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Cameron Samurai

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Batman: The Killing Joke-The DCAU Cut (Released)

feronstost said:

I’d love to watch this since you’ve finished! Where on the timeline would you put it, by the way? Before Justice League? After? I cannot remember if Barbara is in Justice League or Unlimited.

Looking forward to watching it!

I’ll send you the link soon once I reupload it, I’m working on converting it to a smaller size to save space on my MEGA cloud drive. It should not take too long.

I’m not sure where to place it just yet. If you like to imagine it takes place after JL, go right ahead

FanEdit Reviews - Post Your Reviews Here

Here’s my review of the “Rise and Fall of The Dark Phoenix” edit, from reddit’s jimbojka:

Influenced by my fanedit, “X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Dark Stand”, he has created in all probability the best fan cut so far of this concept, this certainly aims higher than mine did, it’s of a higher quality, with the score being mixed in very professionally. I also really liked the callbacks to the beginning with Wolverine going infra-red when dealing with Magneto’s henchman in the forest, that was an awesome effect and gave the whole thing a badass feel.

I liked how he was still able to use more of DP for LS footage, such as Mcavoy Xavier entering young Jean’s mind while Stewart and Jensen are duelling in the house. It’s a nice way of joining the two worlds in the film, showing us how it’s all very much the same coat the film is wearing.

There were some things that I didn’t even notice were gone from the story, which just shows how ‘necessary’ they really were (no rogue or weird Bobby/Kitty romance)

Lastly, thee ending was perfect, right down to using the Jean footage from The Wolverine, another callback to the start. Continuity and attention-to-detail goes far in telling a great story andhe told it. Tragic, impactful, and beautiful.

Now, and I hate this bit, a couple of critiques:

When Jean and Scott reunite at the lake, I did hear a bit of a hard cut/glitch in the score, might want to give that another polish.

I also think the split screen for the fight sequences, while very innovative, went on far too long. Try to make that more of an ‘event’ effect and use it when absolutely necessary.

Those niggles aside, I am honoured that my frankenstien edit inspired a much superior, sharper, and bolder vision.

007: No Time To Die (Skyfall/Spectre/NTTD Fanmix Edition) (WIP)

OK, I’ve worked out a timeline for No Time To Die using footage from Skyfall and Spectre, framing it as the third in Craig’s trilogy. In the ensuing five years between QOS and this he’s already met and defeated Blofeld, and fallen in love with Swann, but the circumstances behind their parting are not shown, leaving it more to the imagination until Bond informs the audience later when he meets up with Swann at her home

(spoilers ahead)

-Begin with gunbarrel/“Five Years Later” (NTTD)
-Bond loses the data drive, shot by Moneypenny (Skyfall)
-Titles (a fanmix of existing Skyfall, Spectre, and No Time to Die titles, with ‘No Time To Die’ as the song)
-M and Mallory’s conversation/M hacked/destruction of MI6 building
-Bond in exile/retirement. Meets Felix and the CIA mole, learns of MI6 attack (Skyfall), tells Felix ‘he’s in’ (NTTD)
-Bond in Cuba, finds Obruche, meets with Felix and his partner (NTTD)
-A hurt Bond returns and meets with M (Skyfall)
-Bond meets with Mallory and the new 007 (NTTD)
-Moneypenny drops by Bond’s aprtment, Bond plays a message from M instructing him to kill Marco Sciarra, with the implication being he is the one behind the bombing at M16, which will be important later (Spectre)
-Remainder of NTTD plays out as normal, final fight will be altered slightly, ending plays out as normal BUT…
-Final act is Bond killing Sciarra (Spectre), the ending is left ambiguous as to whether or not this is set in the past or present.
-End credits themes are “If There Was A Man” (The Living Daylights) and “All the Time In The World” (OHMSS)

James Bond: Spectre (With Alternative NTTD Ending) (WIP) (Spoilers)

It occurred to me while watching No Time To Die again that you can take most of the pre-titles sequence, or even only a fraction of it, and attach it to the ending of Spectre as an extended epilogue. Here’s how I achieved it:


After the fade to black on the bridge (after Bond defeats Blofeld), cut Bond visiting Q asking to borrow the Aston Martin, and fade in on Bond and Swann from No Time To Die driving up to the town and villa, learning about the note-burning and chatting about Vesper, Bond heads off to her grave and burns her name, releasing him from her ‘spectre’, play “All The Time In The World” and use the footage of the Aston Martin driving through the tunnel at the end of NTTD.

Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers: Hogday Afternoon Part Two Alternate Ending (Released)

Hogday Afternoon part two is the final ever episode of Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers (retitled Mighty Morphin’ Alien Rangers for the final ten episodes), the story ends on a downbeat cliffhanger with the Zeo Crystal snatched, the Command Centre destroyed, and the Rangers seemingly helpless to stop Zedd and Rita.

Then Power Rangers Zeo starts, and, well, a lot of that is swiftly dealt with. The Rangers find the Zeo Crystal (having been ‘dropped’ by their enemies even though they teleported out), Zedd and Rita are driven away by the Machine Empire, and the Command Centre exterior is magically rebuilt with only the interior changing to the ‘Power Chamber’

Zeo’s one of my favourite seasons, but a lot of that felt a little too clean. For years I’ve wanted to do an edit of this story, but never quite knew what to do about any of this. Then I got the legacy collection and watched the Zeo promotional serial…and suddenly it all neatly fell into place. I could side-step the whole cliffhanger ending entirely and set up the Machine Empire arriving in the final five or so minutes of the story. To achieve this, just cut everything to do with Goldar and Rito with the bomb, and then cut everything out after the Aquitian Rangers leave and replace it with the footage of the observatory as well as the final few segments that focus on Mondo and Machina from the Zeo serial, ending the episode on them plotting to take out Zedd and Rita.

Iron Man 2...What If? Edition (Released)

Surprised nobody’s beat to me this yet…a 1 hr 31 minute cut of Iron Man 2 with the entirety of episode three of “What If” attached to it. Nothing much changed other than opening credits removed and replaced with “What If” title credits, and of course the entire last half of the actual movie, rofl. The switch to “What If” occurs just after the air force base sequence with Rhodes.

Black Widow: The Civil Cut (Released)

Very minimal edit, there is plenty to cut but it’d be a short film if I did

-Film opens as normal, opening credit sequence cut as it’s a bit unusual for an MCU movie to have those at the begining.
-Marvel Studios Logo comes along after Natasha and her sister are drugged
-After logo, cut to the airport brawl from Civil War, cut to the remainder of Black Widow after Natasha argues with Tony
-End Credits now play immediately after Natasha stands her ground waiting for Ross and the others to arrive
-“Two Weeks Later” Scene is now the post-credits, replacing the Countessa’s cameo that sets up the Hawkeye Disney+ show

Justice League: Approaching Josstice (Just an Idea...for now)

A couple of ideas for Josstice League again, for those that don’t feel like adding in ZS footage

-Start the film with Bruce fighting the Parademon then searching for Arthur, no titles just yet
-Titles come after Bruce says “we don’t have to recognize it, we just have to save it” (the world)
-Diana thwarts terrorists
-Steppenwolf attacks Themyscira
-Barry is recruited by Bruce, but him getting the job is used as his intro, turns out Bruce gave him the recommendation in exchange for his service
-Film runs as normal up until Lois and Clark at the farm
-Lois and Clark exchange drastically minimised, no talk of rings or Lois not being ‘strong enough’
-Instead of using a ZS shot of Clark going to his ship and picking up his costume, Clark already has it and switches to Superman when he ‘sees’ Bruce’s carrier craft take off and heads for Russia with them (use final shot of the film to achieve this, it works so much better as a precursor to the last act)
-Film resumes as normal
-Clark and Flash race takes the place of the Clark shirt reveal
-Mid-Credits: Kids interview Superman
-Post-Credits: Bruce and Clark on the farm (“I bought the bank”)

Superman: TAS: Public Enemies [WIP]

Latest version updates

In the latest draft, I removed the Hawkman and Captain Marvel fight, but kept in Supes and Bats disguising themselves as them, Lex covers this by saying the two were amongst the people he wanted to bring the two into custody, and Power Girl is still referenced as having helped out with convincing them to help.

So now it’s just a fun fanservice/cameo thing

Superman: TAS: Public Enemies [WIP]

feronstost said:

Cameron Samurai said:

feronstost said:

This looks like a really fun idea! I also need to find that edit that inspired this idea lol

I’ve sent you that fella’s edit via PM

I appreciate it! Can’t wait to see what comes of your various DCAU projects!


I’m going to run by a current draft to friends today, will update when I can