Just watched this today, and was rather impressed.
Jar Jar was a much better character. Your cuts turned him from a complete bumbling moron into someone who’s a little awkward, but reasonably competent.
I didn’t notice much difference in Anakin, but again the few cuts that were made helped. It was a little more believable since he’s no longer an “accidental expert star pilot.”
I really liked the added music to the pod race, especially when Anakin gets forced onto the service ramp.
The whole underwater section wasn’t missed at all. Removing it helped the flow without harming the story in any way.
I was glad to see only one instance of Boss Nass’s motorboating. I’d rather see zero, but maybe the last one was too hard to remove without a jarring cut, or left in on purpose? Either way, it wasn’t so bad since it only happens once.
The only things I didn’t like were minor frame rate nitpicks. The end credits were a little choppy, and throughout the film there was some very minor stuttering, but not enough to detract from the experience much. I watched the DVD v4; I haven’t checked out the HD version yet so I can’t say if it’s that way too.
Overall, there wasn’t a huge difference from the original, but the changes that were made helped a lot.