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Buzz Lightyear

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My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released)

DarthVendar said:

would love to use your edit to show a few people who haven’t seen the original trilogy of star wars yet

Patali said:

Hello! I watched your youtube clip from a few years back and the way you cut SC38 into the movie looks great! The best I’ve seen. I’ve been wanting a version of ANH with SC38 and all the special edition stuff.

I think the only thing that would take your version even further is to add the new CGI clips from Adywan’s ANH Revisited. His clips definitely fit that “Special Edition” vibe.

May I get a copy of your alternate cut without the jabba scene?

Maffin14 said:

Hey man, could you please send me the edit(The one without Jabba ideally) I really want to watch it. Thanks in advance

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My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released)

Trancelot said:

Thanks for making this. A friend asked me to help them with the subtitles, so I just finished making an SRT. Would you like to add it to your download section?

Cool, I appreciate that! I wonder if you’d be willing to make one for the Jabba version as well (the link you sent me only shows the no Jabba version)? If not no biggie though.

ribo07h said:

A link would be awesome! thanks!

johnston.adam said:

This looks amazing! Could you please send a link to the one without the Jabba scene please?

Adriel said:

Could I get a link too? Thanks a lot!

The_Compiler said:


Could you perhaps provide me with a link to your cut?

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My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released)

honestabe said:

This edit sounds interesting and I would be interested in a link when you have the opportunity.

I am also wondering about what are the changes done in this version by ForceGhostRecon’s? It looks like he is apparently banned and I have no idea what is going on with that.

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As for the original edit made by Forceghostrecon, he streamlined the FXItInPost lightsaber battle so that it flowed better. I made the following changes to his edit (though it’s been awhile so I might forget something):

  1. I restored the original ANH opening (the FGR edit added a new scene using footage from Rogue 1, which I didn’t want)
  2. I restored the original Death Star explosion (the FGR edit used a new CGI explosion that I wasn’t super fond of)
  3. I restored the scene where Luke meets up with Biggs before the attack on the Death Star (FGR didn’t include this scene in his edit, but I personally think it’s great so I put it back in)
  4. I changed Vader’s dialogue when he approaches Obi Wan back to his original dialogue (The original edit from FXItInPost replaced the dialogue with Vader’s line to Ahsoka in Rebels, which I thought was a bad change.)
  5. I edited some of the wonky looking bits in the saber battle, namely around the part where Obi Wan is talking to Vader and his lips don’t match his words.
  6. I converted the new SC38 to widescreen so the aspect ratio matches the rest of the movie (I did this by replacing most of the video and overlaying it with the existing audio)
  7. As an optional alternative version, I added in the scene with Jabba the Hutt (I think the movie works better without this scene, but it’s also canon and my thinking is that this edit is following canon but with a more modern saber duel. Also sometimes I just dig the novelty of seeing a CGI alien in ANH).

I’ve also been planning for awhile to make an alternate extended version that restores the hallway scene from the FXItInPost edit, but real life keeps getting in the way. Hopefully I get around to it eventually.

My personal edit of A New Hope (with SC38 Reimagined) (Released)

TidalChamaleon said:

I just discovered this page, and loved the idea of seeing the full movie with sc38 included. Could you please send me the link to your edit?

xmark12 said:

Yo, this is sick! I can’t believe I didn’t find this until now. Do you still have the link to the edit? And if so, could you please send it?

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