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Need help seeding an MKV version of Drunken Master 2 (HKR version).

So, a few weeks ago I downloaded the 25GB version of DM2. Since I don’t have a hardware player (and I prefer digital unless I’m going to archive it), I decided to make an x265 encode with some light filtering and just the AC3 Cantonese and DTS-HD english tracks.

I figured some people might like to have it, so I uploaded it to MyAirBridge:


If someone downloads it, I’d like to ask them to seed it as I can´t do it myself (uploading speeds suck here).

Anyway, have fun!

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

stretch009 said:

Byakko said:

SnooPac said:

Byakko said:

So, I tried a few of the Google Drive links, but they are always down.

Then I tried the uloz links with the recommended tool. Both times, after completing the download, I’d try extracting the folder only to get a CRC error.

I used to have a MySpleen account but forgot my password and the security question reply, so that’s not an option either.

So, what are my options? Wait for it to be uploaded to 1337x?

The first post of this thread, there’s a link to the “Ultimate Introductory Guide” (which now points to “HanDuet’s Guide”). Follow those steps to find alternative mega links.

Mega didn’t work for me: the daily download limit is so small I can’t even get one 900MB file without being stopped at about the halfway point.

‘MEGAsync’ + VPN = FTW

I never used MEGAsync. How does it work, and why does it need a VPN?

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

SnooPac said:

Byakko said:

So, I tried a few of the Google Drive links, but they are always down.

Then I tried the uloz links with the recommended tool. Both times, after completing the download, I’d try extracting the folder only to get a CRC error.

I used to have a MySpleen account but forgot my password and the security question reply, so that’s not an option either.

So, what are my options? Wait for it to be uploaded to 1337x?

The first post of this thread, there’s a link to the “Ultimate Introductory Guide” (which now points to “HanDuet’s Guide”). Follow those steps to find alternative mega links.

Mega didn’t work for me: the daily download limit is so small I can’t even get one 900MB file without being stopped at about the halfway point.

Harmy's RETURN OF THE JEDI Despecialized Edition HD - V3.1

So, I tried a few of the Google Drive links, but they are always down.

Then I tried the uloz links with the recommended tool. Both times, after completing the download, I’d try extracting the folder only to get a CRC error.

I used to have a MySpleen account but forgot my password and the security question reply, so that’s not an option either.

So, what are my options? Wait for it to be uploaded to 1337x?

Can Matt Stevens' Hong Kong restorations still be found somewhere?

So, I was looking for a good version of “Drunken Master 2” and found out that every single official version is bad in a variety of ways.

Then I stumbled across a thread here, where it was claimed this restoration was the only one with the original Cantonese audio, a full ending and the proper AR.

It was said to be available at the AsianDVD forum, but that doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

Does anyone know of alternate sites to get it from?

Star Wars GOUT in HD using super resolution algorithm (* unfinished project *)

As far as I recall, Super-Resolution only works on footage with a certain kind of aliasing which is sort-of where the detail "gets hidden".  It also works best on footage without lots of  motion, as that can mess up the temporal portions of the algorithm.

In most cases, you end up having to rely on image interpolators, and I have never seen any that do a good enough job at magnifications higher than, about 250%. The best one I've seen for video is an Avisynth one called nnedi3, but it is slow.And you still need to follow it up with some kind of detail-faking script.

You can also go nuts and try some glacial-speed single image interpolators like the ones on this page:


Help with interlaced video in After Effects

In order to check for interlacing, it's better to use a scene with lots of motion. In any case, as far as I know DV is always interlaced. I am quite rusty in the matter as it's been a while since my last encode, but I can take a look if you want, Harmy. As a general rule of thumb, the best quality option is probably bobbing with QTGMC and then doing SelectEven() if you need to go back to the original framerate:


That can be quite slow, though. A good alternative would be straight-up deinterlacing using TDeint with NNEDI3, TMM and Vinverse:




Like so:

source loading and pre-deinterlacing filters
Interp = nnedi3()
rest of the filterchain

TDeint's type=1 interpolation works best on animated content, for real-life footage type=2 might be a better idea.

For even faster results, you might want to try Yadif: http://avisynth.nl/index.php/Yadif

To load the file in Avisynth, do as Chewtobacca said.

What's your preferred way to watch Episodes I, II, and III?

Question pretty much says it all. I remember that some efforts were started a while ago to cut and recombine all three movies into a watchable whole, but  never paid much attention to them. Now, however, I'm kind of in the mood to watch them sometime, so I was wondering if any of those efforts eventually bore fruit as enjoyable movies to watch. Which of those edits would you recommend me and why?

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

Harmy, at around 1:53:50 in ROTJ, as Han Solo is running away from the bunker, he becomes ghosted for a fraction of a second.

Also, MySpleen seems to only have actual disk versions, to be burned and played on standalones. Is there any chance you could release plain MP4 or MKV versions, without the compatibility restrictions posed by cimpliance to the AVCHD standard and playable as-is on any computer?

PDI deluxe and coaxial sources, is there a worthwhile way?
Although most of my capturing will likely be of VHS sources that will be captured through S-Video, every now and then I'll be wanting to capture some cable, which comes through coaxial. Now, the PDI doesn't have coaxial input. I could buy an adaptor that does component/whatever else the PDI supports, but I've been told that would sort of defeat the purpose of buying such an expensive (for a consumer level) card. Is that true? If so, do I have no choice but to buy a second card for coaxial sources or would using an adaptor still be a better choice? Finally, if using an adaptor is the correct alternative, which ones would you recommend me?