at the end of the movie, setting up her character for the 3rd act in the trilogy? Nothing…

They briefly touch on a few aspects of her character but there is no focus to any of it, and thus we don’t know anything else about her that we didn’t know halfway through TFA, other than she is still a badass with a lightsaber.
Since Luke doesn’t serve as a mentor, she doesn’t actually go through any sort of training. She briefly tells Luke that she is afraid of what’s inside her, but that doesn’t come up again. They touch on her fears surrounding her identity, parents, and abandonment on Jakku, but that’s also not a main theme of the movie and doesn’t lead anywhere.

She spends most of her time on the island trying to get through to Luke and Kylo, but very little time learning the ways of the force and facing her inner-demons. Maybe if RJ hadn’t included a bunch of silly nonsense like the meaningless, Finn-Rose subplot, he could have spent more time actually developing the main character and focusing on the main theme of the movie.

To Rian’s defense, though, he inherited the whole “depressed-hermit-Luke” scenario from TFA, so it is kind of hard to have Luke be the wise teacher, if he is in such a dark place that it caused him to run away from everything. That’s one of the main reasons I disagree with sending Luke to that island in the first place. I think it would have worked much better to just go ahead and make Luke the mentor in TFA.

4K restoration on Star Wars

Lust-In-Phaze said:

Mike O said:

Valheru_84 said:

Seeing that news about the Disney-Fox deal is supposed to be revealed today when TLJ also releases, I’m thinking (and fervently hoping) this bodes well for 4K OUT prospects. It’s to much of a coincidence for it to not mean something significant for SW.


Not according to Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter 😦.

He makes it seem like it really is George holding it back, which I never thought was the case. I wonder if it’s an actual legal stipulation or if it’s just LFL trying to honor his wishes.

Pablo’s latest reply about GL: “I think people respect his wishes.”

Disney to buy 20th (21st) Century Fox? (Disney has now bought them - 14 Dec '17)

Mocata said:

Cobra Kai said:

Mocata said:

Mike O said:
He writes, “There’s one pretty noteworthy person who doesn’t want them released. Shouldn’t be too hard to research who that is.” (https://twitter.com/pablohidalgo/status/941382975853281281).

I’m not sure what the subsequent discussion here is implying but this seems pretty unambiguous to me (his shitty sarcasm aside) … and it’s the same thing everyone was told by Kennedy months ago. What else is there to debate now?

Kennedy never commented on the possibility of an OOT release.

Only if you grasp hard enough to all those straws.

Not grasping. If you watch the unedited clip of that interview, you’ll see she had no idea what the guy was talking about and then answers a question about making more changes.

Disney to buy 20th (21st) Century Fox? (Disney has now bought them - 14 Dec '17)

Mocata said:

Mike O said:
He writes, “There’s one pretty noteworthy person who doesn’t want them released. Shouldn’t be too hard to research who that is.” (https://twitter.com/pablohidalgo/status/941382975853281281).

I’m not sure what the subsequent discussion here is implying but this seems pretty unambiguous to me (his shitty sarcasm aside) … and it’s the same thing everyone was told by Kennedy months ago. What else is there to debate now?

Kennedy never commented on the possibility of an OOT release.

Disney to buy 20th (21st) Century Fox? (Disney has now bought them - 14 Dec '17)

Mike O said:

joefavs said:

Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter, just now:

[Pablo said:]
Good morning! What’s kept the original theatrical editions off of home video is the same thing that’s always been doing that. It’s not a studio thing.

And for what it’s worth(asterisk), I’d love to have 'em.

(asterisk)it is worth nothing

Who is this person ?

Works for Lucasfilm

Disney to buy 20th (21st) Century Fox? (Disney has now bought them - 14 Dec '17)

joefavs said:

Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter, just now:

[Pablo said:]
Good morning! What’s kept the original theatrical editions off of home video is the same thing that’s always been doing that. It’s not a studio thing.

And for what it’s worth(asterisk), I’d love to have 'em.

(asterisk)it is worth nothing

I can only assume he’s talking about George here, but I still don’t buy the excuse that GL still has influence on the matter. Pablo later says in that thread that he “doesn’t see it happening.”

4K restoration on Star Wars

m_s0 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

George supposedly crunched the numbers on what it would cost to restore both versions when he was preparing for the DVDs, but Fox pushed him hard enough that he decided to rush out a cheap transfer of only the SEs (hence the Lowry project). That’s coming from the Steve Hoffman Forums guy that worked on it. That may just be his way of explaining why the work was so subpar, but sounds legitimate since George was so adamant about waiting until 2006 to release Star Wars on DVD at all.


I remember reading something about that as well, probably somewhere on the following thread. The poster’s name is “Vidiot”.

StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread

Jedi Master Skywalker said:

Cobra Kai

Can you contact Mike to see if he has any news on Legacy I’m dying to one day see Legacy on signs in a theatrical rerelease in cinemas.

I don’t know Mike personally, and for whatever reason he no longer discusses the project or answers questions about it online. Before last December, Mike was fairly responsive and usually replied to direct questions, but I’ve seen numerous people ask for updates since then on the legacy site, twitter, vimeo, etc, and he simply ignores them.

To paraphrase Spock from The Wrath of Khan:
“There are two possibilities. Mike is unable to respond. Mike is unwilling to respond”.

The Prequel Trilogy showdown

ZigZig said:

Cobra Kai said:

TV’s Frink said:

Cobra Kai said:

It really doesn’t matter. You aren’t missing anything either way, so I would probably just grab the blu rays and experience them the same way that everyone else did. The PT fan edits are the equivalent of spraying air freshener on a huge pile of horseshit.

I’d rather nice smelling crap that terrible smelling crap, if I have to choose.

If nothing else, fanedits are shorter.

And what do you mean by “experience them the same way that everyone else did?” That’s not the Blu-rays.

Yeah sorry, should have specified. The blu rays versions are a little different, sure, but nothing that would change the viewing experience, other than the fact that you dont get to see the horrible yoda puppet. As far as I know all other changes are very minor, so you are essentially watching the exact same movies, but in a better picture quality compared to the theatrical dvd’s. But again, either way, it doesn’t matter… Blu ray, dvd, vhs… Pick your poison.

In TPM, the podrace is very different.

Fair enough. I wasn’t aware of any other major changes besides yoda. But I also probably wouldn’t notice anyway, as I have tried to completely excise them from my memory.

The Prequel Trilogy showdown

TV’s Frink said:

Cobra Kai said:

It really doesn’t matter. You aren’t missing anything either way, so I would probably just grab the blu rays and experience them the same way that everyone else did. The PT fan edits are the equivalent of spraying air freshener on a huge pile of horseshit.

I’d rather nice smelling crap that terrible smelling crap, if I have to choose.

If nothing else, fanedits are shorter.

And what do you mean by “experience them the same way that everyone else did?” That’s not the Blu-rays.

Yeah sorry, should have specified. The blu rays versions are a little different, sure, but nothing that would change the viewing experience, other than the fact that you dont get to see the horrible yoda puppet. As far as I know all other changes are very minor, so you are essentially watching the exact same movies, but in a better picture quality compared to the theatrical dvd’s. But again, either way, it doesn’t matter… Blu ray, dvd, vhs… Pick your poison.